Village Of Onarga Village Board met Sept. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Cultra called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
2. Roll Call
Shane Cultra, Village President; Fred Walraven, Trustee; Andy McCann, Trustee, absent; Angie Martinez, Trustee; Matt Clark, Trustee; Holly Zirkle, Trustee; Claudia Ramirez, Trustee; Stephanie VonDrehle, Village Clerk; Tim Hamilton, Village Supervisor, Stephanie Wilson, Park Coordinator; Doug Brenner, Police Chief; Rita Fink; Wendy Davis, Times Republic; Gilman Star.
3. Review and approval of Regular Village Board Meeting, Executive Session of Monday July 9, 2018.
Clark motioned to accept the regular meeting minutes of Monday August 13, 2018 as amended. Zirkle seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Clark motioned to accept the executive meeting minutes of Monday August 13, 2018 as presented. McCann seconded the motion. The motion carried.
4. Review and approval of treasurer’s report
Fink went over the reports she presented to the board.
Walraven motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Ramirez seconded the motion. The motion carried. 5. Review and approval of bills to be paid
The bills were distributed. There was a discussion on the MFT bill to be paid. This should not have been paid until services are rendered. There also a duplicate payment shown on the bills to be paid, this item was also removed. Walraven motioned to approve the bills to be paid in the amount of $59,569.34, except for the two bills that were discussed. Ramirez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
6. Public comment
Clark motioned to open public comment. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Michael Weakley addressed the board on his water bill that was past due. He is working on getting it paid but asked the board if they would extend the cancellation date.
Clark motioned to approve extending Michael Weakley’s shut off date by 10 days from the date of the meeting. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
7. Review of correspondence to the board
There was no correspondence to the board.
8. Review and Possible Action on Ordinances
Ordinance #2018-07-Ordinance Approving and Authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement by and Between the
Village of Onarga and Lyle & Melinda Behrends and Other Actions in Connection Therewith was tabled until the next meeting.
9. Standing Committee reports
9.1 Infrastructure (Holly Zirkle, Andy McCann, and Claudia Ramirez)
9.1.1 Clark wanted to remind the board that work still needed to be completed with flooding relief.
Someone still needs to speak with the drainage districts on the flooding issues and to make sure, the manholes and tile are being cleaned, to make sure the water flows correct to stop flooding issues.
9.1.2 There was nothing new at this time for East Seminary Drainage.
9.1.3 The board discussed what they wanted to have completed for the Evergreen Street Repair.
Although everyone would like to keep the brick streets. The board and Hamilton think it would be better for a new road to be completed and remove the remaining bricks and keep those for any repairs made on the other brick roads. Hamilton will speak with Piggush on this.
9.2 Safety, Security & Enforcement (Fred Walraven, Matt Clark, and Angie Martinez)
Walraven motioned to approve the Safety, Security, & Enforcement Committee meeting minutes of August 9th as presented. Zirkle seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Brenner handed out the July and August Police reports. Brenner also spoke about the problems with semis that with the windmill propellers that came through town. Clark asked if there was a way a bill could be sent for all the time spent on this issue. Brenner will try to find an address and send a bill.
9.3 Parks and Recreation (Andy McCann, Holly Zirkle, and Angie Martinez)
9.3.1 Zirkle motioned to set trick or treating hours to be from 5:00-7:00pm on October 31st. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Wilson passed out a Facebook Survey on the Pool and how people felt the pool was doing and what changes they would like to see. She will look into this and try to change some items for next year.
Hamilton stated there still needed to be a tree planted for Steve Brantley. The stone is still sitting in his shop and he would like to get this placed as soon as possible.
9.4 Finance (Claudia Ramirez, Matt Clark, and Fred Walraven)
Ramirez motioned to approve the Finance Committee meeting minutes of September 5, 2018. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
9.4.1 There was a discussion on the open treasurer position. Only one person has applied for this job. Ramirez cannot remain on the board and complete the Treasurer duties per instructions of the boards attorney.
9.4.2 The financial audit will be rescheduled and will need to be completed by December 26th.
9.5 Local and Intergovernmental Communications (Angie Martinez, Andy McCann, and Holly Zirkle)
9.5.1 There was nothing new for the Onarga Digital Sign. Martinez will contact Jeff Meyer on this. 9.6 Building Standards (Matt Clark, Fred Walraven, and Claudia Ramirez)
9.7 TIF Committee (Matt Clark, Angie Martinez, and Andy McCann)
9.7.1 Clark stated they are still working on the demolition of 131 N. Chestnut and there is a meeting set on Wednesday at 5:00pm to discuss with Behrends.
9.8 Litigation Committee (Matt Clark, Shane Cultra, Andy McCann, Angie Martinez, and Mike Tilstra) 10. Old business
11. New business
Clark informed the board he will not be running for re-election in April.
12. Executive session (if needed) for any lawful purpose including but not limited to: Appointment, employment, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; Salary schedules for one or more employees; Selection of person to fill a public office or discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office; Purchase or lease of real property or setting of a price for sale or lease of village property; Litigation, pending or probable.
Clark moved to open executive session at 8:07pm. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Clark moved to close executive session at 8:15pm. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.
13. Possible action on any executive session item
14. Adjournment
Walraven moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.