Village of Onarga Village Board met March 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Cultra called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
2. Roll Call
Shane Cultra, Village President; Fred Walraven, Trustee, absent; Angie Martinez, Trustee; Cole Rabe, Trustee; Holly Zirkle, Trustee; Russ Geisler, Trustee; Stephanie VonDrehle, Village Clerk; Kevin Newman, Village Supervisor; Doug Brenner, Police Chief; Becky Morgan, Park Coordinator; Molly Clendenen, Village Treasurer; Gilman Star.
3. Review and approval of the Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2023.
Zirkle motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes of February 13, 2023, as presented. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
4. Review and approval of treasurer’s report
Geisler motioned to approve the treasurers report as presented. Rabe seconded the motion. The motion carried. VonDrehle will work on getting the other accounts closed out.
5. Review and approval of bills to be paid
Zirkle motioned to approve the bills to be paid as presented in the amount of $50,306.06. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
6. Public comment
There was no one at the meeting from the public.
7. Review of correspondence to the board
The Show Bus was asking for a donation.
Iroquois County sent the communication contract to be approved by the board for 911 in the amount of $2544.11 which is an increase of $182.99 from 2022.
8. Review and Approval of Ordinances
There were no ordinances to be approved.
9. Standing Committee reports
9.1 Parks and Recreation (Holly Zirkle, Angie Martinez)
Morgan is working on the Bingo Fundraiser that will be held April 2, 2023 at the Middle School in Onraga. The Board stated any funds that are not raised up to $8000 will be paid by the Village.
9.2 Infrastructure (Russ Geisler, Holly Zirkle, Fred Walraven)
Geisler motioned to approve the Infrastructure Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2023 with one change for the sidewalk information amount being $12,000 not $1,200. Zirkle seconded the motion. The motion carried. Geisler motioned to approve the spending of $11,900 for new street signs throughout the Village from Encino Signs. Rabe seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Cultra stated that Meyer is working on different items that need to be addressed by a code enforcer throughout the Village. Cultra asked the Board to think about different items as well.
Geisler motioned to not approve an Onarga resident to remove siding from a home that is set to be demolished in the coming weeks due to this home being condemned. Rabe seconded the motion. The motion carried. 9.2.1 Evergreen Street Repair
There was nothing new at this time for the Evergreen Street Repair.
9.3 Safety, Security, & Enforcement (Angie Martinez, Russ Geisler, Cole Rabe)
Martinez motioned to approve the Safety, Security, & Enforcement Meeting Minutes of March 9, 2023 as presented. Rabe seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Brenner stated he had two people applying for Village Police. He will work on getting interviews conducted and he will let everyone know when they will be.
9.4 Finance (Russ Geisler, Holly Zirkle)
Zirkle motioned to approve the Finance Meeting minutes of March 7, 2023, as presented. Geisler seconded the motion. The motion carried.
9.4.1 Farm Lease Discussion & Final Approval
Geisler approved to have a 1-year contract prepared with the same amount as previous years. The Board will discuss in upcoming year on how they would like the contract to be revised. Zirkle seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Rabe motioned to approve the spending of $1,350 for grinders for the Incobrasa Properties to be paid out of TIF funds. Geisler seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Zirkle motioned to approve the spending of $2,544.11 for the 911 Contract to Iroquois County. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
9.5 Local and Intergovernmental Communications (Cole Rabe, Fred Walraven)
9.6 Building Standards (Cole Rabe, Fred Walraven)
9.7 TIF Committee (Fred Walraven, Holly Zirkle, Russ Geisler)
9.8 Litigation Committee (Fred Walraven, Angie Martinez)
10. Old business
11. New business
12. Executive session (if needed) for any lawful purpose including but not limited to: Appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; Salary schedules for one or more employees; Selection of person to fill a public office or discipline, performance, or removal of the occupant of a public office; Purchase or lease of real property or setting of a price for sale or lease of village property; Litigation, pending or probable. 13. Possible action on any executive session item
14. Adjournment
Zirkle motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.