
Kankakee Times

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City of Kankakee City Council met February 5.

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City of Kankakee City Council met February 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: I would like to call the meeting to order. We will start with prayer from Pastor Montele A. Crawford of Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church.

Pastor Crawford: Good Evening, pray with me. God our Father we come in Jesus name and we Thank You. We Thank You for the opportunity of public service. God I am grateful personally for this room is filled with persons that are passionate about this community about this City. I am grateful that some have answered the call to public service. Yet sometimes in our passion, we become overzealous and we forget the calling that You have placed upon our lives. We allow bitterness, we allow disunity, we even allow racism to rear its ugly head. Now bring unto us by your spirit that you might pluck up these seeds of division and that You might cause hope to be stirred once again in this City. Bind these Your servants together, in love and patience. I pray that You forgive us for sometimes allowing our own personal issues to get in the way. I pray the Your forgiveness might rain down fresh upon us. Fill us again with Your Spirit. Cause us to see the call that You have placed upon each and every one of our lives. Cause hope to be restored in this City; cause our shame to be lifted. Allow Your power to be made known through every voice, through every hand and through every action of love. Ultimately God, what I pray is that You send revival to this City. That You bring it alive again. That You raise up leaders who thirst for justice and righteousness. I pray God that You might continue to do Your work not only behind the scenes but also in the public sphere. Cause us to see the mantel that we carry for it is for your sake and the sake of our people. So God, I pray that You erase the poverty that exist in this City. I pray that You erase the injustice. I pray that Your people feel safe and that their voices may be heard and that in love, they be made known. We thank You so much for Your patience, for Your mercy that You bestow upon each and every one of us. As we walk out this calling together, I pray that those hearts that are far from You might be drawn close to see the glory of Your salvation. I pray that Your love might overwhelm us that we see the power of Your forgiveness. Bind us together we ask in Jesus Name. Amen.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Pastor Crawford. The Council will lead us in the pledge of allegiance.

In Unison: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

Public Comments:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to Public Comments. Please give your name and direct your comments to the Mayor. Comments are limited to five minutes and we will start with Angela Shay.

Angela Shay: There was someone before me. That’s okay I will go first, I have no problem with that. I was scheduled to speak at the January 16th meeting. I was signed up to speak at that meeting and I left before that happened. As you all know, there was standing room only that night and two men behind me were talking through that entire meeting. Finally, when you guys were having that discussion I turned around and asked them to lower their voices I am trying to hear. I was told to shut up! Shut up turn your ass around or get out! Is what I was told. I chose to leave rather than cause a scene and being asked to be removed. In the days prior to that, we had a city council member calling out others as racist if they did not support Officer Dumas. We had Mr. Tetter at last week’s meeting.Alderman Tetter telling the others.chastising them for not voting for Price Dumas. This is what we have come to in this town. This is the only thing being talked about right now. So, Mayor you did your part asking city council to approve your candidate; city council did their part by voting and voting no four times and let’s be clear that vote has not been along racial lines. Now, I am not going to try to tell you that there is not racism in the world but as I stated it is not along racial lines. So it’s really not likely that anybody’s vote is going to change at this point and its time that we move on. You can’t keep blaming Regnier for resigning. It is very common that after a party change for people to resign. You can’t keep blaming city council voting against your candidate. They voted four times and they have valid reasons and I think that they are pretty clear on what it is they would like to se. I sincerely hope that very soon you are going to see that their no vote is not a challenge to your authority but a time for you to shine and show what a leader you can be by bringing this all together. I don’t want this to be the hill that we all die on. Unfortunately out there right now people I have been friends with for my entire life tell me that I am wrong and that I.they are calling me foul names all because of this one issue. So, while you may have the right to continue to appoint Price Dumas again and again; more importantly, you have a duty to the City of Kankakee to rise up and be a leader and find a compromise to this so that we can all move ahead. Thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Ms. Shay. Walter Sykes.

