New Kankakee County Finance Committee met Jan. 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Mulcahy , Ms. Webber, Mr. Payton, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Ritter, and Mr. Kinzinger Members Absent Mr. Skutt, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Hildebrand, and Mr. Einfeldt In Attendance
• Board Members Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Liehr Department Heads Mark Rogers, Jake Lee, Erich Blair, Bob Gessner, Lori Gadbois, Sheriff Mike Downey, Steve McCarty, Brian Gadbois, Jim Rowe, Nick Africano, and John Bevis Media Present
1. Call to Order
• Roll Call The meeting was called to order by the Committee Chairman, Mr. LaGesse, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment None
3. Presentation None
4. Approval of Minutes: September 27, 2016, October 14, 2016, October 25, 2016, November 21, 2016; AND October 25, 2017, November 8, 2017, December 27, 2017 Mr. Hess made a motion to approve the above minutes, and Mr. Kinzinger seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
5. County Auditor’s Office – Jake Lee
• Monthly Claims Mr. Washington made a motion to combine and approve the monthly claims, and Ms. Dunbar seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Webber, Mr. Payton, Mr. Ritter, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, and Mr. Wheeler.
Mr. Lee stated that, through audits, he has found many disallowable expenses in terms of travel expenses. He has been successful at recovering the expenses and explaining to employees which expenses are not allowed and why.
Mr. Lee stated that his office is working with Chase on fraudulent credit card activity. The County has not lost any monies as of yet.
Mr. Lee stated that he is working with the State’s Attorney’s Office regarding using reverse auction. He believes this would be of benefit to the County as it makes the County transparent and somewhat lowers bid submittals.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he has been made aware by County credit card holders of fraudulent activity as well. He looked into the County changing to another credit card carrier, but, because of the County’s bond rating, we aren’t able to change companies. He encouraged employees to make use of the County’s accounts payable vendors rather than using County credit cards.
6. Insurance/HR - Lynn Mackin
• Staffing Levels Report Ms. Mackin reviewed and discussed the report with the committee. The staff level is at 518.
• Insurance Update – Michael Lynch Michael Lynch updated the committee on various insurance matters.
7. Treasurer - Nick Africano
• County Treasurer’s Report - December 2017
• County Collector’s Report - December 2017
• Monthly Resolutions - February 2018 Mr. Payton made a motion to combine and approve the reports and monthly resolutions, and Mr. Stauffenberg seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Africano stated that Cathy Hornback retired from the Treasurer’s office after 18 years of service.
Mr. Africano stated that the Treasurer’s office collected $3.5 million in tax pre-payments on 550 parcels from December 22nd to December 29th.
8. Finance Department - Steve McCarty
• Property Tax Abatement for Tax Year 2017 Mr. McCarty stated that the bond that we’ve been abating is a Series 2007 General Obligation Bond for the County Health Department. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the property tax abatement for tax year 2017, and Mr. Washington seconded it.
Discussion: Mr. Wheeler stated that this is the one for the Health Department that they use for grants. We have such a small sliver of it, and it’s not anything that we’re saving. It would actually cost the County money because the Health Department relies on this to get a grant. It’s a procedural thing that we have to do every year.
Mr. McCarty stated that the dollar amount is approximately $178,000. Per the intergovernmental agreement, the Health Department covers 88%, and the General Fund covers 12%, which is about $22,000. Original motion carried with a voice vote.
• General Fund Inter-Fund Borrowing as of November 30, 2017 Mr. McCarty stated that the reason there is only one signature is that he has been unable to get together with the Treasurer and Auditor. He will obviously give them a chance to review this and get the signed copy. The County Code identifies these three elected officials as the signatories, but it also needs the Board’s approval as well. This is within a couple hundred thousand of what we did a year ago. Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the General Fund Inter-Fund Borrowing as of November 30, 2017, and Mr. Washington seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Webber, Mr. Payton, Mr. Ritter, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, and Mr. Wheeler.
• Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $2,500,000 Corporate Purpose and Tort Purpose Tax Anticipation Warrants 2018 in Anticipation of the Collection of Taxes Levied for the Year 2017 and Payable in the Year 2018, by the County Board of Kankakee County, Illinois, for Corporate and Tort Purposes Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the above ordinance, and Mr. Stauffenberg seconded it.
Discussion: Mr. McCarty stated that this is essentially putting a lien on the tax year 2017 corporate and tort purpose levies that are payable in 2018. This documentation will go on to the board, and then we’re looking at an approximate close of February 20th when the funds would actually be transferred to our account.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the committee will recall that this was supposed to be $2 million. Our lenders recognized the progress that we have made and continue to make, and were in support of the idea, instead of our stretching local vendors into waiting 90-120 days for payment, to support us with the $2.5 million so that we’re not using our vendors as a bank. They would not have done that if we wouldn’t have had a steadying of our bond rating and, also, the year-end numbers that we were talking about. Original motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Webber, Mr. Payton, Mr. Ritter, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, and Mr. Wheeler.
• Cash Flow Update Mr. McCarty updated the committee on the cash flow.
• Miscellaneous Financial Reports & Discussion Mr. McCarty reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
9. Sheriff’s Department - Sheriff Mike Downey
• Monthly Update Sheriff Downey stated that the ICE numbers continue to increase. In November, they had 153 detainees and 157 in December. ICE income for the month of December was $810,000.
Sheriff Downey stated that his department is having multiple problems with Paylocity. They are exploring other options.
Mr. Wheeler asked Sheriff Downey if he would be willing to explore an “umbrella” payroll system that the whole County could make use of.
Sheriff Downey stated yes, and agreed to explore options with Mr. Wheeler.
Sheriff Downey stated that he lost a deputy due to retirement, and is going thru the interview process to replace him. He anticipates another two retirements, one in May and another one in January 2019.
10. Other Business
• Staffing Request for Maintenance Mr. Gadbois stated that Maintenance is down to seven employees and one mail carrier. He has one employee off with a medical issue and believes he will not return to work for at least a month. He feels the department is going backwards. An employee slipped and fell due to not having the manpower to distribute salt. He has also received several complaints about the cleanliness of the buildings. He has nine buildings to cover, and he is asking for a staff of ten employees, not including the mail carrier.
Mr. Vickery asked Mr. Gadbois what his request would be for the type of staff that he needs.
Mr. Gadbois reports an administrative assistant would be his top priority at this time since he needs someone who could price quote out what we purchase. In addition, he would like to have two additional custodians to free up his mechanics to do maintenance work.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the Maintenance Department will be moved to the fifth floor of the Administration Building to assist with his administrative needs.
Mr. Gadbois stated that he understands that, but feels the administrative staff on the fifth floor is already at their capacity.
Sheriff Downey stated that Mr. Gadbois is in need of a couple more custodians. He highly recommended that the County hire Mr. Gadbois the help he has requested.
Mr. Wheeler asked when the last time was that the Maintenance Department lost an employee.
Mr. Gadbois stated that, in 2013, he had a crew of 17 and now he has seven, plus one mail carrier.
Mr. Gessner stated that he agrees Mr. Gadbois needs help, and the Coroner’s Department takes care of their own custodial needs because of the Maintenance’s lack of staff.
Mr. Stauffenberg asked how much it would cost to hire two custodians.
Mr. Gadbois stated that he will report back with the cost of two custodians.
11. Old/New Business
• Personal Mileage Rate Change Mr. Wheeler stated that the mileage rate will be updated per the IRS and the state, not at a local level.
12. Adjournment
Mr. Ritter made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:48 a.m., and Mr. Vickery seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.