Village Of Onarga Village Board met July 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Cultra called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
2. Roll Call
Shane Cultra, Village President; Fred Walraven, Trustee; Andy McCann, Trustee, absent; Angie Martinez, Trustee; Matt Clark, Trustee; Holly Zirkle, Trustee; Claudia Ramirez, Trustee, absent; Stephanie VonDrehle, Village Clerk; Tim Hamilton, Village Supervisor, Stephanie Wilson, Park Coordinator, absent; Doug Brenner, Police Chief, absent; Rita Fink; Wendy Davis, Times Republic; Gilman Star; Neil Piggush, Piggush Engineering; Ceaser Aguilera; & Alvaro Santoyo.
3. Review and approval of minutes of the Village Board Meeting Minutes of Monday June 11, 2018 and Executive Session Minutes of Monday June 11, 2018.
Zirkle motioned to accept the meeting minutes & executive meeting minutes of Monday June 11, 2018 as presented. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
4. Review and approval of treasurer’s report
There was no treasurer’s report presented. Clark informed the Board, Thomas Davis, the Village Treasurer resigned earlier that day effective immediately. Clark stated Rita Fink had been in to work on any adjustments that needed to made before the Village’s upcoming audit. Fink presented and discussed with the Board the adjustments that needed to be made. Fink also made the Board aware that the audit had been moved to the second week in August. Clark motioned to approve the adjustments as presented. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
5. Review and approval of bills to be paid
There were on bills presented to the Board.
6. Public comment
Clark moved to open public comment. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Alvaro Santoyo asked the Board about a property in Onarga, which the Village does not own, so no information could be given on the property.
Santoyo who lives at 308 E. Lincoln asked the Board about putting in a driveway on the east side of his home and why he has to add concrete to the driveway and why it could not just all be gravel. Santoyo stated he would really like to get a driveway due to his car has being hit several times due to Nexus vehicles backing up and hitting his. Cultra and Clark informed Santoyo he must have concrete due to this said street having curbs and gutters and the Village requiring that you must have concrete on the approach. Cultra also told Santoyo that if is vehicle is hit again he should call Cultra and he himself would take care of this problem.
Ceaser Aguilera located at 111 W. Seminary also addressed the Board on Karen Gagnon’s property and issues with the roof that are causing his building problems. Aguilera stated he is having the building inspected and wants to know what the Village is going to do about the issues with Gagnon’s building. Clark asked Aguilera if he would give the Village a copy of the inspection once he had a copy and they would discuss the issues with the building inspector.
7. Review of correspondence to the board
An email from Stephanie Wilson, Park Coordinator was given to all board members addressing several issues. Wilson stated in the email, she has not been able to purchase items from GFS for the pool concession due to bills not being paid and them shutting down the Villages account. Wilson asked if it would be possible for her to get a debit card to purchase these items. Wilson also informed the Board that the Lifeguards were behind on their pay and wanted to know when this issue would be rectified. Clark stated at this time there would not be a debit card issued but the GFS account issues would be addressed, and the lifeguards pay would be issued right away.
8. Review and Possible Action on Ordinances
Ordinance #2018-08 Annual Appropriation Ordinance was tabled until the next meeting.
9. Standing Committee reports
9.1 Infrastructure (Holly Zirkle, Andy McCann, and Claudia Ramirez)
Zirkle motioned to approve the Infrastructure Committee Meeting minutes of June 28th. seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Clark motioned to approve the purchase of 10 grinders at $1700 each. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
9.1.1 There was nothing new at this time for Flooding Relief.
9.1.2 There was nothing new at this time for East Seminary Drainage.
9.1.3 Neil Piggush spoke to Board on the Evergreen Street repairs. Piggush recommends the Board use the revolving loan funds that the Village will receive back from the state to make these repairs. Cultra asked if the projections on cost of the repairs would be less if the Village was able to keep the brick street. Piggush was not exactly sure but would find out the answer and get the projections to the Board.
9.2 Safety, Security & Enforcement (Fred Walraven, Matt Clark, and Angie Martinez)
Walraven stated that the new computer had come in and that the committee is currently looking for security cameras for the park.
9.3 Parks and Recreation (Andy McCann, Holly Zirkle, and Angie Martinez) 9.4 Finance (Claudia Ramirez, Matt Clark, and Fred Walraven)
Clark stated that the audit would be the second week in August. Clark will also try to get an ad in the paper this week for a new treasurer.
9.5 Local and Intergovernmental Communications (Angie Martinez, Andy McCann, and Holly Zirkle)
9.5.1 Martinez will schedule a meeting to discuss the Onarga Digital Sign. 9.6 Building Standards (Matt Clark, Fred Walraven, and Claudia Ramirez)
Clark reminded the Board that building permits are available on the website, outside the Village Hall, at the banks, and the library. Clark also stated that there are helpful tips on the website for building renovations and additions.
9.7 TIF Committee (Matt Clark, Angie Martinez, and Andy McCann)
9.7.1 Clark stated he spoke with Behrends on the 131 N. Chestnut property and they are working on the TIF agreement.
9.8 Litigation Committee (Matt Clark, Shane Cultra, Andy McCann, Angie Martinez, and Mike Tilstra)
10. Old business
11. New business
12. Executive session (if needed) for any lawful purpose including but not limited to: Appointment, employment, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; Salary schedules for one or more employees; Selection of person to fill a public office or discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office; Purchase or lease of real property or setting of a price for sale or lease of village property; Litigation, pending or probable.
Clark moved to open executive session at 7:47pm. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Clark moved to close executive session at 7:57pm. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
13. Possible action on any executive session item
14. Adjournment
Clark moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.