
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Watseka Public Works Committee met Feb. 15


City of Watseka Public Works Committee met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Miller, Barragree, Cahoe, Marcier, Alderwomen Ulfers and Musk, and Mayor Allhands

ABSENT: Aldermen Garfield and Rushbrook

GUESTS: Public Works Supervisor Dustin Standish and Keith Mulholland with Robinson Engineering

Alderman Miller opened the meeting at 7:02 pm. There was no public comment. Keith Mulholland with Robinson Engineering spoke to the committee regarding the street program that Alderman Cahoe has been diligently working on. Each committee member had a handout regarding how to pay for the 17 streets: total project; $2,775,938; TIF 4 pay for $172,249, Rebuild Illinois funds pay $346,325, STU fund pay for 8th St in 2023 $95,675, MFT funds pay for $400,000 and the accrued gas tax $210,044, and the city would need to get a loan from a bank for $1,551,645. The monthly estimate for gas tax is $16,500, so a 5year loan at 1,998 % payment would be $17,196, 7 year loan at 2.358% payment would be $20,056, 10 year loan at 3.078% payment would be $15,039, 15 year loan at 3.257 payment would be $10,908. Keith stated after looking more closely at 8th St. this could be a mill & overlay instead of a complete rebuild. With STU funds they would pay 80% and the city would only pay 20% for the project. After more general discussion Alderman Cahoe makes a motion to recommend to the Council to move forward with the street project of repairing 17 streets using the various funds and borrow $1,551,645 at the 10 year rate at 3.078% with a monthly payment of $15,039 and use the gas tax to pay this loan. Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 7-0.

Public Works Supervisor Dustin Standish reported on the following:

Streets: repaired street sweeper, cleared storm inlets, did snow removal, received the 2nd bulk salt delivery with one more delivery to get yet, took down Christmas decorations.

Sewer: repaired at 592 E Mulberry and 906 W North St. these were both caused by the boring company.

It was stated the street lights in the downtown area are now fixed and working properly. There was discussion about the plowing of snow, and clearing the cross walks in the downtown area.

Alderwoman Musk stated she has been getting complaints about the trucks speeding and not stopping at stop signs. She also asked about any new projects in the next 30-60 days.

There was also discussion about the use of the city credit card. There is an issue with one charge and Alderman Cahoe stated the card is frozen until someone comes up with who made the missing charge. This lead to a short discussion regarding buying clothing on the employee time instead of city time.

Alderman Miller makes a motion to adjourn at 7:27 pm and Alderwoman Musk seconded. Roll call carried 7-0.
