
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

City of Kankakee City Council met November 6.


City of Kankakee City Council met November 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Aldermen Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (14) Present (0) Absent

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Department Head Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Dumas, Schuldt, Kubal, Power, Schiel, Piggush, Nelson, Bertrand, Schmitz (9) Present and (0) Absent

Presentations By The Kankakee Police Department On The Progress Of The Department

Mike Sneed Dep. Director Of KAMEG: Good evening everyone. I hope you guys bear with me. They asked me to write a description of which I do and I had to write it down. So.good evening Mayor, Alderman, and guest. My name is Michael Sneed and I am the Deputy Director of KAMEG. KAMEG is the acronym for Kankakee Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group. We are a multi-agency taskforce comprised of Illinois State Police; Bourbonnais Police Department; Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department; Kankakee City Police Department while working closely with Project Safe Neighborhood which is PSN. We specialize in combating illegal drugs, guns and gangs. KAMEG covers and serves three counties: Kankakee, Ford, and Iroquois County. Since my recent return to KAMEG, we have served several search warrants throughout the Tri State area, seized several pounds of illegal narcotics and firearms while placing many drug traffickers and gang members behind bars. To give you an idea of the weapons we have seized thus far, all of last year KAMEG seized 35 guns. In the last three months since I have returned, we have seized 27 with a total of. guns and that is not including 21 guns seized by PSN and 16 federal indictments. Our total this year more than doubled last year’s total. We have also launched two drug operations targeting over 50 drug dealers who have been poisoning our community with their substances. With these people off the street, we have had a tremendous decrease of heroin overdoses. This administration has been making positive changes throughout the department. This Administration has not mentioned it but, I am the first African American that the Kankakee City Police Department has assigned to the Deputy Director’s position of KAMEG. The only difference between me and the other successor Deputy Director’s such as; Sargent Pascal and Lieutenant Kidwell is opportunity. I was given the opportunity to show the love I have for this job; this department and the community in which we serve. I believe my unit feed off of my enthusiasm, energy, hard work and dedication. With hard work, dedication and a little luck I believe we will continue to be successful. Those of you that don’t know what luck is. luck is when hard work meets opportunity. And giving someone the opportunity that still have the passion and desire to do this job; change will come about. Positive change occurs when ordinary people do extraordinary things. As a member of this department and a father who is raising his family in the City of Kankakee, I will tell anyone that we support this Administration, our Chief and with a little luck we will continue being successful throughout this department and for our community.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Is that everybody? You guys are doing a great job. Thank you. I think we owe them a round of applause. They stand on the front line every day. Chief Dumas and Deputy Chief Hunt, I want to Congratulate you guys for putting together a great team and I am really excited about our gang enforcement tactical unit and what’s to come out of that. So thank you all again. At this time, we are going to move to our fire department. We have two individuals that have worked very hard and I have gotten to know them over the last several months. Very committed and dedicated to this department and to the personal they work alongside every day. So at this time I will bring up Chief Damon Schuldt.

Presentation By Chief Damon Schuldt Of The Kankakee Fire Department Recognizing Lieutenant Michelle Holocker And Captain David Kruse On Their Promotions

Fire Chief Damon Schuldt: Good Evening, Thank you Mayor and all of you here tonight. I just want to talk real quick about the Fire Department, what we do and what we are here for.so at this time I want to bring up.I will bring them up one at a

time and I asked that you hold your applause until the end.Captain David Kruse is a 15year member of our department.he has been assigned as shift commander, held numerous.including fire investigator and committees. He has been a tremendous asset. While Lieutenant Michelle Holocker is coming up, I just want to talk about the promotional process for a bit. A promotion is not just something we give out. They work hard and have to have a certain amount of time in this department.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong:Wonderful things are going on in the City of Kankakee. We will move on to standing committee reports and we will start with Public Safety with. Alderman Brown.

