
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Grant Park Community Unit School District 6 Board Met Jan. 20


Grant Park Community Unit School District 6 Board Met Jan. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Grant Park Community Unit School District No. 6 Board of Education, Kankakee County, State of Illinois, was held in the Middle School Library.

The meeting was called to order by Superintendent Palan at 6:30 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was recited.

Members present: Jerry Fick

Vicki Gawlinski

Christine Horn

Jerry Loitz

Tim Markland

Shari Ohm

Also present: Dr. John Palan, Superintendent

Ms. Tracy Planeta, ES Principal

Mr. Matt Maxwell, MS/HS Principal

Mrs. Crystal Johnson, SpEd Director (arrived at 6:38)

Mrs. Sue Anderson, Recording Secretary

Audience of 2

The Board officially recognized the resignation of Mr. Dave Dickson effective January 8, 2021. Due to his former role as Board of Education President, new officers needed to be appointed until the official Reorganization Meeting occurs in April.


Motion was made by J. Loitz, seconded by S. Ohm, to nominate Tim Markland president. Dr. Palan closed the nominations. Roll Call: J. Loitz – yes; S. Ohm – yes; J. Fick – yes; V. Gawlinski – yes; C. Horn – yes; and T. Markland – yes. T. Markland was elected president unanimously.

Motion was made by S. Ohm, seconded by J. Fick, to nominate Jerry Loitz vice-president. President Markland closed the nominations. Roll Call: S. Ohm – yes; J. Fick – yes; V. Gawlinski – yes; C. Horn – yes; J. Loitz – yes; and T. Markland - yes. J. Loitz was elected vice-president unanimously.

Motion was made by T. Markland, seconded by J. Loitz, to nominate Jerry Fick secretary. President Markland closed the nominations. Roll Call: T. Markland – yes; J. Loitz – yes; V. Gawlinski – yes; C. Horn – yes; S. Ohm – yes; and J. Fick - yes. J. Fick was elected secretary unanimously.


Motion was made by J. Fick, seconded by V. Gawlinski, to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1. Minutes of the regular board meeting of December, 2020.

2. Financial Reports for December, 2020.

3. Direction to pay the January vendor bills in the amount of $79,618.86. 

4. Approval of the December payroll in the amount of $281,021.59.

5. To approve Lee Ellen Palan as Mentor for second semester ($240, plus TRS).

Roll Call: J. Fick – yes; V. Gawlinski – yes; C. Horn - yes; J. Loitz – yes; S. Ohm – yes; and T. Markland – yes. Motion carried unanimously.


ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS: The administrators’ reports are attached. Ms. Planeta added the Pre-school screening date has been set for February 17th. She will begin widely publicizing the event. Mr. Maxwell relayed the Sophomores and Juniors received their PSAT scores and now targeted practice can begin using Khan Academy.

Superintendent: Dr. Palan’s report included:

1. It is anticipated that the current instructional schedule, possibly with some slight modifications, will continue through the end of the school year.

2. The restrictions/parameters of the latest Emergency Relief Funding have not been conveyed yet but looks like it may be a three year cycle this time around.

3. The required state assessments are still scheduled and it will be difficult to prepare the students due to the pandemic restrictions. The students and staff, however, are committed to doing their best despite these obstacles.

4. Graduation dates have been set for HS (May 21st) and MS Promotion (May 27th).

5. Enrollment report from December showed a decrease of two students from November.


President: No report

Building and Grounds: The next meeting will be held in February. Project recommendations will be presented by the March meeting.

Technology: The next meeting will be in early February.

Kankakee Area Special Education Co-op: Discussion of minimizing the number of Co-op Board meetings next year occurred. There will possibly be only one meeting to approve the budget.

Kankakee Area Career Center: The next meeting will be in March.

IASB-Three Rivers Division: A virtual legislative breakfast will be held on Saturday, February 13th.

Chamber of Commerce: A virtual meeting was held and discussion centered on area real estate trends and how to market Grant Park to a wider audience. The Chamber has also decided to waive fees for some of the struggling businesses in town.

Student Representatives: Not in attendance

Board Communications: None

COMMUNITY FORUM AND OTHER: There were no comments or questions from the audience.


Motion was made by J. Loitz, seconded by J. Fick, at 6:51 p.m. to adjourn. Voice vote, all yes. Motion carried unanimously.
