Kankakee County Executive Committee met March 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present:
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Liehr, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Hess, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Hildebrand, Ms. Webber, and Mr. Johnson
Members Absent:
Mr. Tripp, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Byrne, and Mr. Sirois
In Attendance:
• Board Members
• Department Heads
Kevin Duval, Mark Rogers, John Bevis, Michael Roof, and Jake Lee
• Media None
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Wheeler, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Presentations
4. Approval of Minutes: February 28, 2017
A motion was made by Mr. Johnson to approve the minutes, and Mr. McConnell seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
5. Legislative
Mr. Liehr stated that he attended the UCCI meeting in Springfield and the big question remains the budget. The way it was presented this month is that there really isn’t a light at the end of the tunnel. Neither side wants to propose a tax increase, which is part of what is going to have to be done to deal with the budget. The grand bargain includes the property tax freeze and, at the present time, even the Governor’s staff is giving two responses as to what the property tax freeze means. One staff member says the property tax freeze would mean 0% increase for anyone. Another staff member says it would be extending the PTELL statewide. He thinks they’re still struggling to decide what they could get in terms of votes as far as a property tax freeze if that ever became part of the bargain.
Mr. Liehr stated that, in terms of actual legislation that is before the general assembly, probably the biggest issue would be House Bill 2703, which calls for the removal of risk management freedom of information exemption. If that were to occur, it would give plaintiffs and claimants a distinct advantage over the insurance pools and their participants. It would be a substantial risk to the local government insurance pools if it were to pass. At this point, the Bill is in the House Labor & Commerce Committee, but is unclear about what is going to happen.
Mr. Liehr stated that House Bill 2591 would make changes in terms of court fee distribution schedules. This bill appears to reduce the proceeds that counties and other entities would get from legal proceedings by doing some consolidation on fees and surcharges. That has advanced to debate on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Mr. Liehr stated that Senate Bill 1275 deals with juror compensation, going back to the case that the Supreme Court dealt with, and it looks like that bill has been stalled.
Mr. Liehr stated that Senate Bill 0685 would allow a county to pay the State’s Attorney beyond the schedule from the state, but that would have to come out of general fund, and, at this point, we’re obviously not in a position to do that even if we were going to recommend it.
Mr. Liehr stated that Senate Bill 923 is under consideration, and it would prohibit being a county board member and a township supervisor or trustee, which shouldn’t affect us.
6. Appointments
7. Information Services – Kevin Duval
• Update on Streaming Meetings
Mr. Duval gave the committee an update on the video process.
Mr. Duval also gave the committee updates on some of his department’s major projects, including the moves of the Treasurer’s office, the VAC, and numerous changes made at the State’s Attorney’s office.
8. Health Department – John Bevis
Mr. Bevis had nothing to discuss with the committee.
9. Schools – Dr. Gregg Murphy
• Quarterly Report of the Regional Superintendent of Schools, of Iroquois and Kankakee Counties Mr. Johnson made a motion to put the report on file, and Mr. Liehr seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Dr. Murphy was not present.
10. Veterans Assistance Commission – Michael Roof
• Monthly Report
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to approve the report, and Mr. Snipes seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Roof stated that their move is in progress and should be completed by the end of the day.
Mr. Roof stated that the CVP grant for buses finally came through on Friday, and they were awarded their brand new bus. They will get a $55,000-$60,000 bus from federal funds through Illinois. It’s usually about 18 months until you get the bus, but what he was told is that he should expect it in the summer or fall of this year.
Mr. Roof wanted to inform the committee that they’re having an event at the Majestic Theatre on May 12th, with entertainment by a Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute band, and the VAC will be the recipients of the proceeds from the event. He has sponsors that are paying for all of the radio airtime ads, prints, fliers, and tickets. Nucor donated $1,000, and the local Disabled American Veterans donated another $250, so none of the costs are coming out of the VAC’s funds.
Mr. Roof stated that they had one person graduate from Veterans Court on March 9th, and thanked those committee members that were able to attend. There are four new people under consideration to come into the court. They did receive news from the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts (AOIC) that, through the certification process, they will be here April 25th and 26th. They interview the court team, watch the court in session, and take a lot of notes. It’s a point system where they’re graded and then it’s determined how closely their standards are matched. They then give that packet to three justices, and the justices determine whether our court is certified to continue in the State of Illinois as an Illinois problem solving court. They can approve it, deny it, or conditionally approve it pending changes being made. He was told by the team that came and met with him about a month ago that he had one of the most well put together and complete packages out of 167 packages, so they feel that they’re going to be able to come in and ours should go through pretty quickly. Out of 167, only three have been done and approved. It’s a long process, and this started back in June. He was told that within a month after the AOIC leaves, his office should find out something.
11. Personnel/HR Issues
Ms. Mackin was not present.
12. Administrative Issues
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to combine and approve the appointments and reappointments, and Mr. Johnson seconded it.
• Appointments/Reappointments:
✓ Appointment of Dr. Don Daake to the Ethics Committee
✓ Appointment of Cynthia Hodge to the Ethics Committee
✓ Appointment of Toby (Susan) Olszewski to the Ethics Committee
✓ Appointment of Kyle Kraetzer to the Kankakee Valley Airport Authority
✓ Appointment of Beth A. Walther to the Limestone Fire Protection District
✓ Appointment of Andy Pallissard to the Bloom’s Grove Cemetery Association
✓ Reappointment of Ralph Paarlberg to the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission
✓ Reappointment of William H. Bukowski to the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission
✓ Reappointment of Edwin W. Meents to the Kankakee County Zoning Board of Appeals
✓ Reappointment of William Hemm to the Kankakee County Zoning Board of Appeals
✓ Reappointment of David DeYoung to the Kankakee County Zoning Board of Appeals Original motion carried with a voice vote.
• Openings:
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee County Board of Health
✓ Two Openings on the Kankakee County Board of Review
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee County Convention & Visitors Bureau
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee County Farmland Assessment Review Committee
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee River Valley Forest Preserve District Board
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee County Housing Authority
✓ One Opening on the Bourbonnais Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Cabery Area Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Essex Township Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Grant Park Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Greater Momence Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee Township Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Manteno Community Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Otto Township Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the Pilot Township Fire Protection District
✓ One Opening on the St. Anne Fire Protection District
✓ Nine Openings on the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission
✓ One Opening on the Kankakee County Zoning Board of Appeals
✓ Two Openings on the Kankakee County Historic Preservation Commission Mr. Wheeler announced the above openings to the committee.
13. Other Business
Mr. Wheeler stated that we finally received one check for the grant and aid for the Probation Department, which is from July of last year.
Mr. LaGesse asked that a resolution be set forth for the Bishop MacNamara boys’ basketball winning third place in 2A.
Mr. Wheeler stated that it is entirely appropriate that a proclamation be done and sent to the full board.
Mr. LaGesse also stated that this was his first time back to the building since the Treasurer’s office made their move. He wanted to commend everyone who was involved in that move, plus the move of the VAC up to the fourth floor.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the customers will benefit by having only one place to go. The board members have talked about how Brian Gadbois ran himself ragged on this, but he can’t speak highly enough of what the other department heads did on the first floor – Erich Blair, Bruce Clark – and, more importantly, the employees in those other departments because they had to listen to the saws and hammers all day long. They knew that the benefit coming out of this would be very strong, but their patience is very much appreciated.
14. Information
15. Old Business/New Business
16. Adjournment
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 a.m., and Mr. Snipes seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.