
Kankakee Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Village of Bourbonnais Board of Trustees met May 6

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Bourbonnais Mayor Paul Schore | Village of Bourbonnais

Bourbonnais Mayor Paul Schore | Village of Bourbonnais

Village of Bourbonnais Board of Trustees met May 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM by Village President Paul Schore 

Procedural: A. Pledge of Allegiance led by Andrew Pitts a 3rd grade student at Bishop McNamara Catholic School. 

Procedural: B. Roll Call - Village Clerk Brian Simeur 

Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini. Also in attendance, Treasurer Ron Riebe, Attorney Patrick Dunn, and Administrator Michael Van Mill 


Action, Minutes: A. Regular Board Meeting Minutes from April 15, 2024 

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes from April 15, 2024, as presented. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Mayor Schore requested permission from the Board to move up Agenda item 9A in the meeting. 

9. POLICE COMMITTEE - Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Chair 

Information, Procedural: A. Oath of Office - Patrol Officer Erin Curran - Moved up in the meeting 

> Chief Phelps recited the Oath of Office with the Village of Bourbonnais' newest Patrol Officer Erin Curran. 

Mayor Schore requested permission from the Board to move up Agenda item 15A in the meeting. 


Action, Proclamation: A. PROCLAMATION NO. 24-360 - A Proclamation Honoring Paul Cavitt for 37 Years of Service as a Member of the Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals for the Village of Bourbonnais - Moved up in the meeting 

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Randy King to read Proclamation No. 24-360 in its entirety. Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

> Following the reading by Clerk Simeur, Mayor Schore expressed his gratitude to Mr. Cavitt for his contributions over the past 37 years being on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board. 

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Randy King to adopt Proclamation No.24-360. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 




6. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Trustee Rick Fischer, Chair 

Action, Accounts Payable: A. Finance Committee - Consideration of the May 6, 2024 Accounts Payable

Motion by Trustee Rick Fischer, second by Trustee Bruce Greenlee to approve the general and special fund bill list, as presented. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

7. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - Trustee Angie Serafini, Chair 

Action, Ordinance: A. ORDINANCE NO. 24-2451 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Alcoholic Liquors of the Municipal Code of the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois Deleting One Class A License (FIRST READING) 

> Following the first reading by Clerk Simeur, Attorney Dunn explained Candy & Cake did not renew their Class A liquor license, therefore we are deleting one Class A liquor license from the list. 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Rick Fischer to suspend the rules and have a second reading on Ordinance 24-2451 tonight. 

Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to read Ordinance 24-2451 by title only. Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Randy King to adopt Ordinance 24-2451. Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Action, Resolution: B. RESOLUTION NO. 24-1568 - A Resolution Authorizing the Release of Certain Minutes from Meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bourbonnais 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Rick Fischer to read Resolution 24-1568 by title only. Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

> Following the reading by Clerk Simeur, Attorney Dunn explained the Village is required on a semi-annual basis to review its previously closed session minutes by State statute. He said that following a review of the closed session minutes there will not be any released at this time. 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adopt Resolution 24-1568. Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Action, Resolution: C. RESOLUTION NO. 24-1569 - A Resolution Appointing Various Officers and Officials 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Rick Fischer to read Resolution 24-1569 by title only. Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

> Following the reading by Clerk Simeur, Mayor Schore explained we have a list of yearly appointments and the only change for this year is replacing Planning Commission Member Paul Cavitt with Michelle Bade who was appointed to the Commission a few weeks ago. 

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Rick Fischer to amend the list of names attached to Resolution 24-1569 to include Michelle Bade in place of Paul Cavitt. 

Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini

Motion by Trustee Angie Serafini, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adopt Resolution 24-1569. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Information: D. Administration Committee 

> Trustee Serafini announced applications for 6' x 4' garden plots in Vera Amiano's Community Garden located at Jordan Park are now available for $10.00. For more information on the Community Garden, please visit the Village's website. 

> Trustee Serafini announced Cop on a Rooftop will be held next Friday, May 17, 2024. The Bourbonnais Police will be accepting donations in support of the Special Olympics from 5:00 AM to 2:00 PM at both of the Bourbonnais Dunkin Donuts. 


Information: A. Community & Economic Development Committee 

> Trustee Keast gave an update from the Building Department: 

> As of April 30, we have 5 new home permits and last year we were at zero at this time. 

