Village of Bourbonnais Finance Committee met June 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Meeting Opening
Meeting called to order at 4:16 PM by Trustee Rick Fischer electronically via Zoom per the Governor's directive.
Procedural: A. Roll Call
Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini. Also in attendance, Treasurer Ron Riebe, Attorney Patrick Dunn, Administrator Mike Van Mill, Assistant Administrator Laurie Cyr, Finance Director Tara Latz, Chief Jim Phelps, Deputy Chief Dave Anderson, Public Works Director Mike Chamness, Asst. Public Works Director Dave Herberger, Building Commissioner Paul Hafner, Village Engineer Dave Tyson, and Administrative Assistant Margie Beach.
2. Review and Approve Committee Minutes
Action, Minutes: A. Finance Committee Minutes from May 27, 2020
Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to approve the Finance Committee Minutes from May 27, 2020, as submitted.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini
3. Bill Lists
Accounts Payable: A. General Fund
> Trustee Greenlee questioned the charge from Vansco Supply for 8 cases of brown paper towels $583. He checked with another provider, Expert Chemical, that Public Works uses and found them to be $50 cheaper for the same product. Requesting that the Village question Vansco for a cheaper price.
General fund bill list was reviewed and the Finance Committee agreed to proceed with payment of the bills at the next Regular Board Meeting on Monday, June 15, 2020.
Accounts Payable: B. Special Fund
Special fund bill list was reviewed and the Finance Committee agreed to proceed with payment of the bills at the next Regular Board Meeting on June 15, 2020.
4. Other
Discussion: A. Approval of Electrical Aggregation Program
> Finance Director Latz gave an update on the final proposal from Mr. David Hoover at NIMEC for the Electrical Aggregation Program renewal. He found that in order to qualify for the Civic Contribution Program and be recognized as an EPA Green Power Partner Community, the Village would need to commit to a green energy level of 10% that serves our community from green energy sources, which is the minimum. We would then be getting $75,000 per year if we went with a 10% level, funds can be used towards Village programs for 3 years - $225,000.
> Mayor Schore stated it's similar to some franchise fees we receive currently from cable companies. It's an avenue of income that we have never had, and based our income tax numbers for the past month, we need to look at some diversified income coming from somewhere. If the resident's rate is staying the same, and the Village just incurs a windfall of $75,000, it's a win for everyone.
> Trustee Keast asked if they match Com Ed's rate on the bill or match it the following month, are they a month behind, does it fluctuate? Administrator Van Mill will ask for clarification from NIMEC if our residents see a lag in their Com Ed rate. Reminder residents can opt out of this program.
Finance Committee agrees to move forward with the 10% Green Energy Electrical Aggregation Commitment with NIMEC for 3 years.
Information: B. Discussion on Garbage Rate Increase
> Ms. Latz stated the garbage rate increase was discussed at a Finance meeting prior to the shutdown and at the time was decided to happen on May 1st, however we later decided to put any increase on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Village's contract with Republic had a new rate increase go into effect on April 1. We are now requesting to set a date for the garbage rate increase, and are recommending August 1, raising the fee $1.25 to $26.00/month.
> Trustee Keast asked how much it cost the Village by not doing the increase on May 1, 2020? Ms. Latz stated by the time we get to August we are looking at an approximately $19,200 cost to the Village.
> Trustee Keast asked if we should raise it higher than $26.00 to recoup what we lost from not increasing this fee in May?
> Mayor Schore stated before we implement this increase, we need to have a Utility Committee meeting to discuss a possible sewer rate increase as well, due to KRMA's higher fees, so that we implement just one increase for both fees simultaneously, from a billing standpoint.
Finance Committee agrees to defer this garbage rate increase until it is discussed at a Utility meeting, hopefully by the next Finance meeting.
Discussion: C. Donation Request from KCCSI (Meals on Wheels)
> Ms. Latz explained we have not received a request from Meals on Wheels in the past 3 years.
