
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Gilman City Council met Sept. 11

City of Gilman City Council met Sept. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the city council was called to order by Mayor Theesfeld. Council responding to roll call were: Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye, and Fancher aye. Clerk Kraft and Treasurer Morris were also present.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Fancher

to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on August 14, 2023. All aye.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Bachman

to approve the transfer of $16,000.00 from the general fund to the road and bridge fund. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld advised the council that the city received a letter from Piggush Engineering August 16, 2023 requesting payment be made at that time to Iroquois Paving Corporation in the amount of $28,350.00 for the 2nd to 4th Street project.

Moved by Elliott Seconded by Bachman

to approve payment to Iroquois Paving Corporation in the amount of $28,350.00 for the 2nd to 4th Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld advised the council that a blower for the sewer plant needs to be replaced. The cost to repair the old blower is $17,000 compared to a new blower at a cost of $11,261.00 plus freight. John McBride has worked on the blowers before but this one is beyond repair.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Bachman

to authorize E.R.H Enterprises to order a new blower from Powered Equipment & Repair, Inc., without competitive bidding, for a cost of $11,261.00 plus freight charges. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld addressed the council regarding a bid from Dexter Decorating, Inc to paint the maintenance building on Maple St. in the amount of $7,500.00. Dexter’s quote includes painting the walls and walk-in doors. Mayor Theesfeld suggested painting the shed a light gray color. The gutters need to be taken down before the painting is done and Mayor Theesfeld will get a quote for new gutters.

Moved by Kraft Seconded Elliott

to accept the bid from Dexter Decorating, Inc. to paint the maintenance building at 202 S. Maple St. in the amount of $7,500. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld advised the council that the city did not receive written bids for the sale of property at 311 N. Central Street. They did receive a verbal proposal from Roberto Avalos stating that the city trade the vacant lot at 311 N. Central St. for a small garage near the alley of his property at 317 N Central St. The city’s attorney, Frank Simutis, stated that a verbal proposal would be acceptable.

Moved by Kraft Seconded by Bachman

to accept the verbal proposal from Roberto Avalos to trade the vacant lot at 311 N. Central St. for a small garage he owns, near the alley of his property at 317 N Central St. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld stated the Garage Community Center is doing a fundraiser and if the council wanted to give a donation, he suggested $100.00 but was fine if they chose not to. He said they have done a good job running the center.

Moved by Elliott Seconded by Bachman

to approve a donation of $100.00 to the Garage Community Center for their Fundraising Drive 2023/2024. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld stated that tentatively on the October agenda there will be a need to discuss Conxxus new fiber optic lines. The city cannot stop Conxxus from laying new lines, but we can require them to turn in detailed plans and stake where they will be going. Metro Communications will be doing the work, and in the past, they have done a good job. He asked if the council would like Conxxus to come to the October meeting to give details of their plans.

He also stated that the downtown is looking great and the city will need someone to maintain it every year. His suggestion is to use local landscapers Roberto Sanchez and Harkins Landscaping to take care of it.

He stated the pipe has been laid on the 2nd to 4th Street project but there is a lot of clean up that needs to take place. Aldermen McGehee asked about the homeowner behind the alley of N Main St. tying into the sewer line and Mayor Theesfeld responded it will be at the owner’s expense. The fence that was taken down in the alley was on city property and will not be replaced or put back up. The owner of the property wanted it put back up, but it was a used fence and was in disrepair.

Clerk Kraft passed along a thank-you to the council from the summer help in regards to the bonus they each received.

Aldermen Eimen had nothing to discuss.

Aldermen McGehee had nothing to discuss.

Aldermen Kraft asked about an update on the Third and Maple St. project. Mayor Theesfeld stated that AT&T and Ameren are done but Comcast still needs to move several poles and lines. He said they can start curbing around those areas where the poles are being moved to get the project finished.

Aldermen Bachman had nothing to discuss.

Aldermen Elliott asked about how many plants are being planted and if they are going to be perennials. Mayor Theesfeld responded that there are a few thousand plants remaining to be planted and that they are perennials.

Aldermen Fancher had nothing to discuss.

Mayor Theesfeld stated the project along the highway is getting close to being done. There is approximately 100 feet of piping that still needs to be laid down, and a lot of fiber optic lines were causing issues so the new piping is being laid where the old lines were.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Elliott

to approve the bills as they were presented, and to approve the Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Statement dated August 14, 2023. All aye.

Moved by Elliott Seconded by Bachman

To adjourn the regular meeting at 7:18 p.m. All aye.