Standing Committees

Ald Brown: Thank you Mayor. Congratulations to all the people that work in Public Safety that just got promoted. It’s kind of hard to follow that but I will do the best I can. I want to thank Jim Rowe because he sent Marlow Jones to do a new law that the government is going to enact effective in January 2018. They have broken the criminal justice code down to two categories; A and B. Now you don’t have to worry about the A because the A categories are violent murders those types of offense. The ones that is going to affect this community is going to be the B selection. What that entail is the retail theft, criminal trust pass, disorderly conduct, criminal assault and there are some B offenses that doesn’t even require a bond. Now the reason for this is because these are the people the retail theft and the class 3 and class for felony are the people the police deal with mostly every day. So those people will be released on bond or released on electronic monitor without having a bond at all. Probations are over- crowded and they can’t pay for electronic monitors which cost $20.00 a day which is more expensive than a bond. So that’s a unrealistic expectation for that, I truly believe that. With this law, it came out of Chicago because most of the people sat in jail with a $300.00 bond. So they could not make bond so they change the law to affect that. I just want to let you know, when people say the police department is not doing their job because they just arrested that guy that got out today. It’s not the Police Department, it’s the court system. The new law will take effect in January. I just want to make that clear.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you Alderman Brown. Moving on to Building and Code Enforcement.Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Kennedy: I only have a couple items. Building and Code we talked about.there is a $150.00 fee that contractors pay now in the city of Kankakee. Plumbers are exempt.mobile home.installers as for right now. Allied Waste, this is just a reminder for most, is still picking up one bulk item.some residents are having problems getting these items picked up. So we are suggesting that if it is there two weeks or more to call Republic and remind them they need to pick up items. And if you don’t get anything.and that’s all I have.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank You Alderwoman Kennedy. Moving on we had a special budget meeting on October 23rd. Alderman Baron.

Ald Baron: I wasn’t present.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Oh I apologize, you were gallivanting in Toronto.

Ald Baron: I was.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong I believe Alderman Brown chaired that meeting.

Ald Brown: Yes I did. Thank you. I think what we need.the budget meeting is called to discuss the pension for the Police and Fire. What I am going to do.we had two presentations.by Patrick Donnelly of Graystone Consulting; Morgan Stanley and Smith Berney. We also had Tom Brown Senior Partner with Rock Wood Capital Advisor and Elizabeth Kubal kind of go through this because I think it is very important to let you know at the end of the day if we are still in trouble about the pensions.

Elizabeth Kubal Compt: Elizabeth Kubal Comptroller: We basically want to set a foundation of learning to start with the conversation of the underfunding of our pension here at the City of Kankakee. This is what we envisioned as the first workshop as some down the road to address these issues of where we are at; some of the reasons why pension funds don’t grow like personal investments do. They are bound by state statue and we just wanted to make sure that everyone had that awareness as we have these future conversations. So if someone’s personal portfolio hit a great 8 percent that is harder for the pension funds to do because they have to have a large percentage of their investments in bonds and we have explained those tiers and allocations. Also we have explained the importance of keeping up with those funding levels and the future of keeping that up and staying diligent to that fact. So I think it was a good first workshop and I think we have more learning to do. I look forward to the future.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you Elizabeth. Finally we will have our Economic Development report from Alderman Tetter.

Ald Tetter: We met on the 26th of October. The most important business that we did attend to was the adoption of the budget committee’s recommendation to pay $250.00 per meeting for transcription services. That was voted affirmative and shortly thereafter adjourned. But we will keep it with what the budget committee has recommended as necessary. Alderman Baron if you want to add anything to that’s my report Mayor.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you. Moving on, may I have a motion to approve the payment of bills?

Report Of Officers Approval Of The Bills - $708,120.62

Ald Faford: I so move that we approve the report of officers, place the money in its proper accounts and pay the bills in the amount of $708,120.62.

Ald Tall: Second

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned made by Alderman Faford and second by Alderman Tall. Any discussion?

Elizabeth Kubal Compt: That is a reimbursement check for Indian Meadows with the arrangement out there. That is the last on to be turned in.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong:Any other questions? Roll Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron (abstain #2748), Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien (abstain #72634), Gall (abstain #2748), Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes and (0) Nays

Mayor Wells- Armstrong:Motion carries. Under unfinished business we have a recommendation to accept the proposal of transcriptional services for the Kankakee City Council meeting minutes by Clara Hall. I will Let.Alderman Baron if you want to just.

