City of Kankakee City Council met Sept. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: I would like to call the meeting to order. We will start with a prayer by Minister Shirley Yates and go on to the pledge of allegiance by the City Council. There are no Public Comments. Roll Call of City Council.
CLERK DUMAS: PRESENT: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy
ABSENT: Swanson (13) Present (1) Absent
CLERK DUMAS: PRESENT: Hunt, Schuldt, Kubal, McGrath, Schiel,
Piggush, Nelson, Bertrand, Schmitz. Thank you.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Minutes for August 20th meeting will be provided Monday, September 17th, 2018.
ITEM 8A: Presentation by Bill Barnes, Director of Community Relations from Duane Dean Behavioral Health Center in observation of recovery month. There are currently 174 addictions. A historical review, statistics, data, and financial impact were provided. Information on addressing the crisis and wellness district were also included.
ITEM 8B: Presentation by the Kankakee Police Department-Introduction of the new patrolman, Jose Diaz by Deputy Chief Hunt.
ITEMS 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G and 8H: If there are no objections, I would like to combine these items. All are street closures.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion to approve items 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G and 8H.
ALD GALL: So move.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motioned by Alderwoman Gall and Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. All in favor?
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Opposed same sign.Motion Carries.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Budget Committee, Public Safety, Building & Code
ITEM 9A & 9B: Alderman Baron: Budget Committee met on July 9th.this involved the final draft of the budget which has been approved and we are operating on now. There was an Additional meeting August 13th regarding number details over the fiscal year. Expenses are at 28.3 percent.
ITEM 9C: Alderman Brown: Public Safety met on August 7th
.Reports from the Fire Department bills from June and July were both approved. The highlights are: Vehicle Maintenance, Tuition Reimbursement, Lease Agreement, Taxes on building and overtime. Homes were provided for training. Gearing up for the ISO rate program.which also deals with homeowners insurance. On the Police side, they had two months of bills. Also there were four months of KanCom Bills paid. Overtime is high due to vacation, Bears Camp and injured Officers. Discussed having Duane Dean do a presentation as they have at this meeting. Safety program was discussed.
ITEM 9D: Alderman Crawford: Established a contact list.
Commercial properties overgrown grass and weeds two major ones was GE. A message was left and they replied that it will get done contacted and within 7-10 days. Indian Meadows was cleaned up also upon contact.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion to approve Item 10A
ALD FAFORD: I move that we approve the report of officers, place the money in the in the proper accounts and pay the bills in the amount of $858,016.10.
ALD TALL: I will second the motion.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion made by Alderman Faford and Seconded by Alderman Tall. Any discussion?
DISCUSSION: Bills are higher due liability payments to the two payments to Armstrong settlement that was voted on. Question on Bill#73828.this is one of our adjudicators.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion carries. No Unfinished Business. Moving on to New Business.
ITEM 12A: Ordinance declaring certain property surplus of the City of Kankakee-Kankakee Police Department- and authorizing the sale thereof (First and Second Reading).
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion to approve.
ALD BROWN: So move.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion made by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman Osenga.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?
ALD BROWN: So move.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion made by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman Osenga.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays ITEM 12B: Ordinance amending Chapter 32, Section 231 entitled “Handicapped parking” of the Municipal Code of the City of Kankakee Handicapped Parking Signs established at 572 South Moore Street (First & Second Reading).
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion to approve.
ALD BROWN: So move.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion made by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman Tetter.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?
ALD BROWN: So move.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion made by Alderman Brown and Seconded by AldermanTetter.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion carries. Items 12C and 12D are discussed together but will be voted on separately. Brookmont Blvd is fallen apart. The project has been stagnant and we have a federal obligation to comply on this project by Dec 2020 we are required to pay back funds that were received. We discussed allocated MFT funds for this project.
ITEM 12C: Proposal to accept Preliminary/Construction Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds Project for Brookmont Boulevard Viaduct.
NIEL PIGGUSH: MFT Outlay was passed out for information purposes with the 3 following options for considerations. We have been granted an extension until 2020. At a timeline in the project, we will be able to apply for other funding and the ICC money is still there.
Option 1 If Brookmont Blvd PE II is paid out of MFT fund in whole w/260K Annual Maintenance. Program for 3 years.
Option 2 If Brookmont Blvd PE II & Hobby Avenue PE & Construction is paid out of MFT in Whole w/260K Annual Maintenance. Program for 3 years.
Option 3 If Brookmont Blvd PE II & Hobbie Avenue PE &Construction is paid out of MFT in Whole w/500K Annual Maintenance. Program 3 years.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: I will take a motion on the proposal for Item 12C for Piggush Engineering.
ALD LEWIS: So move.
DISCUSSION: The three options are on the sheets that were passed out.
The only thing you are deciding tonight is moving forward with Brookmont Blvd. No options will be selected tonight. No TIF Districts to touch this project boundaries. The Hobbie project is from railroad on north end down to Court Street and involves coming up with a transportation program. It is a separate project at an 80/20 match. We received four submittals based on IDOT’s process that focused on qualifications. The city made the selection. Piggush is the contractor in the first one but nothing in the second one. The Brookmont project depends on construction and how far along we are with the engineering. It will get started by the end of this year. Alderman Curtis needs more time to digest this information.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: We have a motion and a second. Roll Call.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Lewis, Tall, Faford,
Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Malone Marshall, Kennedy ABSTAIN: Baron, Gall, (11) Ayes (2) Abstentions (0) Nays
ITEM 12D: Proposal to accept Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation Project for Brookmont Boulevard Viaduct.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: I will take a motion to approve Item 12D
ALD LEWIS: So move.
DISCUSSION: This does not include the cost to acquire the land. It includes the services. This is Engineering II and land acquisition services. We have to have recorded documents/titles to the land. Alderman Curtis would feel more comfortable given time to thoroughly consider project cost; not against the project. There is no pumping station in that area but it is mentioned therefore we will also have to add the cost of building a pumping station. Only the design
is included. We have a budget meeting upcoming and I think it would be appropriate to discuss it there.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: We have a motion and a second on the floor. Roll Call.
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Tetter, Brown,.
ALD CURTIS: Can I make a motion to table?
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: We already have a motion and a second on the floor.
(Roll Call Continues)
CLERK DUMAS: AYES: Lewis, Malone Marshall, Kennedy
NAYS: Curtis, Baron, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall,(all said no) (5) Ayes (8) Nays (0) Abstentions
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion fails. This will go to the Budget Committee.
There are no appointments. Moving on to Motions and Resolutions.
ITEM 13A: Proclamation Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month.
September 15th-October 15th, 2018 (translation provided while being read by Victor). There will be an event held on September 18th, 2018 Luncheon from 11:00AM – 1:00 PM at the Public Library.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion to approve the Proclamation.
ALD LEWIS: So move.
ALD TALL: Second.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motioned by Alderwoman Lewis and Seconded by Alderman Tall. All those in favor?
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Proclamation Approved. There is no Executive Session.
Alderman comments.
ALDERMEN & ALDERWOMEN: Behind the YWCA in the 1st Ward there is a lot of trash being dumped. We have to get that moved. There are also several areas in the 1st Ward that need lighting. Contact ESU or contact Lisa at Com Ed. Pete is still working on getting the house on Indiana demoed. Rained out for Sunset Stroll event. Thanks to all those that assisted from DPW. The License and Franchise meeting has been cancelled for this Thursday.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Welcome Maya she is new to our staff with the City. IML is approaching.Aqua has a session. Interviewing Planner tomorrow. Republic Contract will remain unchanged, there is a meeting next week regarding education and community outreach.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motion carries. No Executive Session. May I have a motion to adjourn?
ALD OSENGA: So move.
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Motioned by Alderman Osenga. Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. All in favor aye?
MAYOR WELLS-ARMSTRONG: Opposed same sign. We are adjourned.