Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met April 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
6:00 pm Meeting called to Order/ Pledge
Roll call was taken, all members present
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 4/03/17 meeting, w/ amendment
Motion: Morgan 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
Public Comments: Susie Wiedl asked to address the Board concerning the Ordinance pertaining to the Bassett training recently passed. She questioned why online testing was not allowed. She gave her reasoning on the convenience of the online training, as well as the cost to the testing, and the small amount of places to take the classroom training, and its cost associated with it. Chief Frey responded to the questions, and the background to the decision. Ms. Morse and Chief Frey will look in to training alternatives.
*Motion to approve bills for payment: <4/14/17 General Fund $11,893.71, Sewer Fund $8,927.45, M.F.T $461.71 Payroll <4/08/17 $23,572.66, Stipend, <4/10/17 $1,275.00
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Wold Motion Carried 6-0
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman: official vote totals due in this week from Kankakee County Clerk’s office.
Streets & Alley, Veldhuizen: no report
Finance, Dickson: Budget packets handed out to respective Board members. Mr. Wold discussed the salary separation to different departments, and end result budget numbers to reflect the change. Further discussion was held; Mr. Graves offered information to the facts.
Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: Reported that rip rap stone for the lagoon has been installed. Controls at the sewer plant installed, and other repairs are being handled. Heldt Park plans are being worked on, as well as signs for the park. Santa sleigh under construction being refurbished. The Historical Society has a new home in Downtown Grant Park. River Front Berry Farm will open on Tuesdays starting in May. Open House at the Sewer Plant 4/29/17. No past due sewer bills reported.
Building & Grounds, Wold: Chamber Scholarship Golf Outing 4/29/17 at Minne Monesse. Last Saturdays Easter egg Hunt a success, lasting an estimated 2 minutes. Mr. Wold questioned how the annexation is going, reported is ongoing, but no new information available to date. Asked how condemnation proceedings are going, Pres. Roth explained the process. Asked about plans for the empty lot next to the Police Station, Mr. Roth answered there are no real plans as of now, but thought of a new municipal building has been discussed for the future. Asked for an update on the street light replacement plan, finalization should be in soon, and he asked for consideration to the lights inward in the Community Park be replaced as well.
Ordinance & Insurance, Morse: Ms. Morse reported, at request of the Board that she look in to a few options for the supplemental insurance for Village employees. She feels that Aflac has the best plans, questions were fielded by the Board, and a Resolution will be presented to the Board to the fact at the next meeting. This will be payroll deduction insurance, and no cost to the Village.
Law Enforcement, Malkowski: no report
Chief Frey: no report
Pres. Roth: Offered his thanks to Ms. Morgan, Mr. Wold, and Mr. Malkowski, who did not seek re-election, for their work on behalf of the Village of Grant Park.
No Executive session held
6:39 pm Meeting Adjourned