
Kankakee Times

Friday, May 17, 2024

City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met June 13

City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Miller, Muench, Barragree, Cahoe, Marcier, Anderson, Alderwomen Rohlfs, and DeLahr, and Mayor Allhands

GUESTS: John Bell with Watseka Ford, Building Inspector Eric Brandt, and Code Enforcement Bill Walver

Alderman Miller opened the meeting at 6:55 pm. There was no public comment. John Bell with Watseka Ford spoke first. He stated 10 years ago the dealership entered into a sales tax agreement and received revolving funds from the city. The revolving loan has been paid back in full. He gave the committee a couple of handouts about a proposed addition and a new building they are going to add on their current property. They are proposing to add 72 feet to the east of their current building. This would allow them 10 more service bays; this will allow them to work on bigger vehicles such as busses. They will start construction on this in the next 1-2 weeks. They are also going to build another 104 x 80 building with a lean to on the north side of the road. This building will house their vendors to do detailing, paint and windshield repair and tire repair. The other part of the building will be used to store extra parts. The dealership will be hiring an additional 11 employees 9 full time and 2 part time employees. The dealership would like to start over with the current sales tax agreement. Mayor Allhands stated that the revolving loan has a cap at $250,000. Mayor Allhands stated he has been in contact with Attorney Cainkar regarding both the sales tax agreement and the revolving loan and more information will be coming.

Building Inspector Eric Brandt reported on the following properties:

IDNR Flood Mitigation: Eric stated per Ron Davis the city should be getting more monies in July. Eric stated he has 16 more contracts ready to close and 4 more set for approval. He also reported Lee Excavating is in town today and they have demolished 309 W Hickory which is not a flood house, and they will be starting tomorrow on the other flood mitigation houses that were approved for demolition.

Ordinance Violations: 41 warnings and 29 citations were issued, Eric stated most of the warnings were for tall grass.

904 N Chicago St: Eric stated the contract buyer showed up at court asking for more time to remove her items, there is another status hearing set for June 29th. Eric believes by the end of summer the garage will be gone.

345 W North St: the owner was issued a municipal court citation and the next court date June 29th. Eric has talked to the owner, and she might be donating that property to the City. 309 W Hickory: house was demolished today

211-300 N Market St: Eric reported he has sent the owner multiple citations and they have cleaned everything up. The only issue now is no water service to the trailer and at one point Attorney Cainkar stated there really isn’t enough to get a demolition order. Eric is still working on this. Alderman Cahoe stated if the house and trailer aren’t going to be demolished then the petitioners need to be notified of that. Eric stated he would call the person that circulated the petition.

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Renewal: Eric stated this plan expires 11/2/2025 but there is grant money available right now. This renewal cost is $45,000 but the federal share is $33,750 which leaves a balance of $11,250 which would be the city share. This will be discussed more in finance next week.

423 N 2nd St: Alderman Cahoe stated this property over the weekend became a junk yard. Eric stated he has sent them a citation and he is watching the property.

Code Enforcement Bill Walver reported on the following:

Crime Free Rental: 1 inspection was done

Inoperable Vehicles: sent out 3 letters of intent to tow, 7 vehicles removed or now incompliance, and 2 junking certificates have been sent to the state. Bill stated he just received one junking title back in the mail today and he is still waiting on 7 more. Bill also stated the impound lot is getting full.

Other interactions for May: 15 warning for miscellaneous

Mayor Allhands gave the committee a brief update on the housing and development study, the historical district, and getting a structural engineer to look at the Penney’s building and decide about either rehabbing it or demolishing it. Mayor Allhands also stated the foam has been taken off the wall at the old Hear Hear building. Alderman Marcier is wanting the committee to stop and look at the wall and give him suggestions about what to do with the wall now. Mayor Allhands also stated the motorcycle group Ride to the Wall was in town with 300 bikes and they did a nice presentation at the American Legion.

Alderman Anderson stated before he was elected the Family Festival came to the committee to ask about having a 4th of July celebration at the Kay Park with the beer tent being on the road on Fleming St. He stated the city has an ordinance against this and can this be done because we are not following our own ordinances. Mayor Allhands stated this is no different than when is was being held on N 3rd St.

Alderman Miller makes a motion to adjourn at 7:35 and Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 9-0.
