
Kankakee Times

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Village of Bourbonnais Utility Committee met April 29

Webp 19

Bourbonnais Police Chief James Phelps | Village of Bourbonnais

Bourbonnais Police Chief James Phelps | Village of Bourbonnais

Village of Bourbonnais Utility Committee met April 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Meeting Opening

Meeting called to order at 3:31 PM by Trustee Jack Littrell

Procedural: A. Roll Call - Trustee Jack Littrell

Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini. Also in attendance, Treasurer Ron Riebe, Attorney Patrick Dunn, Administrator Michael Van Mill, Assistant Administrator Laurie Cyr, Finance Director Tara Latz, Public Works Superintendent Terry Memenga, Deputy Chief Dave Anderson, and Admin Assistant Margie Beach.

2. Approval of Minutes

Action, Minutes: A. Review and Approve Committee Minutes from May 18, 2023

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to approve the Utility meeting minutes for May 18, 2023 as submitted.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

3. New Business

Discussion: A. Public Right-of-Way Use Policy Review & Discussion

> Mr. Memenga requested to discuss the policy for utility use on Public Rights-of-Way within the Village of Bourbonnais. The Village has received a series of requests to install fiber optic lines for bulk internet and phone service in our area. Campus Communication Group, Inc. (CCGI) was present, along with Engineer Joel Greer from MG2A.

> Mr. Memenga provided a sample Public Right-of-Way Ordinance from IML to review (on Board Docs).

> Mr. Greer from MG2A went over the Village's existing Ordinance which discusses three main topics: 1) Permits, 2) Bond Requirement Amounts and 3) Restoration after cable lines are installed. Mr. Memenga and Mr. Greer are suggesting to provide a guide to possible installers that gives more directions and requirements.

> Mark Sheldon, Vice President from CCGI went over how they handle the restoration after burying the lines. They usually have it done within 48 hours, they send out their own crew. Crew Manager Mike also explained installation and the steps that they take, the first is having locates done where they come out and mark the area, and once installation begins it usually takes 8 to 9 months to complete.

> A discussion was had amongst the Board and CCGI. Mayor Schore asked Mr. Greer and Attorney Dunn to review the IML Ordinance that was provided and then complete a formal update of current legislation with changes so an Amended Ordinance can be completed.

Utility Committee agrees to wait until the Village Engineers, CCGI and the Board have a chance to review this draft Amended Ordinance and will discuss again at an upcoming meeting.

4. Old Business - None

5. Public Comments - None

6. Executive Session - Not applicable.

7. Adjournment and Time

Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment Time

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Rick Fischer to adjourn the Utility Committee meeting at 4:02 PM. Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini
