
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Chebanse Village Board met February 18

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Village of Chebanse Village Board met Feb. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor Mathy called the regular Village Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm and announced that the Village would be taping and Kathy Washington from the Advocate would be taking notes.

The following Trustees were present: Trustee Beherns, Trustee Kohler, Trustee Odle and Trustee Snyder. Trustees Perzee and Randles were absent. Also present were Mayor Mathy, Clerk Pasel and James Smith from Maintenance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mathy

APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Odle to approve the January 21, 2019 regular Village Board meeting minutes. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Kohler to approve the January 31, 2019 Treasurer’s Report. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

BILL STATEMENT: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Snyder to approve the Bill Statement for February 18, 2019. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried


STERLING CODIFIERS: Attorney Hiatt reported that everything has been sent back to Sterling and publication is under way.

REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Trustee Beherns asked that the sign for freezing pipes be taken down. It is confusing when it is not freezing conditions.

REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICERS: Clerk Pasel informed the Board that the Motor Fuel audit is being done this week. Budget packets have been given to the Finance Committee to start work on.

James stated that the valve on the water tower is broken. He is assuming that this is one of the maintenance items that Greg is referring to on the water tower maintenance plan. The cost for a replacement valve is $1700.00.


131 & 161 N. LOCUST: Mayor Mathy stated that he has spoken with Shawn concerning his plans for both properties. He is unsure at this time if he will be combining them. He will stay five foot off the property line, new sidewalk and landscaping. In the winter, he plans to lease the building for boat and RV storage. In the summer, it will be extra warehousing for his pool cover business. He hopes to start construction when the weather breaks. He is aware that there are two sewer hook ups on the properties but was not concerned with paying for both. Mayor Mathy spoke with Brian on the Planned Development District. Brian stated that the Village Zoning Ordinance contained a Planned Development District so it was placed on the legend. It is a mixed-use zone, usually with a combination of commercial and residential users. No action was taken at this time. James will speak with Shawn to see what his intent is as far as bathrooms and such.

WAIVE CIVIC CENTER RENTAL FEE: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Snyder to waive the rental fee of the Civic Center for Bud Braves 90th Birthday party. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

COLOR RUN: A motion was made by Trustee Odle and a second by Trustee Beherns to waive the rental fee for the Civic Center for the Color Run on May 5, 2019. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

MAGUIRE IRON: Several attempts have been made to collect the additional engineering cost on the Ground Storage Tank project to no avail. A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Kohler to have Attorney Hiatt send a letter to Maguire Iron asking for the $3200.00 inspection fees. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

COURT MONEY: Clerk Pasel informed the Board of a credit card company called Court Money that the Village could collaborate with to be able to accept credit cards for payment on the water/sewer bills. There is zero cost to the Village to use the service. However, there is a cost to the resident of 3.5% of their total bill, if the resident chooses to use it. A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Odle to approve accepting Visa, Master Card and Discover credit cards for water/sewer payments. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

DE-ANNEXATION: Mayor Mathy asked what the Boards feelings were on de-annexing the roads north of town where the proposed ethanol plant was going to go. James stated at some point there is some maintenance that will need to be done. James suggested that Trustee Snyder, Barry Painter, and he have a meeting to discuss the roads. The Board would also like more information before a decision is made.

CIVIC CENTER LIGHTING: James stated that it has been a year since the Board discussed new lighting for the civic center. The cost would be $1320.00 to put in new lighting. A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Odle to approve $1500.00 to upgrade the lighting in the civic center gym out of the General Fund. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler A yes

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

A-1 LOCKSMITH: James stated that he requested a quote to have some locks re-keyed to allow 1 key to enter the Depot, Maintenance Shed, Civic Center, and the Well Houses. James would also like the same key for all of the padlocks we use. The quote to have A-1 Locksmith key the locks, add striker plates to some, and key the pad locks is $3,000.00. A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Snyder to have A-1 Locksmith re-key the locks with General paying $1500.00, Tile $500.00, Civic Center $500.00 and Water $500.00. Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried


CHEBANSE RECREATION CENTER DONATION: Chebanse Recreation Center will be having their third luau fundraiser at the Civic Center on May 4, 2019. They are asking for donations to help raise funds for a diving board platform. No action taken at this time.

KANKAKEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT: Mayor Mathy informed the board that he has spoken with Lt. Zopf concerning patrolling on Sundays. Lt. Zopf stated that if the Board requests they not patrol on Sundays, he would inform his officers. He stated that it is good to be seen while people are going to church. They also walk door to door to check and make sure the businesses are locked. The Board agreed to leave Sunday patrolling for now.

THANK YOU CARD: Mayor Mathy read a thank you card from Clifton Food Pantry for the Village’s $500.00 donation.


ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Trustee Beherns and a second by Trustee Odle to adjourn the meeting. Time: 7:55 pm, Vote:

Beherns Aye

Kohler Aye

Odle Aye

Snyder Aye

4 Ayes, 0 Nays

Motion Carried

Minutes of the February 18, 2019 Village Board meeting respectfully submitted by Clerk Julie Pasel, MMC
