Village of Manteno Mayor – Timothy Nugent | Village of Manteno
Village of Manteno Mayor – Timothy Nugent | Village of Manteno
Village of Manteno Board of Trustees met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Roll Call
Trustee CJ Boudreau
Trustee Diane Dole
Trustee Todd Crockett
Trustee Joel Gesky
Trustee Wendell Phillips
Absent: Trustee Timothy Boyce, President Timothy Nugent
Also Present:
Chris LaRocque – Village Administrator
Al Swinford – Chief of Police
Jim Hanley – Supt. Public Works
Jakob Knox – Marketing and Communications Director
The meeting was called to order by Village Clerk Robin Batka, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of the Board was made by the Village Clerk.
Motion by Phillips to appoint Trustee Joel Gesky to Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Crockett. Motion passed 4-0 Boyce absent Gesky abstained
Motion by Boudreau, seconded by Dole, to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the regular Board Meeting minutes of January 6, 2025, as presented by the Clerk.
Motion approved: 5-0 Boyce absent
Public Participation:
George Reichardt
Bob Forsythe
Francine Fatima
Paul Motel
Sandy Chiz
Reports of Village Officials:
Village President’s Report: Trustee Gesky
• Manteno Chamber Choir had to cancel their appearance at tonight’s meeting due to the weather but it will be rescheduled for a future meeting.
• We will recognize Village employee Dan Johnson (retiring) at our next meeting. He was unable to attend tonight's meeting.
Village Administrator’s Report:
Nothing on the agenda tonight
Committee Reports:
Public Works- Trustee Boyce absent, covered by Trustee Boudreau
• Consideration RE: Motion to award a bid to Tenco Excavating, Bourbonnais, IL, for Legacy Park - Phase 2 for a cost of $984,111.05. Four companies submitted sealed bids for the Legacy Park – Phase 2 project. Chris LaRocque explained the bidding process that our third party partner, HR Green, follows for bidding on projects within the Village.
• Consideration RE: Motion to award a contract to National Power Rodding Corporation, Chicago, IL, for the 2025 Storm Sewer Televising and Cleaning Project at a cost of $20,300.00 Next Public Works meeting on Tuesday January 28, 2025, at 7:00 am Village Board Room
Parks and Recreation- Trustee Boudreau
Nothing on the agenda tonight
Next Parks and Recreation meeting will be Tues January 28, 2025, at 7:00 am at the Village Board Room Public Safety and Health- Trustee Dole
Nothing on the agenda tonight
• Reminder during this freezing weather, if a resident loses power and has no heat, please call the non-emergency police number 815-929-4801 and someone will come open the Leo Hassett Center for you to keep warm. Please check on your neighbors or people living alone to make sure they are ok.
Next Public Safety & Health meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday February 12, 2025, at 7:00 am at the Village Board Room
Planning and Zoning- Trustee Crockett
Nothing on the agenda tonight.
The next Planning and Zoning Committee meeting has been scheduled for January 28, 2025, at 7:00 am at the Village Board Room. The next Planning Commission meeting has been canceled for February 11, 2025.
Finance- Trustee Gesky
• Payment of bills $109,668.92 (includes TIF #3 bills of $0)
• Bills authorized and paid between Board Cycle: $0
The next Finance meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday February 12, 2025, at 7:00 am in the Village Board Room.
General Government- Trustee Phillips
Nothing on the agenda tonight
Trustee Gesky read the items to be included on the Consent Agenda and asked the Board if any item should be taken off and voted on separately.
The consent agenda is as follows:
Old Business: (A)
New Business: (B)
Awarding of Bids/Contracts and Authorization to Purchase (C)
1. Consideration RE: Motion to award a bid to Tenco Excavating, Bourbonnais, IL, for Legacy Park - Phase 2 for a cost of $984,111.05.
2. Consideration RE: Motion to award a contract to National Power Rodding Corporation, Chicago, IL, for the 2025 Storm Sewer Televising and Cleaning Project at a cost of $20,300.00 Financial Reports: (D)
1. Motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $984,111.05 (TIF #3 - $0) Motion by Boudreau seconded by Dole to take a single roll call vote on the question of passage of agenda items as designated for voting purposes on the consent agenda.
Motion Approved 5-0 Boyce absent
Motion by Crockett seconded by Boudreau to approve by an omnibus vote those ordinances, resolutions, motions, and orders contained on the consent agenda.
Motion Approved 5-0 Boyce absent
Motion by Crockett to adjourn at 6:36 pm. Seconded by Phillips
Motion approved 5-0 Boyce absent
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin Batka, Village Clerk