> General permits are up from last year as well. 

9. POLICE COMMITTEE - Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Chair 

Information, Procedural: A. Oath of Office - Patrol Officer Erin Curran - Moved up in the meeting 

Information, Procedural: B. Police Committee 

> Trustee Greenlee announced we have a new Police Officer Priscilla Contreras who has left for Police Academy for 16 weeks. 

> Chief Phelps stated on May 16, 2024 at the Kankakee County Courthouse lawn, there will be the Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Service at 11:00 AM. 

Action, Resolution: B. RESOLUTION NO. 24-1570 - A Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Village of Bourbonnais and Kankakee Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group (KMEG) for Purchase of and Continued Use of a K9 Officer 

Motion by Trustee Bruce Greenlee, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to read Resolution 24-1570 by title only. Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

> Following the reading by Clerk Simeur, Police Chief Phelps explained this is an agreement that is making the arrangements to have our first K-9 Officer in the Village. Officer Tim Banks will be returning to our Police Department since he is finishing his commitment with KMEG. 

Motion by Trustee Bruce Greenlee, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adopt Resolution 24-1570. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

10. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - Trustee Randy King, Chair 

Action, Ordinance: A. ORDINANCE NO. 24-2452 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of a 2019 Chevrolet Silverado MD 4WD Crew Cab Work Truck (FIRST READING) 

> Following the first reading by Clerk Simeur, Public Works Superintendent Terry Memenga explained this work truck that is being purchased will be replacing a 1991 dump truck that will be sold at auction. 

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to suspend the rules and have a second reading on Ordinance 24-2452 tonight. 

Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to read Ordinance 24-2452 by title only. Motion Carried

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to adopt Ordinance 24-2452. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Action, Ordinance: B. ORDINANCE NO. 24-2453 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Surplus (Public Works 1991 GMC 1-Ton Dump Landscape Truck and 1997 International 4900 Dump Truck) Personal Property of the Village of Bourbonnais, Kankakee County, Illinois (FIRST READING) 

> Following the first reading by Clerk Simeur, Mr. Memenga explained that as we are updating fleets this year as capital funds allow, we will be selling at auction two of our oldest work trucks that will be replaced with the one listed above. 

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Bruce Greenlee to suspend the rules and have a second reading on Ordinance 24-2453 tonight. 

Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to read Ordinance 24-2453 by title only. Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

Motion by Trustee Randy King, second by Trustee Jack Littrell to adopt Ordinance 24-2453. 

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 

11. UTILITY COMMITTEE - Trustee Jack Littrell, Chair 

Information: A. Utility Committee 

> Trustee Littrell stated there was a Utility Committee meeting last week to discuss utility use of rights-of-way. Another follow-up meeting will be held soon. 


Committee Meeting Set: A. Set Committee Meetings - Calendars 

> Finance Committee to meet on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 4:00 PM in the Board Room. 

> Community & Economic Development Committee to meet on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 4:00 PM in the Board Room. 


14. VILLAGE ATTORNEY'S REPORT - Patrick Dunn - None 


Action, Proclamation: A. PROCLAMATION NO. 24-360 - A Proclamation Honoring Paul Cavitt for 37 Years of Service as a Member of the Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals for the Village of Bourbonnais - Moved up in the meeting 

Information: B. Mayor Updates 

> Mayor Schore stated he'd like to recognize our Bourbonnais Police department during National Police Week May 12-18, 2024. This week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others. Thank you to all 28 members of our department, and those who continue to watch over our community. 

> Mayor Schore stated National Public Works week is May 19-25, 2024. We honor the contribution public works makes to their communities in planning, building, managing and operating the heart of their community. Thank you to the 16 members of the Bourbonnais Public Works department and all they do to keep Bourbonnais looking beautiful.

16. NEW BUSINESS - None 


> Trustee Littrell asked Mayor Schore to give an update on the Campus project. Mayor Schore stated the project is coming along, the sod is being laid, and more trees were delivered today. Staff will be taking a tour this Friday. He appreciates all the hard work that has gone into this project. It will be done in time for the Friendship Festival at the end of this June. 


19. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Not applicable. 


Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment Time 

Motion by Trustee Jack Littrell, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to adjourn the Regular Board meeting at 6:04 PM. Final Resolution: Motion Carried 

Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini 
