Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met April 3.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:
6:00 PM Meeting Called to Order/ Pledge
Roll call taken, all members present (Ms. Veldhuizen arriving @6:07PM)
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 3/20/17 meeting
Motion: Morse 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 5-0 (Ms. Veldhuizen had not arrived yet)
Public Comments:
Bronson Marcotte: asked to speak to the Board concerning a pending Ordinance concerning unmanned aircraft. He passed out a prepared statement to the Board of his personal proposal. Mr. Marcotte read the proposal to the board. Some discussion was held. Ms. Morse commented that due to past practices, and rules not being followed, this resulted in this Ordinance being drafted. Chief Frey offered alternative areas to fly. Atty Hopkins offered suggestions to the ordinance if the Board wanted to do so.
Brian Bertsch, Amy & Wesley Martins, and Inga Keen spoke of a motor home being parked on a vacant lot, asking if this is in compliance. They feel that this is a neighborhood eye sore, and asked that this be looked in to. The Board will review the Ordinance. The also spoke of a neighborhood home in disrepair, and asked that this be looked in to as well. Chief Frey will look in to this. They also spoke of some drainage issues in the area as well.
(change to agenda order, due to time constraints)
With regrets, Pres Roth accepted the resignation of Chris Larocque, Building Inspector effective 5/1/17
*Pres Roth asked for a voice vote to appoint David Crouse as Grant Park Building Inspector effective
5/01/17 Voice vote passed 6-0
* Bills for Payment: <3/31/17 General Fund $22,304.86, M.F.T Fund $233.70, Sewer Fund $1,100.01, T.I.F. Fund $13,987.64, Payroll <3/25/17 $13,987.64
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 6-0
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman: reminded the audience to vote tomorrow
Streets & Alley, Veldhuizen: no report
Finance, Dickson: Budget projections to be e-mailed to Board members this week
*Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-1 authorizing agreement with Keith & Tiffany Brack
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 6-0
Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: Sewer meeting 4/10/17, Sewer Plant open house 4/29/17. The Federal sewer grant was denied for the sewer project east of the tracks, alternatives are being reviewed.
Building & Grounds, Wold: update was given on work at the Community Building, Chamber Golf outing 4/29/17 1PM at Minne Monesse, Easter egg hunt at the Community Park 4/15/17, 1PM sharp.
Village Library discovered the roof needs to be replaced, possibly storm damage, insurance will be notified. Bids are being taken.
Ordinance & Insurance, Morse:
Colonial Life benefit discussion……tabled
1: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-2 amending title 3, section 3-2-11 (a) Liquor regulations
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
2: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-3 amending title 3, chapter 2 of the Grant Park Code
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
3: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-4 (version 1) enacting an anti-nepotism policy in the Village of Grant Park
Motion: Morse 2nd: Malkowski Motion Carried 6-0
4: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-5 regulating unmanned aircraft systems in the Village of Grant Park. A few comments were made before the vote, by the Board, and Atty. Hopkins offered comments as well, regarding possible liability to the Village if these were allowed on Village property.
Motion: Morse 2nd: Malkowski Motion Carried 6-0
5: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-6 prohibiting parking or storing vehicles and objects on roads and alleys within the Village of Grant Park, Kankakee County, Illinois, where such parking or storage would block passage of emergency or maintenance vehicles.
Motion: Morse 2nd: Malkowski Motion Carried 6-0
6: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-7 adding Basset training requirements to Title 3, Chapter 2 of the Village code or Ordinances of Grant Park
Motion: Morse 2nd: Malkowski Motion Carried 6-0
7: Motion to pass Second reading Ordinance O-3-17-8 adding Title 4, Chapter 4, vacant buildings, vacant lots, in the Village of Grant Park
Motion: Morse 2nd: Malkowski Motion Carried 6-0
Law Enforcement, Malkowski: 108 police calls in the month of March
Pres Roth:
Voice vote asked to approve 2017/2018 liquor license, Exhibit A
Voice vote passed 6-0
Pres Roth read a prepared statement declaring April “CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH” IN THE Village of Grant Park.
United Way is seeking nominations for “Outstanding Volunteer of Kankakee County”
Union Pacific Railroad notified the Village of a tower to be built south of town a mile soon
Pres Roth spoke of conversation with Dr. Palen of Grant Park Schools concerning summer meals
for children
7:01PM Meeting adjourned
No executive session held