Village of Grant Park Village Board met May 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
6:30PM Meeting called to Order/ Pledge
Roll Call was taken, all members present
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 5/06/19 meeting
Motion: Morgan 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
*Motion to approve bills for payment: <5/04/19 Payroll $14,883.34, <5/14/19 Stipend $1,275.00, <5/16/19 General Fund $12,075.62, Sewer Fund $433.65
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 6-0
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman: assisted Library Board, with taking the Oath of Office
Streets & Alleys, Veldhuizen: no report
Finance, Dickson: updated the Board, that Hitchcock Group is getting started
Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: Applied for a Grant for signs for the Village, and was recently notified that we were awarded 80% of the $5000 requested
Building & Grounds, Morse: Thanked Bob Schurman and John Henson for hanging flower baskets in town
*Motion to approve Youth Commission “Meet & Greet” to be held June 2nd at Heldt Park 3PM
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
*Motion to approve improvements the Grant Park Foundation has submitted for 2019 for Heldt Park, and the “Beat the Blahs” summer mini classes to be held at Heldt Park hosted by the Grant Park Foundation.
Motion: Morse 2nd: Weidl Motion Carried 6-0
Ordinance & Insurance, Weidl: no Village report. As co-chair of the event, she did want to thank all involved with the Grant Park Chamber Golf outing held last Saturday, raising appx. $5700 for their scholarship fund
Law Enforcement, Coats: no report
Pres. Roth: Wanted to thank the Edwin Heldt family for the memorial gift received to benefit the Village Parks,
And offered congratulations to the G.P.H.S Softball team on their recent Regional championship
No Executive Session held
6:43PM Meeting adjourned