Kankakee County Executive Committee met November 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Liehr, Mr. Tripp, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Hess, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Snipes,
Mr. Byrne, Mr. Sirois, and Ms. Webber, Mr. Liehr
Members Absent
Mr. Skutt, Mr. Washington, and Mr. Olthoff
In Attendance
Board Members
Mr. Hildebrand and Ms. Dunbar
Department Heads
Kevin Duval, Lori Gadbois, Delbert Skimerhorn, and Michael Roof
1.Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Wheeler, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Presentations
4. Approval of Minutes: August 25, 2016 & September 29, 2016, October 27, 2016, November 23, 2016, and October 24, 2017
Mr. Hess made a motion to approve the minutes for October 24, 2017 only, and Mr. Byrne seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
5. Legislative – Steve Liehr
Mr. Liehr stated that he learned at the UCCI meeting there was legislation passed which requires local officials to complete sexual harassment training. He contacted the State’s Attorney’s Office, and they are to have a resolution for the Committee to review during the December meeting.
Mr. Liehr stated that he also learned of an opiate program many Illinois counties are using called Safe Passage. The program is aimed at offering addicts rehabilitation assistance rather than having them arrested. He spoke with Sheriff Downey and they are looking into the program particulars.
6. Appointment
7. Information Services – Kevin Duval
Mr. Duval stated that the upgrades to the sound system are complete. There will be a two-year ramp up of new computers. He has been asked several times about departments obtaining new or updated productivity software to assist in staffing shortages. While there are some programs, they would not be cost effective to the County. Many programs cost millions of dollars and require hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly in subscription and maintenance fees.
8. Health Department – John Bevis
Mr. Bevis was not present.
9. Schools – Dr. Gregg Murphy
Dr. Murphy was not present.
10. Veterans Assistance Commission – Michael Roof
• Monthly Report
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to approve the monthly report, and Mr. Byrne seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Roof stated that the VAC began participating in a new program, Homeless Tuesdays, which is funded by Catholic Charities. The program is unique in that it will assist dishonorably discharged Veterans, unlike almost all other Veteran programs.
Mr. Roof announced this will be his last Executive Committee Meeting as he has taken a job in Michigan.
11. Personnel/HR Issues – Lynn Mackin
Ms. Mackin was not present.
12. Administrative Issues
• Resignations/Appointments/Reappointments:
✓Appointment of Steven E. Coy to the Ethics Commission Mr. Hess made a motion to appoint Steven E. Coy to the Ethics Commission, and Mr. LaGesse seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
✓Reappointment of Glenn Ginder to the B. M. Lewis Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Anthony Langlois to the Canavan Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Richard Hoekstra to the Claussen Creek Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Michael Lambert to the Exline Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Jeffrey M. O’Connor to the Gar Creek Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Jerald W. Hoekstra to the Little Beaver Special Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Duane L. Ferris to the McGillivray Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Richard Hansen to the Minnie Creek Drainage District
✓Reappointment of John Keigher to the Rockville Drainage District No. 1
✓Reappointment of Ronald Bever to the Rockville Drainage District No. 1
✓Reappointment of Brent Langman to the Snake Creek Drainage District
✓Reappointment of Larry Leriger to the Union Drainage District No. 2
✓Reappointment of Edward Van Drunen to the Union Drainage District No. 2
✓Reappointment of James L. LaMotte to the Sheriff’s Merit Commission
✓Reappointment of Jerry Huot to the Sheriff’s Merit Commission
Mr. Liehr made a motion to combine and reappoint the above reappointments, and Mr. Tripp seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
• Openings:
✓One Opening on the Kankakee County Board of Health
✓Two Openings on the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission
✓Six Openings on Board of Examiners & Appeals (Engineer, Architect, Commercial Contractor, Residential Contractor, Electrician, and Plumber)
✓One Opening on the Joe Benes Drainage District
✓One Opening on the Manteno Drainage District No. 3
✓One Opening on the Manteno #9 Drainage District
✓One Opening on the Yellowhead & Washington Union Drainage District No. 2
13. Other Business
• Convention & Visitors Bureau IGA Agreement
Mr. Wheeler stated that the CVB has asked the County to add to the Inter-Governmental Agreement allowing for CVB employees to participate in IMRF. The State’s Attorney’s advice was not to allow the CVB IMRF as it was not a proper use of tourism dollars. The CVB’s attorney disagreed and the County sent the issue to the Attorney General’s office for review.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the County recently received from the CVB an amendment to the current agreement to extend the life of the agreement an additional six months, commencing May 1, 2018. He is asking for the Committee to discuss whether the County should extend the agreement with CVB while waiting for the Attorney General’s review and response. He also stated that he would like the Committee to discuss whether or not they believe the County should take on IMRF pension liability for non-governmental employees, even if the Attorney General deems it is legal.
Mr. Byrne made a motion not to extend the current Intergovernmental Agreement with the Convention and Visitors Bureau when it expires in 2018, and Mr. McConnell seconded it.
Mr. McConnell stated that he believes the County does not want to take on additional liability. Also, the State’s Attorney already determined the County should not allow IMRF for non-government employees.
Mr. Snipes stated that he would like to further discuss this in January with the hope that we have a recommendation from the State’s Attorney.
Mr. Wheeler replied that the State’s Attorney has already stated their office does not believe it is appropriate to take on the IMRF pension liability. The CVB’s attorney has a difference of opinion. As a courtesy to CVB, the issue has been presented to the Attorney General’s office for further review and a final determination.
Mr. Vickery stated he was not prepared to vote on this. IMRF has a bevy of lawyers which should be consulted as well. He believes, prior to voting, that the Committee needs to consider the determinations of the Attorney General’s office, the IMRF Board, and the State’s Attorney’s Office. He would like the Committee to be provided with more information and the opportunity to study the agreement.
Mr. Liehr made a motion to table this issue until the January 2018 Executive Committee Meeting, and Mr. Snipes seconded it. The motion carried with a roll call vote of 8 ayes and 2 nays. Voting aye were Mr. Tripp, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Hess, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Mr. Liehr, and Mr. Wheeler. Voting nay were Mr. LaGesse and Mr. Byrne.
Staci Wilkin, Director of the CVB, along with Michael Caincar, their attorney, spoke briefly regarding the Inter-Governmental Agreement, the extension of the Agreement, and the CVB joining IMRF.
• Resolution Authorizing Execution and Amendment of Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement
Mr. Sirois made a motion to accept the resolution and Mr. Vickery seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
14. Information
15. Old Business/New Business
Mr. Sirois informed the Committee of an opening in the St. Anne Fire Protection District due to Trustee Tom Caise giving his immediate resignation. The District is recommending the appointment of Ralph Mercer. Mr. Sirois believes all the necessary paperwork is in order and should be received by Administration in the very near future.
Mr. Wheeler stated the appointment issue will be presented to the full board for consideration.
16. Adjournment
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:23 a.m., and Mr. Hess seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.