Kankakee County Finance Committee met March 29.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Johnson, at 9:00 a. m.
Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Minutes: March 1, 2017
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve the minutes, and Mr. Hildebrand seconded it.
Motion carried with a voice vote.
4. County Auditor’s Office – Jake Lee
Monthly Claims
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to combine and approve the monthly claims, and Ms. Webber
seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 10 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were
Mr. Johnson, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Washington, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Hildebrand, Ms.
Webber, Mr. Payton, Mr. Ritter, and Mr. Wheeler.
Mr. Lee reviewed and discussed the report with the committee.
5. Insurance/HR – Lynn Mackin
Staffing Levels Report
Ms. Mackin reviewed and discussed the report with the committee. The current staff level is at
6. Treasurer - Nick Africano
Ms. Webber made a motion to combine and approve the reports and monthly resolutions,
and Mr. Hildebrand seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
County Treasurer’s Report – February 2017
County Collector’s Report – February 2017.
Monthly Resolutions for March and April, 2017
Mr. Africano reviewed and discussed the above reports and monthly resolutions with the
Mr. Africano also reviewed the high volume of sales in error with the committee, and explained
where the money has to be paid from.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he had been speaking with Mr. Roof about the folder inserter that is in
the VAC area. He wanted to see if we could find another home for that, but it has to be in a
climate controlled area. He asked Mr. Africano if he had thought about the use of it and where it
could be put.
Mr. Africano stated that he understands the lease is through 2018. He had told Mr. Gadbois that
his office will not be using it at all in the future. The Treasurer’s office is going to send tax bills
out to be printed. He believes that it will be a cost savings. Possibly they can end the contract,
or buy it out, but that would be his recommendation.
Mr. Vickery asked if Mr. Africano did a bid to have the tax bills printed outside his office.
Mr. Africano said he is currently doing them, and he has two bids in right now.
Mr. Vickery asked if those will be brought before the Finance Committee.
Mr. Africano stated yes, they would.
7. Finance Department – Steve McCarty
Property Tax Abatement for Tax Year 2016
Mr. McCarty stated that this is an annual process for the property tax abatement for tax year
2016, payable in 2017. The bond that will be abated is Series 2007 General Obligation Bond for
the County Health Department. The Health Department has put in writing that the funds are
available for the payment of the bond.
Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the property tax abatement, and Mr. Washington
seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 10 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were
Mr. Johnson, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Washington, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Hildebrand, Ms.
Webber, Mr. Payton, Mr. Ritter, and Mr. Wheeler.
Miscellaneous Financial Reports and Discussion
Mr. McCarty reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
Mr. McCarty stated that, as far as an update on the audit, the outside auditors spent four days in
the Finance Department doing the internal work. They’re waiting on the actual property tax
numbers to come back from the state to finish calculations, along with a number of other
miscellaneous issues, so that process is moving along.
8. Sheriff’s Department - Sheriff Mike Downey
Monthly Update
Sheriff Downey stated that the out of county revenue is increasing, which is a good thing.
Through February, the total revenue, which includes overtime, salary reimbursement, inmate
telephone, and some other inmate revenue, is approximately $2.2 million. If you multiply that
out, based upon that number, it will end up being about $8.9 million for the year. Housing only,
or in other words, bed rentals, amounts to $1.9 million. If you multiply that out for the remainder
of the year, it totals $7,988,000 for housing alone. Based upon what they’re dealing with in
relation to ICE, those trends are probably going to go up, so he anticipates that number to be
well over the $8 million mark for fiscal year 2017.
Sheriff Downey stated that they are progressing regarding ICE. The apprehension of those who
ICE wants to detain continues to go up, and ICE continues to look for bed space. As soon as he
is able to get some more staffing, he has advised ICE that they will take whatever they can. For
those that wonder if ICE is paying, they are now completely up to date, as they have just
received February’s payment. Some committee members may have seen the Tribune article
that Kankakee is being used as a staging area for deportation, and that part of it is accurate.
Starting every Wednesday, they bring ICE detainees who are being deported from the two
facilities in Wisconsin, and from McHenry and Pulaski Counties, back to their facility. That’s the
reason that their numbers seem to be going up a little bit. On Friday mornings, ICE is here,
along with some of their staff, and those individuals are put on buses and transported to the
Gary airport for deportation. In addition to transporting to Gary, they are working with the local
airport to possibly fly these detainees right out of Kankakee. They are working with some state
representatives, some people at headquarters in D.C., through ICE, and hopefully moving that
forward and making it a reality. It wouldn’t be as much for ICE and the Sheriff’s Department, but
for the community as a whole, because if the airport is able to take in these bigger planes,
obviously that will benefit all of Kankakee County.
Jerome Combs Detention Center Food Contract Increase
Sheriff Downey stated that the food vendor at the jail is a local company called The Country
Table. They have been with the County for a number of years, and do great work in providing a
meal that is acceptable, not only to the Illinois Department of Corrections, but also to the inmates
and detainees. They are feeding each inmate and detainee for $1.50 per person for lunch and
$1.65 per person for dinner. The food service has added 14 additional meals to the rotation,
which was a requirement from ICE. They have significantly increased the number of ethnic
meals, per ICE standards. They are preparing approximately 70 special dietary meals, which
actually cost them about two to three times what they’re providing the meals for now. ICE
officials are very pleased with the meals served and, if anyone recalls him saying from the
beginning, the three most important things ICE cares about are food, medical, and safety of the
detainees. The Country Table is asking to increase the price of lunch by five cents, and the
price of dinner by five cents. He had spoken with the State’s Attorney who indicated that we
should be able to amend this contract without going out for bid.
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to amend the existing contract, subject to the approval of the
State’s Attorney’s Office, and Mr. Washington approved it. Motion carried with a roll call
vote of 10 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. Johnson, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Washington,
Mr. Vickery, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Hildebrand, Ms. Webber, Mr. Payton, Mr. Ritter, and Mr.
9. Other Business
10. Old/New Business
11. Adjournment
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:01 a.m. was made by Mr. LaGesse, and seconded
by Mr. Mulcahy. Motion carried.