
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met Dec. 12

City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met Dec. 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment

4. Eric Brandt Report

a) IDNR Flood Mitigation: Phase XVI demolition bids

b) Ordinance Citations: 13 warnings, 3 Citations

c) 209, 213 & 217 E Walnut St:

d) 440 E Oak St: Fire

h) IDNR Intergovernmental Agreement Extension/Amendment

i) 239 W Park: Demolition Order

5. Bill Walver Report

a) Crime Free Rental: 1 inspection

b) Inoperable Vehicles: sent out 1 tow notice, 5 vehicles removed or now incompliance

c) Other interactions for October: 9 warnings for miscellaneous violations

6. Other

7. Adjournment
