Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka
Don Miller, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Watseka
City of Watseka City Council met Feb. 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion to Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from Tuesday January 28th, 2025
5. Public Comment
6. Ordinances, Resolutions, Agreements & Proclamations
• Ordinance #2742- Ordinance of the City of Watseka, Iroquois County, Illinois Providing for the Sale of Surplus Personal Property
7. Consent Agenda
• Ordinance #2742- Ordinance of the City of Watseka, Iroquois County, Illinois Providing for the Sale of Surplus Personal Property
8. Standing Committee Reports
• Finance, Legal and Audit
- Claims in the amount of $431,545.59
- Accept and place on the file the January Treasurers report
- CliftonLarsonAllen Engagement Letter for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 $44,000
- Lee Excavating demolish 617 S 5th St Unit 1- $16,500
- Lee Excavating demolish 617 S 5th St. Unit 3-$10,780
- Surplus Property Discussion and Possible Action
Public Works/Water Wastewater
- Purchase 5 Kenwood Radios for approximate $6500- pay from
Water/Sewer/Streets/Alley/Capital Equipment
- Light Tower/Generator from Alta Equipment $17,400 pay from Capital Purchase
- Watermain Replacement at Belmont Ave & S 6th St. IPC $792,572.40 pay from TIF 3
- Belmont Ave & Martin Ave Resurfacing IPC $351,826.20 pay for from TIF 3 & TIF 4 Public Safety
- Purchase 5 sets of Stop Sticks for $519.00/pair and 1 Training Kit for $319.00 Code Enforcement
- Façade Grant to Carl Davis for 104 E Walnut and 20 Birch Ct. total of $1767.00
9. Miscellaneous Business
10. Adjourn