Bourbonnais Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Dave Stejkowski called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bourbonnais Public Library District at 7:00 p.m.
Trustees present: David Stejkowsi, Mary Kay Blankestyn, Deborah Hendrick, Judith Smead, Ellen Stringer, Laura Contreras, and Laurie Hofman. Also present: Library Director Kelly McCully.
President’s Report: Stejkowski noted there was a quorum present. He also shared that legal counsel was advised of the meeting being held via ZOOM. Video conferencing does comply with the rules. The Board will have this type of meeting for as long as needed because of the current COVID-19 situation. This will be ratified at the first “real” meeting. McCully added that tonight’s meeting is being recorded and will be downloaded to the library’s server.
Secretary’s Report: The Board reviewed the minutes from the regular Board Meeting held March 16, 2020. Blankestyn made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Stringer seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.
Correspondence & Communications and Public Comment (action items only): None.
Financial Report: Stringer reviewed the transactions and asked for any questions. Stringer made a motion to pay the monthly bills as presented. Hendrick seconded the motion. Stejkowski, Blankestyn, Contreras, Hendrick, Hofman, Smead, and Stringer voted yes. The board reviewed the balance sheet which is tracking slightly under budget at 72%. The balance sheet will be submitted to the auditor.
Director’s Report:
Deadlines: April 30, Last day to file a Statement of Economic Interest to the County Clerk.
Marketing: There are currently 1,324 people on the library email list. The Library has 2,075 likes on Facebook, and 575 followers on Instagram.
McCully discussed the online marketing campaigns being conducted during the library closure. She also reviewed the virtual services being offered during this time.
McCully stated she will be conducting staff performance evaluations using Zoom.
Committee Reports:
Personnel: Set date to discuss FY2020-21 Employee Wage Scale, Organizational Structure, & Director’s Evaluation (after Library reopens). Kelly will email Smead with possible dates for this meeting. Smead suggested deferring Kelly’s evaluation until May 15 and then using Zoom if necessary. Finance: None. Policy: None. Building and Grounds: None. Long Range Planning: None.
Unfinished Business:
Discuss Library Response to Illinois COVID-19: There was nothing additional to discuss.
New Business:
Discuss Library Return to Service Plan: McCully led a discussion of the COVID-19 Library Building Reopening Plan draft. McCully reviewed and summarized each phase of this five-part plan. The main emphasis of each phase will be staff and library patron safety. The plan is a guideline which Director McCully can modify or change as needed. Blankestyn made a motion to adopt the COVID-19 Library Building Reopening Plan. Hofman seconded the motion and it passed with all ayes.
In the event the virus returns in the fall, this plan can be implemented in reverse.
Public Comment: None.
Adjournment: Hendrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m. Stringer seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.