Recommendation To Accept The Proposal For Transcriptional Service Of The Kankakee City Council Meeting Minutes By Clara Hall

Ald Baron: Mayor, this is unfinished business from the last regularly scheduled committee meeting where we discussed in some depth the proposal from Clara Hall. As the Mayor said, the proposal is $250.00 per City Council Meeting to: attend, set up, transcribe, and edit the City Council meeting minutes. There was discussion about the source of the funding and the committee recommended that the line item under community promotions sub line item.It is an item that funds the Communications and Cultural Engagements position. That position is open and has been open for a while. So there is sufficient money now to cover what is left for this fiscal year so it is $500.00 per month. So I will move that we accept the recommendation to hire Clara Hall along the lines consistent with the specifications that she gave to us. $250.00 per meeting from the source indicated.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman Baron.

Ald Brown: We need to take it back to when it started retro-active to.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: to September 18th,

Ald Brown: Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong:Motioned by Alderman Baron and second Alderman Brown. Any discussion?

Ald Baron: Through the end of this fiscal year.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Any other questions? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Kennedy. Abstain: Malone Marshall, (13) Ayes (1) Abstain and (0) Nays

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: I want to the budget committee for your work and finding a creative solution. Clara Hall is here and I want to thank her for stepping up to serve in this capacity. Thank you, Clara. Next under unfinished business we have a resolution to authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the County of Kankakee, City of Kankakee; City of Momence, Village of Bourbonnais, Village of Bradley and the Village of Manteno to promote tourism. At this time Stacy Wilkins from the County Convention and Visitors Bureau will come up and Attorney Joe Kankar.

Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of The Intergovernmental Agreement Between The County Of Kankakee, City Of Kankakee, City Of Momence, Village Of Bourbonnais, Village Of Bradley, And The Village Of Manteno To Promote Tourism

Joe Kankar: Good Evening Mayor and City Council, we appreciate the opportunity to

be here tonight. We were here I think it was back in June for the first time then went to the budget committee after that. The budget committee works very hard and I think we have made a lot of changes to the agreement and I think they are better for the Municipalities and better for the CCVBA. It’s a good thing when we can all get together and come to a solid ground and it will help down the line. I look forward to you vote tonight. Thank you.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Stacy do you have anything?

Stacy Wilkin: I just want to thank you for your time. It has been a strenuous process to get to this point but I think the mood in the room tonight is taking care of your team and coming together. The goal behind it is supposed to be just that. The organization has not had a retirement fund for the individuals employed by the organization so it’s really a big step in our organization to give this off to them. Thank you.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: May I have a motion to approve the resolution?

Ald Baron: This is one of the items in unfinished business that also came out of the most recent.several budget meetings. As Ms. Kankar said, this has been negotiated. I am not going to say negotiated in depth but negotiated considerably.exposure to the part of the city in a meniscal amount. There is a provision that we can opt out of the organization at any time with the proper notice defined by the agreement if it looks like it may be some liability and if we want to we can get out. I think that there is very little chance and personally this has been a good process for dealing with CCVBA, what they do and how we can work together. At first the negotiations were a little rocky but they turned out great to understand what we would do and have a mutual respect for one another. So I would move that we would adopt the resolution and the resolution is to adopt the 15 page agreement I passed out at the beginning of the meeting. This is the final version that has the last changes so I move that we adopt the agreement.

Ald Osenga: Second

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Baron and second by Alderman Osenga. Any discussion? Alderman Tetter.

Ald Tetter: Quick question.Alderman Baron did state that city has the option to opt At any time and it will not affect what you guys are doing moving Forward.correct?

Joe Kanker: Basically what it is we have a mechanism in here.we are confident in what we are doing that it is going to work out. The way we are funding it making contributions 6 months in advance. Any type of problems at all the municipalities can go to the county and say hold that money.make these payments on behalf of the corporations. The idea here is with any issue you can withdraw. That would trigger a mechanism that corporation would either dissolve or the other units of government would come to an agreement themselves and continue on.

