
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Board of Police Commissioners met Jan. 13

Webp hall

Village of Manteno Board of Police Commissioners met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Meeting opened at 10:30am

Attendance: Scott Bertrand, Brian Meyer, Chief Swinford

Public Questions/Comments: NONE

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve Meyer/ 2nd Bertrand

1. Old Business

a. New Hire and 2nd List Update- Both the 2nd List and Original Appt Oral Interviews will begin the week of 2/22/21.

b. Interviews will be via a Zoom Call (preferred) but the Commission will accommodate anyone who prefers in person.

c. Chief Swinford submitted recommended interview questions for consideration. The Commission reviewed and accepted those for consideration. (Motion Bertrand, 2nd Meyer)

d. Bertrand will email all candidates with the timeline update. The Police Department will schedule all interviews for the Commission. All will be in 20 min intervals, up to 10 interviews per day.

e. Policies & Procedures- Revised procedures provided by the IFPCA were reviewed and adopted to assure current procedures follow all current statutory requirements. (Motion Bertrand, 2nd Meyer) 

2. New Business

a. Promotional Testing Schedule- Start in 2022

3. Closed Session (if required)- NONE

4. Action from Closed Session- NONE

5. Adjournment- (Motion Bertrand, 2nd Meyer)
