Shoveling snow
Shoveling snow
Public Works is ready to keep Bradley streets clear during snow events.
The Village reminds residents that Public Works is ready to remove snow from the streets during winter. With a little help from Village residents, removing the snow should be an efficient operation. Public Works uses eight large trucks, four pickup trucks and other snow removal equipment to keep Bradley's streets clear by salting some streets as storms approach and removing snow as it accumulates.
To efficiently communicate with and deploy snow plow drivers, the Village is divided into eight areas. Snow Routes A through H are then divided into smaller sections. The Village clears parts of Cardinal Dr., north of Larry Power Rd.; while the County clears Armour Rd. and St. George Rd.; and the State clears Kennedy Dr. (Rt. 45) and Kinzie Ave. (Rt. 50).
Residents must be aware of the two ordinances that affect parking and snow removal in the Village. The 3-inch rule applies when 3 inches or more of snow have accumulated. The north and south parking plan then applies to central and east Bradley. Homes with driveways also fall under the 3-inch rule: Cars must be moved off the street until the streets are cleared. In addition, residents cannot remove snow and put it into the street, alley or right-of-way.
Finally, residents should wait until snow removal is complete before clearing the ends of driveways. The snow plows may make several passes to clear the streets from curb to curb. Removing snow from the driveway prematurely retards clearing efforts.