
Kankakee Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Village of Manteno Public Safety Committee Met April 14

Village of Manteno Public Safety Committee Met April 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Timothy Boyce, Trustee


Todd Crockett, Trustee


Diane Dole, Trustee


Joel Gesky, Trustee


Sam Martin, Trustee


Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Administrator


Jim Hanley, Supt of Public Works


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Ryan Marion, Building Official


Sarah Marion, Event Coordinator


Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Trustee Dole called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.

A motion was made by Trustee Boyce, seconded by Trustee Dole, to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2021 as presented; motion carried by voice vote. All ayes, no nays.

No Public Participation

Items for Discussion:

▪ Significant Incidents –

o Chief Swinford provided a summary for the March significant incidents

▪ Burglary to poker machine at the Sportsman’s Club – small ring of indivials who also committed crimes in neighboring counties. Four individuals are in custody and our department is working with the agencies up north.

▪ 875 Marble lockout will happen around 5 pm today.

▪ FBI Task Force – Det. Reynolds is part of this team. Chief Swinford was contacted about a full-time position. Det. Reynolds is a part -time position. They are coming Friday to discuss this option.

▪ Park Ranger & Crossing Guard Status – There are five park rangers returning from 2019 so far. Mayor Nugent stated he has noticed that the Square has become a hangout for a certain age group of children. They are using the zipline in a rough way. Mr. Hanley stated that the swing by the fireplace has also been damaged along with the panels on the fireplace.

Chief Swinford explained the process for individuals that are found to have done damage to items at the Square. Typically, a $100 ordinance fine is issued to the parents, ban the juvenile from the park and then bill them for the damage up to $750 per village ordinance.

The department is down two Crossing Guards. There is no crossing guard at Park & Maple and the school is covering the morning on Cook Street.

▪ Verizon Reimbursement Status – the Department did receive a credit on the statement that will give approximately four months of free service.

▪ Monthly Stats – Chief Swinford provided stats for the months of March on incidents, reports, cases, etc.

▪ Camera Updates: I-57 & Sportsman’s Club.- I-57 LPR Cameras – Minuteman finished the installation and has also supplied training. The old cameras have been repurposed so that there are four additional cameras on the overpass. Chief Swinford has had discussions with Bradley and Kankakee about LPR cameras.

▪ Drone Purchase – Chief Swinford has investigated the purchase of a drone. One of the department’s officers has become a certified commercial drone pilot. Some possible scenarios for use of the drone would be a lost child, an Alzheimer’s patient, a crime scene or accident aerial view and overhead photography. The approximate cost is $7,000. The committee recommended that the department move forward with the purchase.

▪ Auto-Theft Detail/Grant Update – Chief Swinford was notified that the funding for the grant has been approved and on May 13th, the department will know if they will receive the grant.

▪ Misc:

o The department has noticed an increase in drug arrest. There have been four so far in the last few weeks.

o Mental Health Cases – The department has been spending a large amount of time training officers along with consulting with area agencies. Chief Swinford showed a body cam video showing a young juvenile cutting their arm while standing on Main Street speaking with police officers. Chief Swinford showed a second body cam video who ran through a glass window. Chief Swinford showed the videos to help the committee see what officers deal with. Chief Swinford has ordered another type of restraint on a trial basis called a bolo wrap. It is non-lethal and non-violent. Chief Swinford stated that the department tracks all mental health calls and any individuals that may need follow-up.

A motion by Trustee Gesky and seconded by Trustee Phillips to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 a.m. Voice vote – all ayes.