Walter Sykes: Good Evening Mayor and City Council of Kankakee. I am here Mayor because something happened at the January 15th meeting. I remember when you were first elected and you called me and asked if I would be willing to serve under your administration, I was on vacation in Atlanta and I said yes, I will. However, there were two appointments mentioned; Police and Fire Commissioner on and City Inspector Commissioner. Let me say one thing, I Congratulate all appointees because they are all friends of mine..and I served several years in the 80’s and 90’s and then for a non-profit organization where we would raise funds for kids to continue their education. He’s a good man. Another good man on the commission is Mr. Yates. I have known him most of his life. This young man, I have observed his motives and methods. I have watched him raise himself up by his boot straps. He’s a real man; always a good man. However, you did promise me a position in the City as Attorney. Not city attorney, I’m sorry, City Inspector. At the last minute, my name was on the agenda and it was changed for some reason. I would like to know why? I think all that should come from you since you promised me a position for eight months. I have objection or no problem with your appointee. Again, he’s a good man but why the change on the agenda at the last minute?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: I called you and I will tomorrow again and have a conversation with you but I called you when I put Mr. Bartlett on the agenda. That conversation with you I don’t know if you recall.

Walter Sykes: I remember and I want to say something verbatim.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Okay.

Walter Sykes: You said there were some people who wanted Ron Bartlett in that position and still having him in that position I do not have a problem with. I am talking about the promise you made me and for eight months, I had people calling me from Mississippi to congratulate me. Alderman Brown there mentioned it to one of his friends, his friend called my friend in Mississippi.Congratulations Walt. I said it has not happened yet this is premature, you know? I don’t like lies; I don’t like crooked cops; I don’t like crooked politicians. I can tell you a lot about that. I had an experience I 1994.I am a retired Police Sargent from the Kankakee Police Department, retired Lieutenant of the Mississippi Police Department with 34 years I Police Enforcement I am a retired Police Chief. My department was recognized 2006-2007 for reduction in crime. What happened to me I feel I don’t deserve. Thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Mr. Sykes. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy.

Absent: Osenga

(13) Present (1) Absent

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Department Heads.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Dumas, Schuldt, Kubal, Power, Simms Piggush, Nelson, Cross, Schmitz, Croswell, Dunbar Thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to minutes of the City Council meeting January 16th, 2018 for the Special City Council Meeting, may I have a motion to approve?

Ald Tetter: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter.

Ald Crawford: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Crawford. Any corrections? All t in favor.

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Moving on to January 16th, 2018 for the Regular City Council Meeting, motion to approve those minutes please?

Ald Tetter: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Any corrections to those minutes? All in favor.

Council: Aye.

Petitions Minutes Of The January 9, 2018 Planning Board Meeting

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed same sign motion carries. Moving on to petitions; we have minutes for the January 9th Planning Board Meeting. Cliff is there anything you want to add to those?

Cliff Cross: No, the minutes are pretty self-explanatory, they are available on line and they are pertaining to the two action items on the agenda tonight.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to accept the minutes for January 9th Planning Board?

Ald Malone Marshall: Motion to accept.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Malone Marshall.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? All in favor.

Council: Aye.

PB-18-01- An Application By Microgrid Energy, LLC Requesting A Conditional Use Permit To Allow For The Construction And Operation Of A “Solar Array Farm” At The Property Commonly Known As 1835 American Way

1) Findings And Recommendations Of Planning Board

2) An Ordinance Approving The Conditional Use Permit Authorizing The Construction And Operation Of A “Solar Array Farm” At 1835 American Way

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motion carries. Moving on under Item B we have an application by Microgrid Energy, LLC requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the Construction and Operation of a Solar Array Farm at the property commonly known as 1835 American Way. I will defer to Cliff at this time.