Ald Tetter: Okay thanks. Secondly, your agency currently staff I think what.two people.two fulltime. Do you foresee in the near future that it may increase and if it does, will our obligation increase with that?

Joe Kankar: I think our projections right now are for three fulltime with the salaries and I think right now it will be less than we are projecting. At the most it looks like three as what we projected.

Ald Tetter: Lastly, being that we will enter the agreement, how often will that body report to this body.a status report in terms of what is going on financially and in terms of activities for tourism as it relates to the City of Kankakee?

Stacy Wilkin: We can certainly make that report at any point. We have 11 board members and your Mayor does have a seat on our board so she is involved in monthly meetings as well and she will know if there are ups or downs will certainly be able to report to you at any point but if there are additional questions beyond that.that she can’t answer we are approachable with no hesitation and available to come in and have a conversation about it. To add to what Mr. Kankar said, certainly our goal is the organization but doing it in a responsible manner.whether we are adding employees to make sure we can afford them but also.we are a great partner for the City of Kankakee.

Ald Tetter: Super thank you. No further questions.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you Aldeman Tetter. I have a motion by Alderman Baron and a second by Alderman Osenga. Any other discussion? Okay, Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes and (0 )Nays

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motion carries. Alright moving on to New Business we have an abundance of ordinances. I’m going to let Pat start of by speaking to item A and get some background on that one.

First Reading Ordinances Amending Chapter 32, Section 172, Section 231, Section 238, And Section 115,

Pat Power Legal: This is an ordinance that would eliminate any parking in the alleyway South of East Station Street. This is the City parking lot right across from City Hall. It’s the alley between the parking lot and the restaurant. There has been a lot of problems with the alley being blocked by people just parking and going to the restaurant and it makes it difficult to access or exit the parking lot from the alley side. That’s been creating a problem and that is what this would do.declaring no parking in the alley 100ft South of Station Street.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Okay, and hopefully everyone had an opportunity to review all the ordinances. The others are pertaining to resending parking, establishing yield signs, establishing parking. I believe Alderwoman Swanson mentioned this was something she was trying to get done for several years in the 4th Ward. Alderwoman Swanson do you have any comments?

Ald Swanson: No, I don’t. I know that a lot of residents down there will be very happy with the changes because there have been so many accidents down there. Just for the children safety and it’s just been situations.I was born and raised in that Ward all my life and my first accident was on one of these intersections when I was 16 so I am very familiar with it. I have been dealing with it my whole life. It’s very good for our Ward. We appreciate work that the Engineering Department.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Neil, would you like to speak to this?

Niel Pigguish: This was brought to my attention I think immediately after my appointment that there are some issues over in the 4th Ward. I drove over there.definitely a very dangerous situation.visibility is just a big issue down there and not knowing who got the right a way at intersections. So I want to thank the City of Kankakee Police Department for providing the crash data as well as IDOT. We were able to come up with a traffic control order plan that I think will benefit the 4th Ward. Thank you.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: So if there are no objections, because I know you don’t want to stay here and suspend the rules on 18 ordinances.A thru T.if I could have a motion to suspend the rules that would interfere with the passages of those ordinances.

Ald Swanson: So Move.

Ald O’brien: Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson and second by Alderman O’Brien. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes and (0) Nays

Second Reading Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 172, Section 231, Section 238, And Section 115,

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: May I have a motion to place the ordinances on final passage?

Ald Swanson: So Move.

Ald Malone: Marshall Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson and Second by Alderwoman Malone Marshall. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes and (0) Nays

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Moving on to.which one are we on now.U.ordinance amending Chapter 16 Solid Waste Section 16.01, Section 16.05 and Section 16.06 of the City of Kankakee Municipal Code. I will turn it over to our chair of Code Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Kennedy: The reason for this amendment or this request is to deal with the complaints received from throughout the community. Many of our residents in multi-units do not have sufficient waste receptacles where it can hold all the garbage. The Code committee decided that we would have this reviewed then sent to the committee but I was corrected and I am okay with that. I was told that it needs to go to the Utility Board. So I would like to table this and submit it to the Utility Board for review.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motion to table.

