
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bourbonnais Elementary School District No. 53 Board of Education met March 20.

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Bourbonnais Elementary School District No. 53 Board of Education met March 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of Bourbonnais Elementary School District No. 53, Kankakee County, Illinois was called to order by President Rob Rodewald on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Administrative Offices, 281 W John Casey Road, Bourbonnais, IL

Mr. Rodewald appointed Board Member Rich McBarnes as Board Secretary Pro-Tem.

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance.

1.03 The following members answered roll call: John Hall, Michael Jurka, Jamie Freedlund, Rich McBarnes, Nicole McCarty, Rob Rodewald.

The following members were absent and did not participate in the meeting in any manner or to any extent whatsoever: Jayne Raef.

District Administrators Present: Superintendent Daniel Hollowell, Ed,D.; Dr. Jim Duggan, Director of Instruction; Bernadette Henriott, Director of Student Support Services; Dennis Crawford, Director of Business Services; Mary Bicknell, Principal; Jeffrey Gindy, Principal; Jon Hodge, Principal; Jennifer Longtin, Principal; Shirley Padera, Principal; Shannon Swilley, Associate Principal; Roger Hale, Technology Director.

2. Recognition of Staff, Students and Community

2.01 Recognition of Staff – DAVetta Larry, School Bus Driver

On behalf of Bourbonnais Elementary School District No. 53, Dr. Jim Duggan, Director of Instruction recognized DAVetta Larry, School Bus Driver. DAVetta is a great example of the power of building relationships. She goes above and beyond to provide a level of care and support to our children and their families that warrants recognition. While she has been driving for only one year she has already developed strategies that we would like to share with others.

2.02 Recognition of Students – Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center/Bradley Central Wrestling Team.On behalf of Bourbonnais Elementary, Jeff Gindy, Principal recognized the Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center/Bradley Central Wrestling Team. Congratulations to the Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center/Bradley Central Wrestling Team for placing fifth in the state wrestling tournament. Congratulations to the following BUGC wrestlers Ethan Spacht, BUGC (1st place), Aidan Yonke, BUGC (5th place), and Logan Conroy as a state qualifier. In addition, a job well done to Ethan Spacht for winning his third State IESA Championship. Thank you to our coaches Mr. Wolford, Mr. Richardson and Mr. Lamie for their dedication and hard work.

2.03 Recognition of Community – There were no recognitions of community.

3. Communications from/to:

3.01 Communications from/to BEA

Co-BEA Presidents Deb Laskey and Nancy Waldschmidt addressed the Board.

Introduction of Staff: Kari Moulton, Jeremy Outsen, Anna Flowers.

3.02 Communications from/to Visitors – There were no communications from/to visitors.

3.03 Communications from/to Board -

Three Rivers Division Dinner Meeting on Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 6:15 p.m - Renaissance Center, Joliet.

Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be Saturday, March 24th at 8 a.m. at Chalfant Hall.

Mr. Jurka thanked the Board for their thoughts and prayers after the recent loss of his father.

3.04 Communications from/to Administration – There were no communications from/to Administration.

3.05 Communications from/to Superintendent – FOIA Requests – There was one FOIA request reported by the Superintendent. SmartProcure – requesting purchasing records. Request completed by Mr. Crawford.

4. Routine Business/Consent Agenda

Superintendent Daniel Hollowell, Ed.D. recommended the Board approve the following routine business consent items:

4.01 Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting February 27, 2018 - 6:15 p.m.

4.02 Approval of Minutes - Executive Session February 27, 2018 - 6:15 p.m.

4.03 Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting February 27, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.

4.04 Approval of Bills and Payroll

4.05 Approval of Treasurer's Report

4.06 Approval of Personnel

Resignation - Certified Staff

Reid, Ryan; Social Worker effective June 7, 2018

Employment - Certified Staff

Regas, Kendra; Fifth Grade Teacher at Liberty Intermediate, effective August 20, 2018