Cliff Cross: Thank you Mayor. As you all know, you have done conditional use permits before.this part of the process is when you conduct you conditional use of the permit you have to have a public hearing to ultimately determine the finding. Micro grid Energy has applied for a conditional use permit which is classified in the zoning ordinance as a public facility and regional type of operation very similar to what you find with the wind farms.a few years back. That was the closet classification that.zoning ordinance. Based upon that, it is.opinion or determination that they would need to apply for a conditional use permit under that which they did. So the point of.under a public hearing to hear all the testimony associated with their request back on January 9th, where they made a recommendation to.approval of the solar ray farm out on American way which is the North East side of town. The applicant doing this is a part of their overall process.we make applications at the state level but this is a part of the due process they have to file to show that they are in compliance with the local zoning ordinance or even allow for that type of view so, they make their application, they appear before the Planning Board; the Planning Board made a recommendation to approve the request based on the findings and facts that you have in your packet tonight that says they determined to.comprehensive plan so forth. So, what you have before you tonight are two action items. Once is to recommend approval or approve the recommendation of findings or fact and the second one is approving the ordinance of the conditional permit for the Solar Array Farm.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you. Do I have a motion to accept the findings and Recommendations of the Planning Board?

Ald Tetter: So move Your Honor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned made by Alderman Tetter.

Ald Crawford: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Crawford. Any discussion?

Ald O’brien: Cliff.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderman O’Brien.

Ald O’brien: Thank you Mayor. Cliff, did I read the minutes Correctly, is their going to be multiple sites?

Cliff Cross: Well not on this conditional use permit but there will be.I know they are.them and other potential.but they.two sites initially that they were going to have to have a public hearing on. Unfortunately, one of the Public notices did not write up correctly so what’s going to happen is we could not take action or hear the public hearing for the second site. For the record, that has been noticed and will appear before the Planning Board meeting on Tuesday February 13th if anyone wants to show up for that.we will have new packets in your boxes. But there will be a second request for the second site and it will come before the Council in your next meeting here in February. It will be very similar, everything is the same but may be a little different in site but everything the same and the same process. You will see the second request at the next meeting.

Ald O’brien: Thank you

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Any other questions or discussions? All in favor.

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed same sign motion carries. Moving on to

Ald Curtis: Mayor, I need to abstain from voting on this.

Ald Baron: Mayor.I am going to have to abstain.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Let the record reflect that Alderman Curtis and Alderman Baron are both abstaining from approval due to conflicts. Motion passes. Next we have an ordinance approving conditional permits authorizing the construction and operation of a Solar Array Farm at 1835 American Way. May I have a motion to suspend the rules that interfere with the passage of the ordinance?

Ald Brown: Mayor?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderman Brown?

Ald Brown: If this is on PB18-02 the Planning Board issued a denial on that. So if we approve the minutes.the recommendation of the Planning Board earlier, I don’t think we even have to do that. Do we?

Cliff Cross: I can answer that Mayor if you want me to? Alderman Brown what you have here tonight are two separate conditional use permits. The recommendations will pertain to each individual case so you will have another set of recommendations pertaining to the next case.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Are you talking about the storage?

Ald Brown: Yes.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: This is for the farm.

Ald Brown: The farm? Okay, I’m sorry.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: That’s okay. Motion to suspend.

Ald Tetter: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter. May I have a second?

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown.

Ald Curtis: To clarify, are we still on the Solar Farm?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Solar Farm.

Ald Curtis: Abstain

(Roll Call Continues Below.)

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy.

Abstain: Curtis, Baron

(11) Ayes (0) Nays (2) Abstain

Second Reading

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to place the ordinance on final Passage?

Ald Tetter: So move Your Honor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter. May I have a second?

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy.

Abstain: Curtis, Baron

(11) Ayes (0) Nays (2) Abstentions

PB18-02-An Application By Bfd Investment Group Requesting A Conditional Use Permit To Allow For The Utilization Of Accessory “Self-Service Storage Units” At The Property Commonly Known As 1935-1937 East Court Street.

1) Findings And Recommendations Of Planning Board.

2) An Ordinance Approving The Conditional Use Permit To Allow For The Utilization Of Accessory “Self-Service Storage Units” At The Property Commonly Known As 1935-1937 East Court Street.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. PB18-02 refers to an application by BFD Investment Group requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the utilization of accessory Self-Service Storage Units at the property commonly known as 1935-1937 East Court Street. Cliff, I will go ahead and defer to you.