Ald Kennedy: So Move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy and second by Alderwoman Lewis

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes; (0) Nays

Resolution Honoring Kankakee Community College ”Cavaliers” Baseball Team As The 2017 Njcaa Division Ii National Champions

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motion Carries. There are no appointments. Moving on we will have the Kankakee Community College Baseball Team. the 2017 NJCAA Division II National Champions come to the floor. So we have our coach here and Alderman Crawford can you come up? Alderman Crawford followed up and I want to thank him for bringing it to our attention and our Clerk Dumas for getting this ready tonight. We have Resolution No. 2017 honoring Kankakee Community College Cavaliers baseball team as the 2017 NJCCA Division II National Champions. Whereas Kankakee Community College Baseball Team complete their 2017 season with an impressive record of 54 wins, 11 loses and 1 tie. This new record broke the record in set 2009 with 52 wins. Whereas the Cavaliers has a total of 78 homeruns in in just 7 tournament games which include 7 double digit runs and 5 straight games. Beating the record held by Louisiana State held in 2010. Whereas Mathew Latrell.500 from the plate and posted RBI’s and 1 homerun. Matthew Latrell broke Jordan Zimmerman of Mercer Community College record with 15 RBI’s and was named the tournament’s best Defensive Player and Whereas Head Coach Todd Post and Assistant Coach Bryce Shaffer led the team to defeat Mercer Community College of New Jersey winning 11 to 5 in Eden, Oklahoma, declaring the Cavaliers the winning Champions of the 2017 NJCAA Division II National Tournament. Whereas countless hours of practice hard work and team work the Cavaliers made history on June 2nd, 2017. We are honored to recognize each member of the team for their exemplary sportsmanship and their coaches for their leadership skills. Whereas today we congratulate you on your monumental achievement and a sense of pride which has been brought to the City of Kankakee. Therfore be it resolved by Mayor Chasity Wells-Armstrong and the City Council of the City of Kankakee Illinois do recognize and celebrate the Kankakee Community College Cavaliers Baseball Team as the 2017 NJCAA Division II National Tournament World Series Champions. May I have motion to approve the resolution.

Ald Crawford: So Move.

Ald Swanson: Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Crawford and second by Alderwoman Swanson. All in favor.Aye.

Council: Aye

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Congratulations Gentlemen.

Coach: I just want to thank the Mayor and everyone for honoring us tonight. Trust me, we did a great job representing Kankakee Community College and the great City of Kankakee at the World Series in Eden, Oklahoma and I couldn’t be prouder of my guys and we made a lot of fans. During that week all the locals in Eden.I really appreciate you doing this for us tonight. Thank you, David.

Ald Curtis: Mayor I have a question.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Alderman Curtis.

Ald Curtis: Will we be able to get them signs like we have done for some of our state high school under the city?

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: I will follow up with Bert and Pete

Ald Curtis: Thank You.

Resolution In Support Of Illinois Bicentennial Celebrations; Resolution Establishing City Council Dates For The Year 2018; Resolution Establishing Holidays To Be Observed By Offices Of The City Of Kankakee During 2018

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: You are welcome. The next three items we have are in support of the Illinois Bicentennial Celebrations; Resolution Establishing City Council Dates for year 2018; and a Resolution Establishing Holidays to be Observed by the Offices of the City of Kankakee During 2018. If there are no objections I would like to combine B, C and D. Motion to approve.

Ald Swanson: So Move.

Resolution Authorizing Intervention In Pending Assessment Appeal Of Armstrong World Industries Docket No. 2013-05114

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson and second by. motion carries. Next we have Resolution Authorizing Intervention in the Pending Assessment Appeal of Armstrong World Industries Docket NO. 2013- 05114 and I will have Pat to speak to that.

Pat Power Legal: This is not really a new situation for us. A lot of you probably think we settled once and for all on our tax problem with Armstrong and we did for everything prior but they still had the options of filing options and apparently they have chosen to do so. Prior but they still had the options of filing options and apparently they have chosen to do so. We are asking to intervene in this case just as we have in the past.

