Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village
Westmont Village Board: Left to right - Trustee Frank Brady, Trustee Marie Johanik-Guzzo, Village Clerk Jinny Szymski, Mayor Ron Gunter, Trustee Steve Nero, Trustee Linda Liddle, Trustee Bruce Barker, Trustee Amylee Hogan Simonovich | Westmont Village
Westmont Village Board of Police and Fire Commissioners met Jan. 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes of previous meetings
6. Old Business
A. Board to review and discuss testing results for Candidates #26 (polygraph result) & Candidate # 35 (Detective report if available) from the current eligibility list and determine if the candidates are to move onto the next phase of the testing process.
B. Board to discuss and review setting an oral interview testing date for the next five(5) non-lateral candidates taken from the eligibility listing.
C. Board to discuss possible oral interview dates for lateral entry candidates from I/O Solutions listing with the lateral entry candidates after their written exam (if available).
7. New Business
A. Board to review and approve any outstanding notices they have received. B. Board to discuss any new business coming before the board
8. Reports
A. Committee Members
B. Chief's Forum - Opportunity for Chiefs or designated staff to address the Board.
9. Miscellaneous
10. Adjourn
A. Note: The Commission may enter executive season for the discussion of personnel and legal matters as needed, however all board votes are conducted in open session