Kankakee County Finance Committee met March 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the County Board Chairman, Mr. Wheeler, at 9:01 a.m. Quorum present by Tele-Conference in accordance to the COVID-19 Executive Order.
2. Public Comment
3. Presentation
4. Approval of Minutes: February 27, 2020
Mr. Hess made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Parker seconded it.
Motion carried with a voice vote.
5. Consent Agenda
• County Treasurer’s Report – February 2020
• County Collector’s Report – February 2020
• Monthly Resolutions for April 2020
• Monthly Building Report: for February 2020
• County Clerk’s Monthly Report for February 2020
• Assessor’s Monthly Report for February 2020
• Recorder’s Monthly Report for February 2020
• Animal Control’s Monthly Report for February 2020
• Auditors Claims Report
• Appointment of Troy S. Coffman to the Limestone Township Fire Protection District
• Appointment of Carl A. Goodwin to the Bloom’s Grove Cemetery Association
• Appointment of Scott Bertrand to the Bloom’s Grove Cemetery Association
• Reappointment of Maurice O’Keefe to the Manteno Community Fire Protection District
• Reappointment of Peggy A. Skoff to the Bloom’s Grove Cemetery Association
• Reappointment of Steve E. Cote to the Board of Review
Mr. Wheeler noted that any questions can be directed to the department heads on the reports.
The auditor’s report was not included in the consent agenda; the claims report was not submitted or completed by the auditor.
Mr. Washington made a motion to combine and approve the consent agenda, and Ms. Zuccollo seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Zenz, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
5. Administrative Update – Anita Speckman
Ms. Speckman updated the committee on the processes that have been put in place for employees.
Ms. Speckman stated there were multiple department head meetings to be certain that the county stayed on top of COVID-19. Ms. Speckman thanked Nancy Nicholson with the State’s Attorney’s office for her assistance with interpretation of the new laws.
Ms. Speckman updated the committee on the county’s website that has a new COVID-19 section with updated information pertaining to the County.
Ms. Speckman advised that there was a new process to track the financial costs of COVID-19.
Mr. Wheeler stated that there are more decisions to be made as these progresses.
Mr. Liehr commented on the unemployment laws that were passed and if this could benefit the employees.
Mr. Wheeler commented that it’s something to keep an eye on, but that unemployment doesn’t address benefits for the employee’s families.
Mr. Wheeler thanked Ms. Speckman for her efforts in getting the County up to date and knowledgeable of the changes, that is coming daily.
6. Finance Department – Steve McCarty
Mr. McCarty provided the committee with a brief overview to the following reports.
Miscellaneous Financial Reports & Questions
Cash Flow Update
Claims Recommended/Not Recommended for Approval
There were no claims to discuss
FY19 General Fund Contingency Budget Adjustment
Mr. Hess made a motion to combine and approve, and Mr. Liehr seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Zenz, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Monthly Claims to be Approved
Mr. Wheeler advised that the claims were not done this month.
7. Committee Business
Highways & Buildings
Bid Opening for Kankakee County Courthouse Asphalt Project
Mr. Washington made a motion to open the bids, and Ms. Zuccollo seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
There were three bids received. Mr. Andrews will review the bids and confirm accuracy.
Oakwood Enterprises $204,500
Kankakee Valley Construction Company $216,791
Tempco - $148,102.50
Mr. Zenz made a motion to approve the lowest qualified bidder, and Mr. Washington seconded it.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington,
Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Zenz, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Equipment Purchase - Total Patcher
Mr. Rogers reviewed the purchase with the committee and the savings that will come from the purchase. Mr. Rogers stated that it was within the equipment budget and he is looking for a head nod from the committee.
Planning, Zoning, & Agriculture
Automation of Building Permit & Contractor Registration Process
Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed the software program with the committee.
Mr. Liehr made a motion to approve, and Mr. Kinzinger seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Zenz, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Amendment to Chapter 105, Article III, Section 105.287 Contractor Registration Fees Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed the fee increase with the committee.
