
Kankakee Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bourbonnais Public Library District Board of Trustees met May 20

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Kelly McCully, Director | Bourbonnais Public Library District

Kelly McCully, Director | Bourbonnais Public Library District

Bourbonnais Public Library District Board of Trustees met May 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President David Stejkowski called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bourbonnais Public Library District at 7:00 p.m. on May 20, 2024.

Trustees present: Mary Kay Blankestyn, Kate Burgess, Deborah Hendrick, Laurie Hofman, Jessica Prentkowski, Ellen Stringer, and David Stejkowski.

Also present: Library Director Kelly McCully.

President’s Report: Stejkowski noted that a quorum was present.

Secretary’s Report: The Board reviewed the minutes from the regular Board Meeting held April 15, 2024, and the minutes from the Personnel Committee Meeting held May 14, 2024. Blankestyn made a motion to accept all the minutes as presented. Hofman seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.

Correspondence & Communications and Public Comment (action items only): McCully received a thank you note from the United Way Women United for the basket donated by the Library for the raffle at the breakfast held March 20, 2024. McCully also received thank you notes from Kankakee County CEO for being a presenter on the panel discussion held on May 8, 2024, and a certificate for being a mentor with the Kankakee CEO mentorship program.

Financial Report: Stringer reviewed the transactions and asked for any questions. Stringer made a motion to pay the monthly bills as presented. Blankestyn seconded the motion. Blankestyn, Burgess, Hendrick, Hofman, Prentkowski, Stringer, and Stejkowski voted yes. The balance sheet is tracking at 81.13% and will be submitted to the auditor. Stringer also noted that tax bills were mailed from the Kankakee County Treasurer May 20-22, 2024, with the first installment due June 27, 2024. This means that the first distribution of real estate taxes could occur up to July 27, 2024.

Director’s Report: Deadlines: June 30, Last day of the 2023-24 fiscal year. July 5, Last day to adopt and publish resolution to levy additional .02 percent tax. August 26, Last day (30 days before adoption of ordinance and hearing) to make the Tentative Budget & Appropriation Ordinance available for public inspection.

Technology: McCully is working with the library’s account manager from Outsource Solutions Group (OSG) to put together the Technology Plan and tech budget for FY2024- 25. The plan will include an equipment inventory and a list of tasks, projects, and recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. McCully will present the final Technology Plan and budget at the June 17, 2024, meeting.

Building & Grounds: The library’s Facilities Coordinator identified an additional leak in the sprinkler system. PIPCO has been contacted and a repair date will be scheduled.

A condenser fan motor in the main air conditioning unit has worn out. A replacement has been ordered. Holohan Heating & Sheet Metal. Inc. will perform the repairs when the part becomes available.

Brite Swipe cleaned the carpets and area rugs throughout the Library on Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5.

Marketing: In April new rules passed with specific requirements for website and mobile app accessibility for state and local governments. “This rule will help make sure people with disabilities have access to state and local governments’ services, programs, and activities available on websites and mobile apps.” ADA Fact Sheet. RAILS is supporting their libraries by offering a webinar entitled, The Modern eAccessibility Landscape on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. BPL has until April 26, 2027, to be compliant with the new ADA rules. McCully will work with the library’s Marketing & Outreach Coordinator and our web design company, OC Creates, to ensure compliance before this date.

Strategic Planning: Strategic Planning Committee Meetings were held on April 26 and May 17. During these meetingsthe committee continued to map out goals and objectives for the plan. McCully met with strategic planning facilitators, Sarah Marion and Jeff Willaimson, on April 30, 2024, to summarize progress on the plan. McCully will meet with Jeff and Sarah again to finalize goals and objectives on May 15, 2024. McCully will discuss a draft of the goals and objectives, and activities for discussion with the Board at the next meeting.

Patron Services: BPL held its first large book sale since 2022 and raised over $1,700 during the three-day sale from April 17 to April 19. McCully thanked the dedicated BPL Book Sale Committee who planned, organized, and staffed the sale. Cart sales will continue monthly. All proceeds raised from the book sales help support library programs and services.

McCully had the opportunity to interview local author and entrepreneur, Amy Kemp, on Monday, April 29, 2024. Amy’s authored the book, I See You: A Guide for Women to Make More, Have More, and Be More- Without More Work. The evening was filled with a lovely discussion on women in leadership, empowerment, the balance of labor at work and home, promoting positive thought patterns, and of course, books. McCully enjoys the opportunity to return to her programming roots.

McCully drafted a FOIA Guide that will be reviewed by the Board at their next meeting. The Freedom of Information Act Guide provides additional information to anyone inquiring about the library’s Freedom of Information Act policies and procedures. BPL has two FOIA officers, Board President David Stejkowski and McCully. The Freedom of Information Act ensures transparency in government by the full disclosure of previously unreleased or uncirculated information and documents controlled by the U.S. government upon request. Printed copies of the BPL FOIA Guide are currently located on the Circulation Desk next to the Policy Binder and will soon be available on the library’s website.