Cliff Cross: Thank you Mayor. Many of you are familiar with this Especially, Alderman Brown and Alderman Tetter; they are in their Ward.Planning Board meeting. When you look at this property they are a self-storage facility and they are being used by the current property owner which has determined to be accessory out door storage units which in the C2 zoning requires a conditional use permit to have that. As a result, we have been working with the property owner and also the property owner was advised that they needed to apply for a conditional use permit to continue their operation. They did apply; they did appear before the planning board to request a conditional use permit. Based upon the Public hearing that took place during that same board meeting, the Planning Board determined n their findings and facts that the use will be detrimental to the neighborhood and will affect the neighboring properties and so forth. Their determination in their recommendation was to deny the request for the conditional use permit to allow for this operation to happen. So based on their recommendation for denial, they forwarded that recommendation to you take action on that tonight. When the Council takes action on that, then that will decide on how you approach the ordinance after the fact. So depending on whatever action that takes place on the recommendations we will discuss the ordinance.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Cliff. Alderman Brown?

Ald Brown: We concur with the findings and recommendation of the Planning Board.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Brown

Ald Tetter: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Tetter, Any discussion? All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed same sign, Motions carries. The next item is the board approving the conditional permit to allow for the utilization of accessories of service of Storage Units at the property commonly known as 1935-1937 East Court Street.

Cliff Cross: Thank you Mayor. Based on the findings and facts upheld.there is no action needed just a recorded document in case of findings and facts, So we do not need action.

Communications Presentation By The Kankakee Police Department Honoring Sergeant Randy Hartman For Twenty-Eight Years Of Service To The City Of Kankakee

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Okay. Moving on to communications, Danielle Fravel was scheduled to speak to us tonight from Mercy Housing and that’s the Senior Residence Facility built behind St. Mary’s. She is ill tonight, so she contacted me and asked if she could come in March. So we will accommodate her for March. Moving on to item B, We have a presentation by the Kankakee Police Department honoring Sargent Randy Hartman for 28 years of service to the City of Kankakee.

Chief Dumas: Sargent Randy Hartman is retiring with 28 years. I worked with Sargent Randy Hartman for 13 years while I was here. I don’t think there is a better Investigator than what Sargent Hartman. He has cracked countless.many cases for Kankakee City Police Department. He is one of the best Officers that has ever worked for the bureau. I appreciate what you have done. I appreciate what you do. I hope you enjoy your retirement. It says here, in recognition for your countless hours and effort you put forth and dedication to help our community stay safe. Thank you Sargent Randy Hartman 1990-2018.28 years as a Kankakee City Police Officer. Also, when I got here, we started service pins for.10, 15, 30 years. Sargent Hartman gets a retired pin. You want to put it on?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Sargent Hartman.Sargent Hartman.would you like to say anything before you go? Besides oh dear Lord.

Sargent Randy Hartman: 28 years of service, its been quite q ride. An emotional ride. When I look back today, did I do the best I could? I think so.The biggest part I am going to miss is the men and women I have worked with. It’s been an honor working with them. Be Safe. Thank you.

Presentation By Corporation Counsel L. Patrick Powers From The City Of Kankakee Regarding 1905 East Court Street

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Okay, next is information only by Corporation Council, Pat Power for the City of Kankakee regarding 1905 East Court Street.

Pat Powers: Thank you Your Honor. This is just kind of an FYI for the Council. Just to let you know where this parcel is located, it’s on East Court Street and it’s the lot immediately West of the bowling alley. The old bowling alley on East Court. The City has acquired the title to the bowling alley a long time ago for better or for worse and we had a lien on the parcel which is this parcel to the West of the bowling alley. We secured that lien by virtue of the fact that we had to tear down the remnants of a fire damaged building; and immediate hazard to the neighborhood. The owner clearly was never going to do it so it fell on us to do it and we had to do it in an emergency kind of way.condition. The long haul provision of the statue might have given us a lien which.however since we had to proceed quickly.recorded the lien. The mortgagee foreclosed the lien and took title of it. That action actually wiped out the legal effect of our lien. I have been contacted by the new owner in Chicago, they want to know if we would like to have the property. I said well, perhaps. I said I will have to talk to both the Mayor and the Council and let them know what offer is being made. I got the impression they wanted to donate it. The down side of that of course is the taxes. However since the.is gone the tax isn’t really that high. Since we do own the one parcel, that is to say, the bowling alley it might be good to have what is four parcels. There are two parcels being utilized to the East and one is a small grocery store and I am not sure what the other is used for, Cliff might remember.

Cliff Cross: I’m sorry, what was that?

Pat Power:.to the East.

Cliff Cross: Right now they store materials there for a.actually that was the one on the conditional use permit tonight. It’s the 1935-1937 if I recall. They are using it as a storage facility for a pool business at this time.

Pat Power: Well, the idea here is.to.stretch of four. Maybe you want to look at it. I talked to the Mayor briefly and she made a good suggestion to possibly refer it to the committee and study it a bit. I wanted to bring it to your attention tonight. It’s up for your consideration and recommendation.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: So, I will go ahead and refer it to the Community Development, okay? Then you guys go ahead and discuss and keep me abreast of what your recommendations are.

Standing Committees Ordinance Committee – November 28, 2017 Ordinance Committee – December 20, 2017

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to standing committee reports. We have an Ordinance Committee Report from November 28th and that is by Alderman O’Brien.

Ald O’brien: We had meetings in November and December. The majority of the meeting devoted conversation to.

Economic Development Committee – December 29, 2017 Economic Development Committee – January 25, 2018

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to Economic Development Committee meeting from December 29th, Alderman Tetter.

Ald Tetter: I will defer to Vice Chairman Curtis, I was absent.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you. Alderman Curtis?

Ald Curtis: We didn’t have a quorum so it is self-explanatory. We just throughout a bunch of ideas that we will discuss in the next few meetings in 2018.

Public Safety Committee – January 3, 2018

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Alderman Curtis. Next I the Public Safety Committee from January 3rd of this year.Alderman Brown.

Ald Brown: Thank you Mayor. The report is self-explanatory. I want to reflect on a couple key items. One thing is at the 66 percent point of the city budget time of the year the Police Department is only at 55-57 percent of their budget. So they are well within the budget range. Overtime for the month of December was $4000.00 more than the previous year but that is because in December people buy their vacation time and that was the cause for that. The Fire Department.oh by the way the Police Department will submit to sets of bills at the next Public Safety meeting which is tomorrow. So they will do that and the Fire Department is at 67 percent and the 66 percent time of year. They did make an arrest in the arson case and they are doing a good job. That’s it.

Building And Code Enforcement – January 18, 2018

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Thank you Alderman Brown. Next we have Building and Code Enforcement with Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Kennedy: Thank you Mayor. Building and Code Enforcement, we didn’t have a lot to discuss. We talked about.one of the things and I will have to call you.we only have a few items in the City that need some attention. The other thing was getting Chapter 16 Solid Waste getting that back on the agenda for Council to vote upon. There were some changes made in reference to definition of the Solid Waste as well as the recycling.the container.Solid Waste recycling container and receptacles required for commercial solid waste collection. So we would like to have that put back on the agenda.board.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Alderwoman Kennedy. Economic Development Committee on January 5th, Alderman Tetter.

Ald Tetter: Thank you Your Honor. We did have a discussion for new material provided for Economic Development Committee that I have asked Committee Members to take a very close look at that will benefit the City tremendously and that is Community Development financial.that is a program offered by the United States Treasury Department that looks at underserved communities in terms of economic development. There are a host of different programs that will benefit the City so that in itself is something we will focus on in 2018 Your Honor.

Reports Of Officers Approval Of Bills - $464,529.00

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Alderman Tetter. Moving on to the Report of Officers. May I have a motion to pay our bills?

Ald Faford: I move that we approve the report of officers, place the money in the proper accounts and pay the bills in the amount of $464,529.00,

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Alderman Faford.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Roll Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron (aye but I abstain from (#72785 and 1071,) Lewis, Tall ( No on #73016 in the amount of $5000.00 and Yes on all others), Faford, Swanson, Crawford (I vote aye to all of them accept check# 73016.nay to that one), O’Brien, Gall (aye although I have a couple abstentions from check #72785 and 1071), Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

New Business Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Establishing A Handicapped Parking Sign At 935 West Wilson Drive

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. We have no unfinished business. Moving on to new business, we an Ordinance Amending Chapter 32 Section 231 establishing a handicap parking sign at 935 West Wilson Drive, May I have a motion to suspend the rules?

Ald Lewis: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderwoman Lewis.

Ald Tall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Tall. Roll Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to place the ordinance on final passage

Second Reading Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Establishing A Handicapped Parking Sign At 935 West Wilson Drive

Ald Lewis: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderwoman Lewis.

Ald Tall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Tall. Roll Call please.

Ordinance Declaring Certain Property Surplus Of The City Of Kankakee And Authorizing The Sale Thereof – (Boat Docks)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Item B pertains to the Surplus of the City of Kankakee and authorizing the sale thereof and I will defer to Elizabeth at this time.

Elizabeth Kubal: Yes, than you Mayor. I was the representative for the City of Kankakee. Obviously this meeting would be in conjunction with the Kankakee Boat Club and the Kankakee Valley Park District. We met regarding what are left of the assets regarding the Regatta event. There is a bank account and there are docks and that is pretty much it. The decision was made.the money left in the bank account is around $1700.00 which would all get split three ways. The situation is they would like to have some flexibility which would be to sell the boat docks. They are not in my understanding in good shape they have been left out in the elements and they are fitted of course for the boats that were a part of that race and not as fit for regular boats per se. That is my understanding. The situation is that two out of three of the entities are governmental agencies so before we can do anything we would have to declare them as surplus. The Park District to my understanding has done the same. Then once the governmental agencies have done that at that time we can go ahead and possibly put them out to be sold. They think that they could sell in pieces is how people might be able to utilize the,. They said that the way they are built now is that they are very long and skinny and that wouldn’t be as good I guess which doesn’t make sense because I haven’t seen any long and skinny but they basically explained to me that the.are not very traditional with the way most people use boat docks. The way they do it. the last time they had to cut a piece. The situation is until we declare the.as surplus they cannot move on as the Regatta Committee and put them out to basically up for sale like a big type of process. They are going to follow more of what we do via government because two thirds of us are government. Any Questions?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderman O’Brien, you had contacted me earlier and mentioned something so I just want to make sure if you were clear and if you have questions for Elizabeth.

Ald O’brien: Is it possible to have any action on this deferred until we have the committee look at it as we go over the River front with the possibility that the docks might be useful instead of selling assets that will be useful in the future. So that my primary concern at this time that we look at it more carefully.

Elizabeth Kubal: Just so everyone understands, you would have to buy the two entities out if anything.because we only own a third of them. But I think some type of written report would have to be given because I think now we are the last agency to approve. The Park District already did it so we would be holding up the process.sat for a long time so know how important that will be.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: It’s $500.00?

Elizabeth Kubal: I can go back and get.account it is not in the City’s name it is in the Regatta. We did have some bank fees that were assessed to it and we can go back and recoup all $600.00 of those. So actually the bank balance is really $1700.00 plus the $600.00. The money had to be given to the City of Kankakee so we are still holding that $600.00.basically until this whole situation is resolved. That will have to come off our total one third whatever that is. That would have to be subtracted because it is already in possession.

Ald O’brien: Do you have any idea what the value is on the actual.

Elizabeth Kubal: The gentlemen who knew the most about it said they are worth very little. I think they are hoping to get a low two thousands. Not very much. They said perhaps they would be surprised though. That’s why they wanted to put it out there and see what the market place is for that. There are other Regattas and they went back up and said they could be very.might drive the price up a bit.

Ald O’brien: Given the low value is it worth.use them?