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve, and Mr. Dunnill seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote of 12 ayes and 1 nay. Voting nay was Mr. Kinzinger
Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Sign the FY2021 FTA Section 5311 Application
Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Sign the FY2021 Illinois Downstate Operating Assistance Program Application
Purchase of Service Agreement with SHOWBUS
SHOWBUS Lease Agreements
Mr. Wilson reviewed the Applications and agreements with the committee.
Mr. Kinzinger stated that branding should be included to show Kankakee County.
Mr. Wilson stated that it would be beneficial and talked about to include Kankakee County in the branding efforts.
Mr. Kinzinger stated that he is satisfied as long as there are talks in the works.
Mr. Wheeler stated that there is a concern when people are used to seeing Showbus and we must be fair, but there will be a transition time to work through.
Mr. Zuccollo made a motion to combine and approve, and Ms. Parker seconded it.
Mr. Wheeler read the titles into the record.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Wheeler reviewed the comparative compensations with the committee.
Mr. Kinzinger expressed concerns with four year increases and the ability to keep elected officials with limited compensation.
Mr. Washington stated that future revenue is always uncertain, so it would be wise to be conservative.
Mr. Hess stated that he would like to point out that the coroner is on call 24/7 for 365 days a year.
Ms. Haas asked what the annual increase is.
Mr. Wheeler advised that it is $3250 annually.
Setting the Compensation for the Auditor of Kankakee County, IL
Ms. Haas made a motion to approve compensation at $69,900, and Mr. Washington seconded it.
There was no discussion from the committee.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 11 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Setting the Compensation for the Coroner of Kankakee County, IL
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve compensation at $79,900, and Ms. Zuccollo seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 11 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Setting the Compensation for the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Twenty-First Judicial Circuit, Kankakee County, IL
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve compensation at 79,900, and Mr. Liehr seconded it.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 11 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Ms. Haas, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Setting the Compensation for the Recorder of Kankakee County, IL
Mr. Kinzinger made a motion to approve compensation at 69,900, and Mr. Miller seconded it.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Swanson, Ms. Haas, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Setting the Compensation for members of the Kankakee County Board
Mr. Wheeler stated that this includes the life insurance. It has to be included in the resolution. That will be included.
Mr. Wheeler stated that there were some board members that went without compensation and there was a cut taken years ago when things were really bad. This set compensation of per diem will only be for 2 years.
Mr. Liehr stated that there will be a new decision starting December of 2022.
Mr. Hess stated that he would make the motion to freeze the salary at $70 per meeting.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he wanted it to be clear that you must be present at a meeting in order to be paid.
Mr. Hess made a motion to approve, and Ms. Haas seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess,
Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Swanson, Ms. Haas, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Setting the Compensation for the Chairman of the Kankakee County Board
Setting the Compensation for the Liquor Commissioner of Kankakee County
Mr. Wheeler stated that this would also be for the next two years. Mr. Wheeler stated that this would be kept the same compensation.
Mr. Dunnill made a motion to combine and approve without changes, and Ms. Zuccollo seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were Mr. Liehr, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Swanson, Ms. Haas, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, Ms. Zuccollo and Mr. Wheeler
Temporary Suspension of Collecting Hotel-Motel Tax Late Fees
Mr. Wheeler reviewed and discussed the late fees with the committee. Mr. Wheeler stated that the KCCVB reached out to him and asked if there could be something done to assist the hotels.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the time period would be through the end of June, it could be extended if need be in the future.
The committee agreed with the timeframe and stated that it was a good idea. The full language will be available at the full board meeting.
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve, and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
8. Other Business
Mr. Wheeler stated that until the stay at home order is lifted, we will continue to do meetings in this manner. Mr. Wheeler stated that it could be discussed in the future if anything should be changed.
Mr. Liehr questioned if we should consider committee of the whole.
Mr. Wheeler shared his concern about having a quorum and the counties ability to keep business moving forward with paying the bills. Mr. Wheeler stated that the full committee is able to vote at the full board.
The committee agreed to keep it like it is and they appreciate the efforts with the zoom conferencing.
Mr. Hess asked for the reports that were approved in Criminal Justice to be included at full county board.
Mr. Wheeler confirmed.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Hess made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:36 a.m., and Ms. Zuccollo seconded it. Meeting was adjourned.