City of Kankakee Planning Board will meet Feb. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call to Order
il. Declaration of Quorum
III. Minutes
● January 9, 2018 (Available on Website)
hnp : //www. city kankake e- il. gov/p erc llres ources/j an9 2 0 I 8p bminut es. pdf
IV. Communications
r None
V. City Council actions
A. PB I 8-01 - An application by Microgrid Enerry LLC requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct and operate a "Solar Array Farm" at the property commonly known as 1835 American Way.
B. PB18-02 - An application by BFD Investment Group requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the utilization of accessory storage units at the property commonly known as 1935-1937 E.
Court Street.
VI. Unfinished Business
o None
VII. New Business
A. PBIS-03 - An application by Microgrid Energy LLC requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct and operate a "Solar Array Farm" at the properly commonly known as 2801 E. Court Street.
VIII. Other
o None
IX. Adjourn