
Kankakee Times

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Bourbonnais Community & Economic Development Committee met July 26

Village of Bourbonnais Community & Economic Development Committee met July 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Meeting Opening

Meeting called to order at 3:30 PM by Trustee Jeff Keast

Action, Procedural: A. Roll Call - Trustee Jeff Keast

Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, and Trustee Jack Littrell. Also in attendance Treasurer Ron Riebe, Administrator Mike Van Mill, Assistant Administrator Laurie Cyr, Finance Director Tara Latz, Public Works Superintendent Terry Memenga, Engineer Mike Gingerich, Admin Assistant Margie Beach, and Community Development Technician Tyler Goodrich. Absent: Trustee Angie Serafini and Attorney Patrick Dunn (arrived at 3:39).

2. Review & Approve Minutes

Action, Minutes: A. Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes from June 14, 2023

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to approve the Community & Economic Development Committee minutes from June 14, 2023, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, and Trustee Jack Littrell

3. New Business

Discussion: A. Economic Incentive - Goselin/PSI Warehouse Development

> Mr. Van Mill stated we received an Economic Incentive Application from PSI General Contractors - Justin Goselin & Joda Crabtree last week.

> Presentation was given by Jeff Bennett Land Broker from McColly-Bennett Real Estate. Mr. Bennett gave an overview of the plans for a 48-acres property that PSI has under contract to put in a 100,000+ square foot flex space warehouse at the new interchange owned by Jennings Realty near the new Road Ranger. They will build a quality warehouse complex that would be leased out, the plan is to build it in 3 phases, and are looking at starting the project at the end of this year. > They are requesting a 10-year discount on the property tax (TIF) for assistance with this building - PSI is requesting to receive 75% from the leasers for the first 5 years, and 50% for years 6-10. > A question and answer session occurred among the attendees and Board.

Community & Economic Development Committee agreed to take this under advisement and will discuss at the Finance meeting next week for a recommendation.

Information: B. Industrial TIF Extension Resolution

> Mr. Van Mill stated we are working on applying for and extension for the Industrial TIF area by 12 years. It was established in 2006 and scheduled to expire in 2029 (extend to 2041). The Village would continue to maintain the 15% revenue sharing component that we currently have in the existing TIF. He and Mrs. Latz have talked to every taxing district (15) that covers both Bourbonnais and Manteno Townships who are all in favor and letters of support have started to come in. The Board will need to pass a Resolution to apply for support for this extension, then it can be submitted to our State legislators to take it for ratification to Springfield in the fall.

Community & Economic Development Committee agrees to move forward with legislation to be created for the next Regular Board meeting on Monday, August 7, 2023.

Discussion: C. BESD #53 Walking Path Maintenance Agreement

> Mayor Schore stated he has been in discussions with BESD #53 requesting to add a walking path into the Liberty School area near Patriot Way. The Village owns a drainage area lot and the school district would like to use as an access to connect to a walking path for students. They are requesting a 10-foot wide amenity in the easement and are also asking for the Village to build the walkway, with the understanding the school district would maintain the path. Also discussed a walkway near Levasseur school along the Com Ed easement. Would like to

> Mr. Memenga is figuring out an estimate for Public Works staff to build a 425 feet long concrete or asphalt walkway that is 10 feet wide.

Community & Economic Development Committee agreed to move forward with this joint venture project.

Discussion: D. Census Recount Update

> Mrs. Goodrich stated she has been in contact with a Census Bureau representative requesting a cost estimate for a special census. We sent in a request for 12 blocks, and was told we do not meet the regulations for a partial special census because we do not have a least one full census tract that is completely within the jurisdiction of the governmental unit. We may need to do the entire Village and are working on that cost estimate. She was told a recount will not be available until 2024. Mrs. Goodrich stated she will present again when more information is available.

4. Old Business

Action, Reports: A. Boundary Agreement between Bourbonnais and Manteno

> Mr. Van Mill stated we will be having a Public Hearing at 5:15 before the Regular Board meeting on Monday, August 7 in regard to the Boundary Agreement with Manteno.

5. Public Comments - None

6. Executive Session - Not applicable.

7. Adjournment and Time

Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment Time

Motion by Trustee Jack Littrell, second by Trustee Randy King to adjourn the Community & Economic Development meeting at 4:21 PM.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, and Trustee Jack Littrell
