
Kankakee Times

Friday, February 28, 2025

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met Jan. 21

Webp 54

Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Jamie Hawkins, Grant Park Village President | Jamie Hawkins / Facebook

Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met Jan. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

6:30PM Meeting called to Order

Roll Call was taken, all members present

*Motion to approve minutes from previous 1/06/25 meeting

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 4-0-2 Bruni, Whorrall abstaining

Public Comments: Valgene Raloff asked to speak concerning the proposed expansion of Hilgert Park. He proposed and handed Board members a suggested change to the current layout of items to be added to the Park. Pres Hawkins stated the Piggush Engineering layout is only a proposed layout, and will be subject to change, as needed, and welcomes public input to this project

*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: <1/16/25 General Fund $14,226.31, MFT $34,195.18, Fest Account $91.95, TIF account $1,757.50, Payroll <1/04/25 $20,609.33, Stipend <1/15/24 $3,500.00

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Wiedl Motion Carried 6-0-0

Departmental Reports:

Clerk Dillman: no report

Ordinance & Insurance, Wiedl: no reports

Streets & Alleys, Passini: no report

Finance, Morgan:

*Motion to approve FY26 Revenue Budget as recommended by finance committee

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Detloff Motion Carried 6-0-0

*Motion to approve the Illinois minimum hourly rate for those Village employees paid at this rate retroactive to 1/01/25

Motion: Morgan 2nd: Bruni Motion Carried 6-0-0

Community Outreach, Detloff: Reminder, Cabin Fever Reliever 2/01/25

For safety, please be sure to clear fire hydrants of snow, near your house

Extended thoughts and prayers to everyone impacted by fires in California

Building & Grounds, Bruni: Village Hall was inspected for asbestos at a cost of $495.00

Law Enforcement, Whorrall: Police force is fully staffed

Pres. Hawkins: reminded residents it is illegal in Illinois to have cars running, unoccupied with keys in the ignition. Spoke of support for young area resident battling cancer. Spoke on attempts to get a sign recognizing Trey Boecker on his State golf achievements. Spoke that the School Board is discussing reimbursement for sewer project. Village Holiday party proposed for early March,

No Executive Session held

7:05PM Meeting Adjourned