Finance Committee agrees to decline the donation request from Meals on Wheels at this time.
Discussion: D. Sponsorship Request for BBCHS Football
> BBCHS Football program is requesting another donation for $200 to display the Village sign at their stadium for the 2020 fall sports season.
Finance Committee agrees to donate $200 to BBCHS Football Boosters.
Discussion: E. Other
Checking/Savings Accounts by Banks
> Ms. Latz attached the Checking/Savings quarterly update as of the end of May (on Board Docs). Ms. Latz pointed out that we have closed out a couple of smaller accounts with no activity going on, decided to consolidate them into the general fund so that they were no longer sitting in separate bank accounts anymore.
> Trustee Fischer discussed this previously with Ms. Latz and agreed to sign off on this consolidation of accounts.
Curb Program Bids
> Engineer Tyson stated a bid opening was held on June 9, 2020, and we had 6 bidders come in. We had a budget of approximately $85,000 but were unsure of where the bids would come in, so we bid it as a base bid and also an alternate bid to see if it would come in under the $85,000. It did not. Gallagher Asphalt Corporation was the low base bidder at $65,742.50. They are also the contractor that has our overlay maintenance (MFT) program. Coordination wise it makes it easy for us because some curbs that are being replaced happen to be in the same areas as the overlay, so we don't have two contractors. In the alternate bids we feel there is some overlap in what we have already bid out in the maintenance program, and will be able to do most of the alternate under our maintenance program, and may need to just add $2,000 change order to the base bid. Recommends Gallagher Asphalt since it's lowest for the base bid and the same contractor for our overlay program.
> Mayor Schore is requesting doing additional work for asphalt since our main road program bids came in under our estimates. We have been getting phone calls from residents whose roads were taken off the list due to lack of funding. Now that asphalt prices are lower, is the Board willing to pick up the difference between what the bids ended up being versus the Engineer's estimate was for our budget? Are we willing to do bigger projects since the cost came in cheaper, get in a few more roads?
> Trustee King requested an amount, Engineer Tyson responded it was $39,000.
> Ms. Cyr stated the resident that is requesting improvement is on one of the streets that was eliminated from the program. It is location #3 on the list of road repairs rankings. Mr. Tyson responded there is only enough funds for the next two streets on the list - Meadows Road North and part of Peony Lane from Eagle to Patriot for $39,300 does include the curbs, and ADA requirements.
> Mayor Schore stated the Village usually does the worst roads first, and we need to stay with the formal list we use for rankings of road conditions.
> Mr. Tyson said he will check with Gallagher on holding their price for asphalt to fix these additional streets. Also, will need to get State approval to spend MFT on a project we have not submitted to them, feels they will approve, but have to get these two things approved before we can move forward.
Finance Committee agrees to move forward with repair on the two additional roads on the bid list for $39,000.
> Trustee Fischer asked Mr. Tyson if Mooney Drive project goes out for bid soon, he responded it will be ready for the July Board meeting with recommendations of awards.
> Trustee King asked Mr. Tyson about barricades on Route 45, are curbs already done? Ms. Cyr said that is part of IDOT's project. Mr. Chamness responded it should start the middle of next week, need to tear up curbs first before the overlay can occur.
> Trustee King questioned if the pavement can be applied thicker overlay for better wear and tear, Mr. Tyson said we wouldn't want them to thicken the pavement, don't want to have the road be higher.
> Trustee Littrell asked for the list of curbs that will be fixed, Ms. Cyr responded the map and list of curbs is attached on Board Docs.
5. Old Business - None
6. New Business - None
7. Public Comments
Discussion: A. Village Clerk or designee will read complying statements into record if any. - None
Discussion: B. The Village will unmute ZOOM participants so public comment can be made directly by the public. Participants are required to take turns and be recognized by the President/Chairman prior to making statements. - None
8. Executive Session - Not applicable
9. Adjournment and Time
Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment and Time
Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adjourn the Finance meeting at 4:55 PM.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried