Kankakee Valley Airport Authority Board met March 12.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Call to Order: The regular meeting for the month of March of the Board of
Commissioners of the Kankakee Valley Airport Authority was called to order at 5:00 p.m. on
Monday March 12, 2018 in the Board Room of the Robert B. Glade Terminal Building at the
Greater Kankakee Airport, Kankakee, Illinois. Present: Commissioners McAfee, Glade,
Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Absent: Commissioner(s) Wilder. Also, present: Jeff Benoit,
Airport Manager, Pamela A. Rose, Airport Office Assistant, and Alex Ault Airport Operations
Leader. A quorum was present.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobi and seconded by Commissioner Kuntz to
elect Commissioner Glade as Chairman Pro Tem. On roll call the following voted aye:
Commissioners McAfee, Glade, Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Nays: none. Motion carried
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the regular monthly meeting on Monday
February 12, 2018 were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobi and seconded
by Commissioner McAfee to accept the minutes as presented. On roll call the following voted
aye: Commissioners McAfee, Glade, Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Public Comment: None at this time.
New Business:
• Land Purchase # 2 {Parcel 13-17-21-200-002}: Jeff Benoit presented an offer to
purchase approximately a quarter (1/4) parcel of land. Following a brief discussion, it
was decided that there is no interest to purchase the property.
Manager’s Report:
• Hangar/Facility Report: Jeff Benoit discussed the available hangars, facility fees to
date, and fuel sold for the month of February.
• Motorcycle Classes: Jeff Benoit presented the information and lease for the
motorcycle classes. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner
Kuntz and seconded by Commissioner McAfee to accept and sign the lease for the
Motorcycle Safety Program at no cost to the Airport Authority and proof of
insurance. On roll call the following voted aye: Commissioners McAfee, Glade,
Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Nays: none. Motion carried.
• Property Tax Appeals: Jeff Benoit presented the information on the property tax
appeals. Three (3) appeals will be submitted for tax exemption status.
Bills Presented: Jeff Benoit presented the bills. Following a brief discussion, a motion
was made by Commissioner Kuntz and seconded by Commissioner Jacobi to approve the bills as
presented in the amount of $ 80,340.83. On roll call the following voted aye: Commissioners
McAfee, Glade, Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Accounts Receivable: Jeff Benoit presented the Accounts Receivable for the month of
Financial Statements: Jeff Benoit discussed the financial statements for the months of
January and February.
Old Business:
• ComEd Letter: Jeff Benoit discussed status update on the receipt of the monthly payment
agreement for the FAA bill.
• Solar Energy: Jeff Benoit discussed the status update on this project. Following a brief
discussion, it was agreed more information is needed and will be reported at the next
• New Auditing Firm: Jeff Benoit presented the information about hiring a new audit firm.
Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Jacobi and seconded
by Commissioner Kraetzer to accept the quote from Borschnack & Pelletier & Co. not to
exceed $8,000.00. On roll call the following voted aye: Commissioners McAfee, Glade,
Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Nays: none. Motion carried.
• Werner Farm Partnership: Jeff Benoit discussed the update on the land purchase
agreement. Following a discussion, it was agreed more discussion is needed.
Executive Session: None at this time.
Open Discussion: Commissioner Kraetzer discussed information on the FAA
Reauthorization Act.
Next Meeting: Monday April 9, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
Adjournment: There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Jacobi
and seconded by Commissioner Kraetzer to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m. On roll call the
following voted aye: Commissioners McAfee, Glade, Kraetzer, Jacobi, and Kuntz. Nays: none.
Motion carried.