
Kankakee Times

Monday, May 20, 2024

City of Watseka Public Safety Committee met Aug. 8

City of Watseka Public Safety Committee met Aug. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Aldermen Barragree, Cahoe, Marcier, Anderson, Miller, Muench, Alderwomen Rohlfs, and DeLahr

ABSENT: Mayor Allhands

GUESTS: Resident Jennifer Kucher, Auxiliary Officer Erik Buikema, Fire Chief Ken Baier and Police Chief Jeremy Douglas

Alderman Barragree opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. During public comment Jennifer Kucher from 319 W Park stated the neighbor’s siren is too loud and is a nuisance to her and her boys and she would like something done. Alderwoman DeLahr stated she has been by there but has not heard it. Ms. Kucher invited her into her boy’s bedroom to hear how loud it is.

Erik Buikema with the Auxiliary Department stated the monthly meeting was equipment check. They ran the squad, the generator, and the boat. The officers have been learning city streets also. The department is working on a schedule and the final preparations for the Watseka Family Festival. There were no call outs for the month of July.

Fire Chief Ken Baier stated his department had three fires, 6 EMS assists, twelve ambulance calls, 1 MVA, two automatic alarms, one mutual aid call, 2 CO alarms, and two other miscellaneous calls for the month of July. Training for July was relay pumping, rope, and knots, and coordinated fire attack. The department has received the Zodiac boat from the Fire House Subs grant. The old boat will be given to Public Works. The department participated in the 4th of July parade, fire safety day at the Park District and assisted at the Iroquois County fair cooling tent. Chief stated he wants the residents of Watseka to know the fire department has free smoke detectors that the department will install. He stated there was fire recently where a person passed away because of no smoke detectors and if they had them, he would still be here today. This program is only for homeowners not rentals as the landlords should be suppling them for the tenants.

Police Chief Jeremy Douglas stated his department had 400 calls for the month of July. He then shared with the committee the stats of the speed monitor that the department purchased with the funds from the Miner Foundation. The monitor has been in the 500 block of W Walnut St. 700 block of N Jefferson St., Brianna Dr., and the 1000 block of E Walnut St. These reports show the total vehicle count, average, minimum, and maximum speeds, and the time of the day/night. There was a short discussion about the information.

Chief Douglas stated the department along with the Sheriff’s department they attended a Harbor House training. This training is done every 3-6 months.

New Officer Corey Hamlin with graduate August 25th in Belleville. Chief Douglas stated the ministry fund/good Samaritan fund has been reinstated for people that are passing through and are having trouble and need assistance with gas or a hotel room for one night. This is not for local residents to use.

Chief Douglas will be attending a law enforcement advisory meeting on August 30th and the department has participated in two Alice trainings.

Alderman Barragree makes a motion to adjourn at 6:42 pm and Alderman Marcier seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