Ald Brown: No one knows.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Go ahead Alderman Brown

Ald Brown: Nobody knows because the Park District maintains all that. They have maintained the docks for years down there and I haven’t been down there in I don’t know how long and I don’t know of any other alderman going down there. If there is something we are hesitant about I think it needs to go to the committee. We need to know if there is a value to it. We need to know what that value is. But if they are not worth that much we need to move forward we don’t need to.what side to go on.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Elizabeth?

Elizabeth Kubal: The other thing that they talked about is that they are out in the.right now. Trees and stuff are growing up through them. The quality, I don’t know how that can be assessed. City Wide our DPW department has told us we do not have room to store them at this time. I don’t know how deeply that was explored but that would have to be considered.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: So it sounds like, they are not fit foe standard boating use; they are dated the way they were cut. Minimal value and now they have trees growing and they have been exposed to the elements. Alderman Brown?

Ald Brown: Let’s make a motion to declare it surplus and move forward.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderman Baron Do you have something?

Ald Baron: I was going to say it was the trees.If they are really not worth it and we would have to storm the Park District.to get our third off their property.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We have a motion. Okay, thank you. We have a motion by Alderman Brown to suspend the rules that will interfere with the passage of the ordinance. May I have a second?

Ald Tetter: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Tetter. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Gall, Malone Marshall

Nays: O’Brien, Kennedy

Absent: Osenga

(11) Ayes (2) Nays (1) Absent

Second Reading Ordinance Declaring Certain Property Surplus Of The City Of Kankakee And Authorizing The Sale Thereof – (Boat Docks)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to place on final passage?

Ald Brown: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We have a motion by Alderman Brown. May I have a \ second?

Ald Tetter: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Tetter. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Gall, Malone Marshall

Nays: O’Brien, Kennedy

Absent: Osenga

(11) Ayes (2) Nays

Ordinance Amending Chapter 14, Section 7 Of The Kankakee Municipal Code Of The City Of Kankakee (Fire Prevention And Protection) – Changing The Job Title From Assistant To Deputy Fire Chief

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We have an ordinance amending Chapter 13 Section 7 of the Kankakee Municipal Code City of Kankakee Fire Prevention and Protection- changing job title from Assistant to Deputy Chief. I will defer to Chief Schudlt.

Chief Schuldt: Thank you Mayor. This is something minor; it is a name change to this ordinance. I had a couple people in the department to ask if we could do that. I did talk to a few people in the department and they seem to be supportive of the change. Also, it falls in line with other departments. We are going with industry standards if you will. It also falls in line with what the Police Department is doing as well with Deputy Chief also. There will be no change in pay, job description, time or anything like that. It is simply name changing.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Chief Schuldt. At this time, may I have a motion to suspend the rules that interfere with the passage of this ordinance?

Ald Kennedy: So move Mayor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Malone Marshall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Malone Marshall. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

Second Reading Ordinance Amending Chapter 14, Section 7 Of The Kankakee Municipal Code Of The City Of Kankakee (Fire Prevention And Protection) – Changing The Job Title From Assistant To Deputy Fire Chief

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Motion to [place the ordinance on final passage.

Ald Kennedy: So move Mayor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Malone Marshall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Malone Marshall. Any discussion? Roll Call. Oh, Alderman Crawford?

Ald Crawford: Are the requirements the same for this position for Deputy Chief and Assistant Chief?

Chief Schuldt: No change in job description or nothing it’s just a title change. Out with the old and in with the new. It’s a good timing too because the next item you are going to be asked to vote on is.we put someone in that position so if you approve that it is good timing, we can order a name tag and a badge; things like that rather than to do it 6 months from now, we can just do it.

Ald Crawford: Thank You.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

Appointments Jeff H. Bruno – Deputy Fire Chief

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Next we have the appointment of Jeff Bruno to Deputy Fire Chief and just to give you some back ground. Captain Bruno reached out to me early on last year to express an interest in serving at that time as Assistant Chief now Deputy Chief. He has been a Captain for several years his resume should have been included I your Council Packet so I think it has been provide for you. He has been on the Fire Department for I think about 25 years. He’s enrolled in classes and he is moving back to the City of Kankakee and has been a real asset to the department. He works very well with everyone in the department, not just our department but our County and throughout the State. He serves I some State positions as well. We had a couple people interested but we are very pleased to select Jeff. As you all know he had a health incident several months ago and he has been cleared of that completely for this position. So at this time, I would like a motion please to appoint him to Deputy Fire Chief. Alderman Brown?