Retirement - Support Staff

DeYoung, JoAnne; effective June 1, 2018

Employment - Support Staff

Grady, Erica; Bus Driver, effective March 13, 2018

Hale, Larry; Bus Aide, effective March 22, 2018

Benyyssen Roswitha; Bus Driver effective March 21, 2018

Resignation - Support Staff

Johnson, Naima; effective March 11, 2018

FMLA Requests - See attached

4.07 Approval of Staffing Resolutions

Resolution of


First Year Teachers

Resolution of


Second Year Teachers

Resolution of


Third Year Teachers

Resolution of


Fourth Year Teachers

Couch, Sydney

Delmore, Katherine

Denault, Austin

Johnson, Lindsey

Kollmann, Lauren

Kowaleski, Mallory

Matyskela, Sarah

Newsom, Carli

Peak, Michelle

Pignatiello, Laura

Rozak, Christine

Sikma, Sarah

Sykes, Kendra

Thompson, Rachel

Zabel, Emily


Austiff, Janet

Erickson, Michelle

Gipple, Ellen

Hodge, Janice

Kolokythas, Anna

Kremer, Traci

Lavoie, Keri

Linder, Kristen

McBurnie, Marsha

Nutter, Charlyn

Pennington, Tara

Prairie, Kendra

Rodgers, Marlo

Schwartz, Lisa

Erin Worsham

Bishop, Marisa

Hoffman, Shaina

Keigher, Michael

March, Kameron

Papanicholas, Kelly

Sexton, Samantha

Wegforth, Shelby

Wilkie, Lynn

Antons, Christina

Cousin, Stacey

Eastman, Hannah

Fletcher, Camille

George, Jessica

Koschnitzky, Caitlin

Lyle, Tracy

Nims, Megan

Pickens, Christine

Vieceli, Megan

Wolterstorff, Erin

Resolution of


Third Year


Swilley, Shannon

Arlis, Patrick

Carlton, Lisa

Langer, Julie

McDaniel, Chad

Panice, Jennifer

Peterson, Joan

Renchen, Jennifer

Weilbacher, Leslie

4.08 Approval of Administrative Contract for Taiyuan Banks-Tillmon, Shabbona Principal

4.09 Approval of Administrative Assignment Changes

Mary Ann, Bicknell, Principal LeVasseur Elementary effective July 1, 2018

Jenn Longtin, Assistant Principal, Upper Grade Center effective July 1, 2018

4.10 Approval of 10 year Life-Safety Inspection

4.11 Approval of Midwest Bus Lease Continuation

4.12 Appoint Sandi Mulder as IMRF Authorized Agent

4.13 Contract for Independent School Psychologist Services - Dr. Carol Szynal

4.14 Approval of Vision and Hearing Contracted Services - Valerie Bennett

4.15 Approval of Social Work Intern for the 2018-2019 School Year - Donna LaMotte

4.16 Approval of FY18 School District Library Grant Award- Office of Secretary of State

4.17 Disposal of Surplus Items / Non-Usable Building Equipment

4.18 Items Removed from Routine Business/Consent Agenda

There were no items removed from routine business/consent agenda.

Motion by Michael Jurka, second by Nicole McCarty to approve Routine Business as presented.

The following voice votes were heard: Ayes: Jamie Freedlund, John Hall, Michael Jurka, Rich McBarnes, Nicole McCarty, Rob Rodewald. Nays: None. Absent: Jayne Raef. Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

Dr. Hollowell introduced Taiyuan Banks-Tillmon, newly hired Shabbona Principal to the Board.

5. Mission of Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 is to: Collaborate with staff, students, families, and community

5.01 Converting Health Tech to LPN - Bernadette Henriott, Director of Student Support Services

Bernadette Henriott, Director of Student Support Services explained the need for converting the current Health Office Technician position to a Licensed Practical Nurse. The LPN would be better suited to meet the growing needs of students in the District. Ms. Henriott gave current staffing numbers and numbers of students requiring nursing services for the 17-18 school year by school. Ms. Henriott broke down responsibilities by position, Health office Tech, LPN, and RN. Discussion followed

Motion by Michael Jurka, second by Jaime Freedlund to approve to convert Health Office Tech position to LPN Position as presented. The following voice votes were heard: Ayes: Jamie Freedlund, John Hall, Michael Jurka, Rich McBarnes, Nicole McCarty, Rob Rodewald. Nays: None. Absent: Jayne Raef. Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

5.02 New Funding Formula Update - Superintendent Daniel Hollowell, Ed.D.

Dr. Hollowell, Superintendent reviewed the adequacy funding with the Board and explained how adequacy is funded. Dr. Hollowell explained the Gap to Adequacy and explained the 4-tier system. Dr. Hollowell then explained there BESD53 falls in Tier 2 funding and compared that to other local school districts. Discussion followed.

5.03 Illinois State Scholars - Superintendent Daniel R. Hollowell, Ed.D.

Dr. Hollowell, Superintendent explained the eligibility guidelines to be considered an Illinois State Scholar. The two counties within the I-Kan Regional Office Education had 135 State Scholars. Dr. Hollowell presented the breakdown by District and then listed the 22 State Scholars who had been students at Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center.

6. Mission of Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 is to: Provide a safe learning environment with innovation instructional practices

6.01 Instructional Technology Update - Dr. Jim Duggan, Director of Instruction

Dr. Duggan, Director of Instruction along with Kari Moulton, Jeremy Outsen, Anna Flowers presented the use of instructional technology in each elementary building. Each person explained how they were using technology both inside and outside the classroom. Discussion followed.

7. Mission of Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 is to: Inspire all students to reach their unique potential as globally conscious learners

7.01 English Learner Program Update - Dr. Jim Duggan, Director of Instruction Dr. Duggan presented the update of the English Learner Program. Currently there are 68 active students in the program who speak eight different language. BESD#53 has four staff members serving students. Dr. Duggan spoke about some of the recent family activities and the upcoming activities and celebrations. Dr. Duggan explained the different types of communications for non-English speaking families including a dedicated phone line for correspondence in Spanish and the website in Spanish and Arabic. Dr. Duggan explained some of the upcoming challenges, including scheduling and enrollment increases, new enrollment and overall mobility.

8. Informational Items -

8.01 Dates to Remember

March 22, 2018 Three Rivers Division Dinner Meeting 6:15 PM, Renaissance Center, Joliet

March 23, 2018 Early Dismissal - Schedule B

March 24, 2018 Mayor's Prayer Breakfast 8:00 am - ONU Chalfant Hall

March 26-April 2, 2018 No School - Spring Break

April 24, 2018 Regular Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Administrative Office

May 1, 2018 Economic Interest Statements Due

9. Non-Agenda Business by Board or Administration

9.01 Non-Agenda Business by Board or Administration

Superintendent Hollowell sends thoughts and prayers to the family of Marissa Grant, 18. Marissa was a 2018 graduate of BBCHS, 2014 student of BUGC. Ms. Grant passed away earlier this week after a single car accident.

10. Adjournment

10.01 AdjournMotion by Michael Jurka , second by John Hall to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Carries