Community Partnerships: On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, McCully presented on a panel of speakers representing nonprofit organizations and local government for the Kankakee CEO mentorship program. There was an excellent discussion on the similarities and differences between nonprofit and local government leadership. The students learned about funding, fundraising, and the value of cultivating a professional network to promote and provide support for a community organization.

Upcoming Programs: This year the Bourbonnais Public Library’s summer reading challenge is called Read for the Gold! This program runs from Saturday, June 1 to Wednesday, July 31, and invites readers of ALL AGES to participate. Read for the Gold offers tiers for kids, tweens & teens, and adults. Participants can look forward to fun programs and fabulous prizes. More information can be found on the BPL website.

Out & About Bourbonnais is an exciting challenge that combines fitness, fun, community, and the chance to win awesome prizes. During the month of June participants are invited on a journey to walk 30 miles through the Paris Olympic Village right from the comfort of their own home. More information can be found on the library’s website.

Other upcoming programs include Dr. Temple Grandin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, Bingo Decathlon for ages 8 & up at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 7, Move & Groove, An Active Storytime! For ages 3 and up at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 8, and TLC Summer Edition: Brain Games for teens ages 12 & up from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesdays June 12 & 26.

Library Picnic: McCully reminded the trustees to email Rory if they are going to attend the Library Staff, Trustee, and Family Picnic on Sunday, June 9, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Library. The Library will provide BBQ sandwiches and drinks. Attendees are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Weather permitting, there will be a friendly game of kickball.

Committee Reports:

Finance: A meeting will be scheduled to discuss the FY2024-25 Working Budget (Cost Control Worksheet).

Personnel: A meeting was held May 14, 2024, to review Supervisory Team Upward Evaluations for the Library Director’s Annual Evaluation & Discuss 2024-25 Wage Scale. Policy: A meeting will be scheduled in June to review the entire Trustees & Legal Requirements section.

Building and Grounds: None.

Long Range Planning: None.

Unfinished Business:

Discuss Strategic Planning Process: McCully emailed Board members drafts of the Strategic Plan and the Metrics, Targets, and Implementation for the three overarching goals. Both documents were prepared by strategic planning facilitators, Sarah Marion and Jeff Williamson. McCully asked the Board to review the drafts and make any suggestions. She will review the documents and hopes to adopt both at the June meeting.

New Business:

Discuss FOIA Guide: McCully has prepared a FOIA Guide to provide information to anyone inquiring about the library’s Freedom of Information Act policies and procedures. The Board reviewed the guide.

Discuss Website ADA Compliance: McCully reviewed a memorandum from RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois Library System) which discussed compliance to meet ADA guidelines for website content accessibility. Libraries have until April 26, 2027, to adopt the guidelines.

Discuss & Approve LGBTQ Network Affirming Pledge: McCully led a discussion of the Kankakee Area LGBTQ Network Integrity Statement. Consensus of the Board is that the Library creates space and materials that are affirming for all people and will continue doing so. The pledge is an outward statement of this practice. Burgess made a motion to accept and adopt the LGBTQ Affirming Business Pledge. Blankestyn seconded the motion. Blankestyn, Burgess, Hendrick, Hofman, Prentkowski, Stringer, and Stejkowski voted yes.

Approve Transfer from Special Reserve Fund: Stejkowski made a motion to authorize the executive director, Kelly McCully, to withdraw funds from the Special Reserve Fund pending the first distribution of real estate taxes from the Kankakee County Treasurer of tax dollars. Any funds used from the Special Reserve will be replenished after the first tax distribution is received. Hofman seconded the motion. Blankestyn, Burgess, Hendrick, Hofman, Prentkowski, Stringer, and Stejkowski voted yes.

Approve FY2024-25 Wage Scale: McCully reviewed the pay grade assignments based on a 37.5-hour workweek. The figures reflect a 2.6% increase structure adjustment suggested by HR Source; this is reflected at the Range Midpoint on the FY2024-25 Wage Scale. After a brief discussion, Blankestyn made a motion to approve the FY2024-25 Wage Scale. Prentowski seconded the motion. Blankestyn, Burgess, Hendrick, Hofman, Prentkowsi, Stringer, and Stejkowski voted yes.

Approve Personnel Committee Recommendations: This item will be discussed in the Executive Session.

Executive Session:

Discuss Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2c1: Director McCully left the meeting. Stringer made a motion to move into Executive Session to discuss Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2c1 at 7:51 p.m. Blankestyn seconded the motion. Blankestyn, Burgess, Hendrick, Hofman, Prentkowski, Stringer, and Stejkowski voted yes.

Hofman moved that the Board return to regular session at 8:04 p.m. Burgess seconded the motion and it passed with all ayes. Director McCully returned to the meeting.

Blankestyn made a motion to approve the recommendations from the Personnel Committee concerning the director’s evaluation. Prentowski seconded the motion. Blankestyn, Burgess, Hendrick, Hofman, Prentowski, Stringer, and Stejkowski voted yes.

Public Comment: None.

Adjournment: Hofman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. Burgess seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.
