
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Bradley approves $2.5 million tax levy, cyber insurance


The Village of Bradley board approved a $2.5 million tax levy at its Dec. 14 meeting.

More than half of the levy will cover police pensions and payments on general obligation bonds, more than $350,000 will go to the village's general fund and another $305,000 will pay for liability insurance.

The village will also purchase its first cyber insurance policy for $4,202. Cyber insurance covers local governments against damages caused by hacking or other interference with the village's computer network.

Building Standards Director Don Pallisard told the board the village issued 71 building permits and conducted 292 inspections in December. Another 18 building permits were issued for the Enterprise Zone.

In other development news, the board heard from David Burg of Cleveland's Pirhl Developer Inc. The company is considering plans for a 55 and older assisted living facility. No specific details were shared.

The village also authorized an agreement with the Momence school board to share information on minors in and out of school to help authorities detect and prevent violent crime.

Trustee Eric Cyr was absent.