Bradley Village Clerk Julie Tambling | Village of Bradley
Bradley Village Clerk Julie Tambling | Village of Bradley
Village of Bradley Village Board met Feb. 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Calling the Roll & Declaration of Quorum
4. Approve Agenda
5. Presentation of Minutes
a. Regular Meeting – Monday, February 10th, 2025
6. Public Communication
7. Mayoral Communication
a. Senior St. Patrick’s Day Dinner (event partners Bourbonnais Township Park District, Village of Bourbonnais, and Bourbonnais Township.)
8. Presentation of Communication
9. Presentation of Bills and Accounts
10. Report of Standing Committee
a. Public Works: Streets, Utilities, Sewer, Infrastructure - Chairman Billingsley
i. R-02-25-05 A Resolution for Maintenance Under the Highway Code
b. Parks/Community Events - Chairman Westphal
i. R-02-25-06 A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Indoor Waterpark Enclosure for the Village of Bradley, Kankakee County, Illinois
c. Public Safety: Police & Fire - Chairman Tieri
i. O-02-25-02 An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Certain Personal Property that is no longer Necessary or Useful for the Village’s Public Purposes.
d. Administration: Insurance, Finance, Human Resources - Chairman LeBran
e. Technology/Innovation/Performance Improvement, Community Outreach, Marketing - Chairman Vandenhout
f. Community Development: Code Enforcement Planning & Zoning, Economic Development - Chairman Jordan
11. Unfinished Business
12. New Business
a. Executive Session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, Discipline, performance or Dismissal of specific Employee(s) and Collective Bargaining. The consideration to purchase, lease or acquire specific Real Estate property or for the probable or imminent and pending litigation.
i. R-02-25-07 A Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Laborer’s International Union of North America, Local 751 (Clerical Bargaining Unit)
13. Adjournment