
Kankakee Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Village of Manteno Public Safety Committee met June 12

Webp meetingroom04

Village of Manteno Public Safety Committee met June 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Timothy Boyce, Trustee

Todd Crockett, Trustee

Diane Dole, Trustee


Joel Gesky, Trustee


Sam Martin, Trustee


Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Administrator


Jim Hanley, Supt of Public Works


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Ryan Marion, Building Official


Sarah Marion, Event Coordinator

Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Geoff Aggen, Tyson Engineering

Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Trustee Dole called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.

A motion was made by Trustee Martin, seconded by Trustee Dole, to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2019 as presented; motion carried by voice vote. All ayes, no nays.

Public Participation:

Sue Bergin, 1611 Raven Drive, addressed the committee concerning Airbnb or short-term rentals. Ms. Bergin lives across the street from a 12-unit building that has had several units advertised for short-term rentals. Ms. Bergin feels that the use of these apartments as short-term rentals is not following the zoning district and should be considered a commercial use. Ms. Bergin stated that she has spoken to many other municipalities and the use of short-term rentals is a worldwide explosion. Ms. Bergin is concerned that the safety of our community is compromised.

Mayor Nugent stated that the village has no mechanism in place to know who may be renting their homes or apartments as an Airbnb or short term rental. Our village attorney has informed us that the village can only regulate what is built but the village cannot control the rental contract.

Trustee Gesky asked about police calls at the 12-unit across from Ms. Bergin’s home. Mr. Marion stated that there has been no major incidents. The calls were for missed 911 calls, lock-out calls and suspicious activity calls.

Ms. Bergin would like to be pro-active and have the village institute regulations or changes in the zoning so that her home remains in a residential area.

Mr. Marion stated that the village can use the nuisance ordinance for problem areas.

Trustee Gesky stated he would rather live across from a well-maintained property. Having a short-term rental usually means that the property is well maintained or otherwise the property owners would not be able to get rentals.

Mayor Nugent thanked Ms. Bergin for her comments and concerns. The Mayor will have our attorney monitor the situation for any ordinances concerning short term rentals. Mayor Nugent also asked Ms. Bergin to share any information that she may obtain with the village.

Ms. Bergin exited the meeting at 7:37 a.m.

Items for Discussion:

• Personnel Updates – Chief Swinford announced that the newest officer, Thomas Ritter, is currently in the FTO process and is doing well. Officer Casey was released to return to full duty and is also doing well. Officer Reynolds has been appointed as another detective. Chief Swinford announced that another shift has been developed for the daytime. It is a 10-hour shift with permanent days off. This type of shift was used during the afternoon/midnight shifts to help with overtime. The time could be flexed a few hours each way to help during busy times. There will be an officer on the afternoon/midnight shift and then another officer will be for the day/afternoon shift. This is a volunteer position. If no officer volunteers the position will not be filled. Mayor Nugent requested that a side letter with the FOP union be prepared.

• Park Ranger – Chief Swinford stated that there are seven (7) current park rangers trained. Day shift is harder to fill due to the park rangers having other jobs. Any park ranger that works on a holiday will be paid at 1.5 time. First aid kits have been made available. Trustee Gesky asked about adding a gate on the westside of the Square. Bike rack pads have been poured and the racks will be installed later today.

• Square on Second – Chief Swinford stated his concerns about parking on the east side of Walnut Street near the Square. Trustee Martin would like to see crosswalks painted on Walnut. Mr. Hanley will talk to the Village Engineer since there will be some street painting on Spruce and Cypress Street project. Mr. Hanley will see if the company could paint the crosswalks.

Chief Swinford would also like to have a speed bump added in the alley south of the Square. Mr. Hanley will order two more speed bumps.

• Ordinance Discussion – Chief Swinford has been reviewing the village code and there are a few areas that the language needs to be updated to coincide with the current law. Chief Swinford presented a packet of requested changes. The areas requested to be changed are: 1-4-1 Penalties; 7-12-2 Administrative Seizure of Vehicle; 4-1-4-17 Possession of Cannabis or Drug paraphernalia; 4-1-5-3 Malicious Mischief or Destruction; 4-1-4-4 Theft; 4-1-5-6 Retail theft; 4-2-9 Possession of tobacco; 4-4-24 Dangerous and Vicious Dogs and Cats; & 7-5-1 Parking Prohibited – push deliveries to alleys & limit time on parking near building on alley by Square on 2nd. (See attached for details)

All requested changes will be sent to Village Attorney to prepare ordinances.

• Heritage Park Camera Proposal – Chief Swinford and Mr. LaRocque would like to see cameras installed at Heritage Park after the concession stand was broken into. Cinema Home Solutions gave a proposal for four (4) cameras and DVR. The committee suggested that two (2) more cameras be added to look over the ball fields and parking lot. The item will be placed on the June 17th board agenda for approval.

• Police Bike Replacement – Chief Swinford announced that two (2) new pedal assist bikes were purchased. The department tested bikes with four (4) companies. This was a budgeted item. Chief Swinford stated that it is a great alternative to patrolling in a police car and good public relations. The Daily Journal will be doing an article on the bikes. Three more officers will be certified to ride the bikes.

• New Vehicle Discussion – Chief Swinford stated that the department was test driving a Dodge pick-up for use as a squad car. The price difference between Ford and Dodge is substantial. Chief Swinford met with Taylor Ford personnel. Taylor Ford cannot order the vehicle or do warranty work, but since the owner of the dealership also has a Dodge dealership Chief Swinford felt they were not concerned about the department buying a Dodge instead of a Ford. Trustee Gesky asked about trade-in value.

Trustee Dole exited the meeting at 7:59 a.m.

Chief Swinford stated that the Chief of Police from Grant Park received a two-week test drive on the truck and allowed Manteno to also use the truck for a few days.

Trustee Martin exited the meeting at 8:03 a.m.

Chief Swinford will do more research on the trade-in value of the Dodge compared to the Ford F150. The item will be discussed again at the next Public Safety meeting.

A motion by Trustee Gesky and seconded by Mayor Nugent, to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 a.m. Voice vote – all ayes.