Ald Brown: So Move.

Ald Malone Marshall: Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Brown and second by Alderwoman Malone Masrhall. Roll Call

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes and (0) Nays

Resolution Of The Mayor Or And Council Of The City Of Kankakee To Enter Into Contract To Acquire Tax Delinquent Property Thru The Tax Liquidation Program

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motion carries. Next we have a Resolution of the Mayor or and Council of the City of Kankakee to enter into a Contract to Acquire Tax

Delinquent Property thru Tax Liquidation Program and I will have our planner Cliff Cross speak to that issue.

Cliff Cross Planner: Thank you Mayor. What this resolution is. in down town Kankakee we are continuing efforts to revitalize down town. We have been talking to some partner agencies such as the Kankakee River Valley Metro about the potential of having a transfer station downtown. Many of you are familiar with these properties they are directly east of the.or the where the Auto Lab will be going. Three of those properties are tax delinquent and these two have reached the deadline where they are delinquent enough that we can purchase them at a reduced rate.Kankakee County Trustee. What we are asking to do is to purchase these two properties so we can have control of them in case we do need to work with future partners in developing a transfer station or additional development downtown. Bear in mind these properties pay no property taxes they are delinquent we maintain them anyway. This is an opportunity to get them at a greatly reduced rate. I believe the cost is $600.00 per property with a $42.00 recording fee. At roughly $1284.00 we can get control of two vital properties down town.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motion to approve the Resolution.

Ald Malone Marshall: So Move

Ald Kennedy: Second

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Malone Marshall and second by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Alderman Curtis.

Ald Curtis: Does this just have one parcel on it?

Cliff Cross: What we have going on is these are two smaller parcels and there is larger parcel to the south. It is two years delinquent.will get together as soon as it becomes eligible.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Any other questions or discussions? Okay, Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy. (14) Ayes and (0) Nays

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: No Executive Session. Alderman Comments. Alderman Brown.

Ald Brown: Public Safety will meet Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Alderman Crawford.

Ald Crawford: Myself and Larry.a flyer for a fundraiser we are doing. The last two years we have done fundraisers to where we have raised money two years ago for the children for Riverside Hospital to buy Christmas presents for the kids in the hospital. Last year we did one.operation.bought three dogs.this year we will be doing a fundraiser that will be going to Crime Stoppers. I will let Larry talk a little about it.

Ald Osenga: Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization we get a little stipend every month.Warrant Wednesday.recently paid out $2000.00 for.we would like for everyone to show up if you don’t want to show up just send the donation.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: The check is made to Crime Stoppers?

Ald Osenga: Yes.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you for taking that on.

Ald Gall: License and Franchise won’t me this Thursday but will meet in December.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you for taking that on. Anybody else? Alderman Tall.

Ald Tall: Can you tell us who is on the Task Force? Do you have a list of members we can talk to?

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: There is going to be a meeting tomorrow. I want to remind you that Riverfront.is tomorrow at the Library on the 4th floor. At 6:00 p.m. Taskforce: Elizabeth, Neil, Cliff, Both Executive Directors of the hospitals.Alderwoman Lewis, Alderman Tetter, Alderman Faford. Stacy Wilkin, Pet Schiel,.Architect, Elizabeth Dunbar who represents. I encourage you all to come.Hitchcock Design group will be here. any other comments. Malone Marshall?

Ald Malone Marshall:.Great show of support to the mother.over 200 people came out.I just want to acknowledge everybody that came out. Thank you for all your support.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Thank you Alderwoman Malone Marshall. Alderman Crawford did you have a comment? Open house tomorrow. Alderman Tall did I answer everything? You want to call me tomorrow?

Ald Tall: I was just wondering because of the memo that went out.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: If you have any questions contact me. As a reminder, City employees do not report to City Council.contact me with any City employee concerns.I will follow up. We do not want any liabilities. Motion to adjourn.

Ald Swanson: So Move

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson and second by Alderwoman Lewis Motion carries. We are adjourned.




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