
Kankakee Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Robert 'Bobb' Switzer for Illinois House District 79

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Robert Switzer | Provided

Robert Switzer | Provided

Hello everyone, I am announcing my candidacy for the 79th District of the Illinois House Of Representatives. I will be running as a Republican.

We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of our state and our nation. Rather than attempting to run from the problems we are facing I am choosing to engage with the system and am running for public office.

I still believe America is the greatest nation on Earth. I also believe that we must unite as one indivisible nation if there is to be a United States for future generations 

I have spoken to many people who are leaving Illinois in an attempt to escape the corruption. Running from the corruption is not an option that I allow myself. My intention is to confront the corruption. The more we Americans defend our Constitution and State, the better our chances are of correcting what is wrong.

It is time for conservatives to stop being the silent majority. It is time to be seen and heard.

I am on the lookout for men and women who love America and still believe in our Constitution. People who will stand and fight with me to restore dignity to the State of Illinois.