Kankakee County Finance Committee met May 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present
Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
Members Absent
Mr. Zenz
In Attendance
• Board Members
Mr. Kerkstra
Department Heads
Anita Speckman, Ben Wilson, Mark Rogers, Steve McCarty and Nancy Nicholson
1. Call to Order
• Roll Call The meeting was called to order by the County Board Chairman, Mr. Wheeler, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present by Tele-Conference in accordance to the COVID-19 Executive Order.
2. Public Comment
3. Presentation
• NIMEC Aggregation Renewal – David Hoover
Mr. Hoover with NIMEC presented the aggregation renewal to the committee.
Mr. Hoover advised this program allows the county to shop for a lower rate for county residents. Mr. Hoover reviewed a PowerPoint presentation with the committee.
Mr. Wheeler advised this was to obtain predictability for the county in the market. This agreement is a 12 to 36 month agreement and the board can choose 1,2, or 3 years. This will increase revenue without costing our taxpayers any money.
Mr. Hoover asked if there were any questions from the committee.
Mr. Kinzinger asked what the average cost difference between MC Squared to ComEd.
Mr. Hoover advised that the Comed rate will fluctuate and move, so that is a difficult question to answer.
Mr. Liehr asked what the factors are for ComEd to fluctuate their rates.
Mr. Hoover advised that a state agency will negotiate the rates according the anticipated usage. Every month the usage will change and the rate is adjusted accordingly.
Mr. Wheeler asked for a recommendation from the committee.
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve and recommend MCSquared, and Mr. Kinzinger seconded it. Mr. Wheeler asked if that rate and contract was a daily movement or if there was time.
Mr. Hess asked if this item could be moved to the Special County Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday.
Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Hoover agreed that was a good idea to act quickly on the contract being signed.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
4. Approval of Minutes: April 30, 2020
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve the minutes, and Mr. Payton seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
5. Finance Department – Steve McCarty
• FY2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – SKDO
The annual report was reviewed and discussed in detail with the committee by Carmen Huizenga and Marcie Kolberg with SKDO.
Mr. Kinzinger asked about the interest from 2019 compared to other years and asked what that number was.
Ms. Huinzenga advised that the number may not have been reflected on the chart or scale correctly.
Mr. Wheeler stated that there is a final copy of the report that will be sent. The deadline is May 29th for the audit to be submitted.
Ms. Huizenga thanked the county for their cooperation to make the audit go smoothly.
Mr. Liehr made a motion to approve, and Mr. Dunnill seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
• Claims Recommended/Not Recommended for Approval
Mr. McCarty reviewed the claims that were not recommended for approval.
Mr. McCarty advised the claim is for a uniform shirt for Animal Control in the amount of $43.87.
Mr. Sirois asked if Ms. Laird has a uniform policy similar to the Sheriff’s Department and if not, can one be drafted? They need to have identifiable uniforms and this claim is only for 1 shirt. Mr. Sirois recommended that they get more shirts for other days of the week.
Sheriff Downey stated that there is an IRS rule that states the county shouldn’t pay for clothing that could be worn outside of work. Sheriff stated that when someone is off duty, they do not want to wear outside of work. The problem with this claim is that it goes back and forth and creates unnecessary work and ends up more costly.
Mr. Sirois suggested that Animal Control may benefit from having a different look than the Sheriff’s Department.
Sheriff Downey agreed.
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve, and Mr. Hess seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
• Monthly Claims
Mr. McCarty reviewed and discussed the monthly claims with the committee
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve, and Mr. Kinzinger seconded it.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the report was sent out in advance to the committee.
There were no questions or comments from the committee.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
• Miscellaneous Financial Reports and Discussion
Mr. McCarty reviewed the reports with the committee.
• Cash Flow Update
Mr. McCarty reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee. Mr. McCarty stated that there were highlighted areas of cash flow to identify that there have been significant changes. He wanted to draw attention to these areas for discussion.
Mr. Wheeler asked if we are still within 30-45 days for vendor payment.
Mr. McCarty confirmed.
6.Treasurer’s Office – Nick Africano
• County Treasurer’s Report – May 2020
• County Collector’s Report – May 2020
• Monthly Resolutions for June 2020
Mr. Africano reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
Ms. Parker made the motion to combine and approve the monthly reports, and Mr. Miller seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Africano stated that the office will be open for Tax payments on June 20th from 8am to 1pm and there will need to be someone here at the door. There could be additional Saturdays added if needed.
First tax distribution will be on July 18th. There was extra time allowed in case there was an extension.
Mr. Wheeler advised that the term was not mentioned in the original motion for the Energy aggregation. The first and the second agreed on 3 years. A roll call vote was suggested for the term.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
7. Sheriff’s Department – Mike Downey
• Monthly Update
Sheriff Downey reviewed the report with the committee
Sheriff Downey stated that there was not one case of COVID in the facility and he thanked the department for their efforts in keeping everyone safe.
There were no questions or comments from the committee.
• Resolution for Vehicle Loans – Sheriff Department
Sheriff Downey stated that last fall there was a board approval for the purchase of vehicles. That number has been cut back. The bank requested the term be for 2 years, which is not financially feasible for the county. Sheriff stated that the number is $550,000 and there is a bank that will go 3 years on the term.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the Ford Explorers were the vehicles that we are not getting. The tahoes were purchased from a local dealer.
Sheriff Downey asked if this could be added to the agenda for the Special County Board meeting on June 2nd.
Ms. Nicholson confirmed that the resolution would be prepared in time for the special county board meeting.
Mr. Sirois made a motion to approve, and Mr. Swanson seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays.
There were no more questions or comments by the committee.
Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
8. Auditor’s Office – Jake Lee
There was nothing received from the auditor’s office.
Mr. Swanson asked if the auditor wasn’t coming to the finance meeting anymore?
Mr. Wheeler stated that there hasn’t been any communication either way.
9. Other Business
• Bidding & Letting
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Mr. Rogers stated that there should be a motion to open bids.
Mr. Washington made a motion to open the bids, and Mr. Hess seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Rogers reviewed and discussed the bid with the committee, stating that it was within 10%
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve the lowest qualified bidder, and Mr. Payton seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
10. Old Business/New Business
• Intergovernmental Agreement for Natural Gas Improvements in Hopkins Park
Mr. Wheeler stated that the gas line project will be moving forward. The county will be the fiscal agent for the project.
Mr. Payton made a motion to approve, and Ms. Haas seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 15 ayes and 0 nays.
There were no questions from the committee.
Mr. Wheeler stated that this project has been in the works for a long time and he is excited to bring natural gas to the community.
Voting aye were: Mr. Liehr, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Ms. Webber, Mr. Hess, Mr. Payton, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Byrne, Ms. Haas, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Miller, Ms. Parker, Mr. Dunnill, and Ms. Zuccollo
11. Adjournment
Mr. Hess made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:31 a.m., and Mr. Dunnill seconded it. Meeting was adjourned.