Ald Brown: Did you say, he moved back into the City?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: He will be moving back into the City.

Ald Brown: He will?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Yes. Motion made by Alderwoman Kennedy

Ald Malone Marshall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Malone Marshall. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

Motions And Resolutions Resolution Approving An Extension To An Intergovernmental Agreement Between The County Of Kankakee, City Of Kankakee, City Of Momence, Village Of Bourbonnais, Village Of Bradley, And The Village Of Manteno For The Promotion Of Tourism

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Congratulations Deputy Chief Jeff Bruno. Okay moving on to Item 13. We have a resolution approving an extension to an intergovernmental agreement between the County of Kankakee, City of Kankakee, City of Momence, Village of Bourbonnais, Village of Bradley, and the Village of Manteno for the promotion of tourism. This is related to the Kankakee County Convention of Visitors Bureau and I will defer to Pat.

Pat Power: This is kind of an interim step. They are still trying to get all cities to participate in this function. To agree to the amended agreement which adopted the pension program.IMRF. This just extends the current contract to October 1st, something like that.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: The County is still holding out right?

Pat Power: I am not sure who is holding out yet but they don’t have all participants.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to approve the resolution?

Ald Baron: I so move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman Baron.

Ald Gall: I’ll second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Gall. Any discussion? Alderman Curtis?

Ald Curtis: So to clarify there is no changes to the agreement we approved before at our last meeting.several council meetings. It’s just the date extending, correct?

Pat Power: Correct.

Ald Curtis: They haven’t changed anything that will reflect on us. Alright, thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: I believe the County had referred theirs to the Attorney General. I believe they haven’t heard anything back so they needed to get an extension.

Ald Curtis: So if there are any changes to the County, it will come back to us with their changes.

Pat Power: Yes.

Ald Tetter: So just to make certain, any event that another Municipality refuses to cooperate or go along with this, does that make us null and void or do we absorb.or the participants absorb the cost associated with IMRF?

Pat Power: Well if, they don’t give the unanimous consent regarding IMRF then we are going to have to make some decisions under the old agreement and require some action on our part. This is just to October 1st.there may be some adjustments in how we participate or maybe someone will drop out of our little club and the remainder may participate in IMRF. A lot of things can happen but if the IMRF is not adopted the current agreement only goes to October 1st and has to be considered.

Ald Tetter: Thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We do have a need for Executive Session but before we go into Executive Session, I just want to make an announcement. Cliff Cross who has been with the City for 14 years serving under three Mayors has decided to take a position in Texas and I want to thank you for staying on with this Administration and for being so helpful on the big projects we worked on like the Riverfront and getting the Housing program implemented. You are valued and will be missed but we want to see you grow and be happy. We all have a vacation spot because he is going to South Padre Texas. So I just wanted to let everybody know and I want to thank you for your many years of service. Thank you for helping me during this past ten months.

Cliff Cross: Thank you Mayor. Mayor, I would like to thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity you have given me. I will miss you all.

Executive Session

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to go into Executive Session?

Ald Swanson: I so move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Alderwoman Swanson.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. All those in favor?

Council: Aye.

Return To Regular Council

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: No action was taken in Executive Session. May I have a motion to return to regular Council.

Ald Tetter: So move Your Honor.

Ald Malone Marshall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter and Seconded by Alderwoman Malone Marshall to return to regular Council. Next we have Alderman comments. Any Comments?

Ald Brown: Public Safety Meeting is tomorrow at 5:30P.M.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Any other comments? Motion to adjourn

Ald Swanson: So Move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson. Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. All those in favor?

Committee: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed same sign. We are adjourned.




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