
Kankakee Times

Saturday, May 11, 2024

River Valley Metro Mass Transit District Board of Trustees met August 22.

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River Valley Metro Mass Transit District Board of Trustees met August 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Chairman Legris called the regularly scheduled River Valley Metro Board of Directors meeting to order at 3:00 pm.

Attending Board Members: Chairman Susan Legris, Vice Chairman Jerry Pearce, Treasurer Mark Argyelan, Board Members: Carole Franke, Nick Allen, and Norman Grimsley

Staff Members Present: Managing Director Robert Hoffmann, COO Ken Munjoy, Director of Operations Michelle Brutlag , Director of Administration Lois Bentley, Transit Officer David Douglas, Transit Officer Richard Berns

Others Present: Siron Sims (First Transit), Geoff Olson (Kankakee County Planning), Duane Stubblefield

Pledge of Allegiance: Norman Grimsley led the Metro Board and others in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public with Business to Come Before the Board: None

Consent Agenda: Carole Franke made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mark Argyelan seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken of those in attendance, with all in favor. Consent agenda approved.


Chairman’s Report: (Susan Legris)


Managing Director’s Report: (Robert Hoffmann)

We do not yet have a contract with IDOT. We completed all of our requirements a month ago. Without a contract, there is no process for the Comptroller to pay us.

The new funding process worked, with half of the funding received the first time, and the second half expected today.

The Northfield Square Mall shelter was vandalized Saturday night and the suspect was arrested by Officer Douglas.

The Open Meetings Act requires that meeting agendas must be posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. We have been doing that, but the posting area is not visible from the outside when the building is closed. To comply with the Act, we have purchased an outdoor posting board.

The new driver pay scale seems to be attracting better applicants.

Operations Report: (Siron Sims)

We have 43 operators. Additionally, two in behind-the-wheel training, two are taking their CDL tests this week, and one is in class.

Complaint Customer Service Report:

There were 28 complaints/comments in the last two months. Customer Care Supervisors transported 414 passengers in the last two months.

Board Report:

Susan Legris noted that she sees our buses in service more since the routes and schedules changed.

New Business:

Ridership is down substantially. Likely causes are:

• Political noise

• Fewer transfers needed with new, better routes

• Customers confused by and adjusting to the 2nd major change in service in only a few months

To improve ridership:

• A “Thank You” letter was published in area newspapers to let everyone know we appreciate their support during the funding crisis

• We are developing a radio ad campaign with recognizable people stating that they ride River Valley Metro

• In September, AECOM will be looking at activity at specific bus stops to see if we are experiencing any spikes

• We would like to do a Customer Appreciation Day on September 20th offering free rides all day and handing out can cozies to our customers. This will serve as a Thank You to our loyal customers as well as encouraging others to try our system.

Norman Grimsley made a motion to have free rides on Customer Appreciation Day, September 20th. Motion was seconded by Jerry Pearce, and passed unanimously.

The store manager at Kankakee Walmart wants our bus stop to be located closer to their building. This change is awaiting approval from their engineer.

Tim and Cortney created and built our Northfield Square Mall and Chestnut & Schuyler transfer centers. They did a great job.

City of Kankakee officials want us to have a permanent home in Kankakee.

Old Business:

After a review of Executive Meeting Minutes, it was determined that two of them can be released. Motion to release was made by Carole Franke and seconded by Nick Allen. All were in favor.

Questions from the news media:


Other Business to come Before the Board:


Executive Session:



Motion to adjourn by Jerry Pearce, seconded by Norman Grimsley, and a unanimous yes vote of all members, meeting was adjourned at 3:37 pm.
