
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kankakee County Planning, Zoning, and Agriculture Committee met Jan. 18

Kankakee County Planning, Zoning, and Agriculture Committee met Jan. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order / Roll Call 

2. Public Comment 

3. Approval of Minutes: December 21, 2022 

4. Building 

5. Zoning 

Building Report: December 2022 

Stormwater/MS4 Program Discussion 

Decommissioning Plan for Manteno Solar 1, LLC 

ZBA Case#22-19; request Special Use Permit Section 121.99.c.34 (Solar Farm) in the Al-Agricultural District on a parcel generally situated in Section 08 of Limestone Township. The petitioners are Panozzo Farms, LLC, property owner and Jeffery Road Solar 1, LLC (New Leaf Energy), applicant. 

ZBA Case#22-20; request for a Special Use Permit Section 121.99.c.34 (Solar Farm) in the Al-Agricultural District on a parcel generally situated in Section 24 of Bourbonnais Township. The petitioners are The ALP Revocable Living Trust, property owner and 2000 North Solar 1, LLC (New Leaf Energy), applicant. 

HB4412 Discussion 

Zoning Training/Discussion 

6. Planning 

7. Old Business 

8. New Business 

9. Adjournment 
