
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Manteno Public Works Committee met June 23

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Village of Manteno Public Works Committee met June 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Tim Boyce, Trustee


Todd Crockett, Trustee

Diane Dole, Trustee


Joel Gesky, Trustee


Samuel Martin, Trustee


Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other Attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin


Jim Hanley, Super of PW


Ryan Marion, Code Official

Sarah Marion, Marketing Cord

Sheila Martin, Treasurer via ZOOM


Al Swinford, Chief of Police via ZOOM


Geoff Aggen, Village Eng. via ZOOM


Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk

Meeting was opened by Trustee Boyce at 7:00 a.m.

There was a quorum.

MOTION: A motion by Trustee Gesky, second by Mayor Nugent to approve the minutes from May 26, 2020 meeting as presented. Voice vote – All ayes, No nays. Motion approved.

No public participation

No action items.

Discussion Items:

• Golf Cart Loan Request - Save Our Golf Course is requesting a loan of $55,000 for a term of two years from the village to purchase 10 golf carts. They recently had the theft of 10 golf carts from their facility. Those carts were being leased for a cost of $300 per month for one cart. There were no representatives from Save Our Golf Course present. Mr. LaRocque presented an email with some details about the situation.

Trustee Martin asked if the organization has paid the required insurance payments to the village. Mr. LaRocque stated that the village is still owed $19, 932.

Trustee Gesky stated that village in the past had given the organization the carts that we originally owned so they could trade them in for a lease agreement. Trustee Gesky stated loaning them money goes against our signed agreement with Save Our Golf Course Inc. Mayor Nugent asked about the insurance on the theft of the carts. Mayor Nugent stated that the theft of the golf carts should not become a liability for the village. Mayor Nugent asked if there was a payment plan for the loan. Mr. LaRocque did not have information on a payment plan. Mr. LaRocque invited members of the Save Our Golf Course committee to attend today’s meeting to answer any questions. The village has not received financial documents from the last two golf course meetings since the meetings were held on the same night as our village board meetings.

The village’s insurance covers the buildings and property. Save Our Golf Course insurance covers the liability and other certain items. The golf carts were not owned, they were leased.

There was no support from the trustees to loan the money to Save Our Golf Course due to outstanding debt still owed to the village; that there was no payment plan presented and that an insurance claim could be used.

• Kutty Property/Ruder Park – Mayor Nugent asked about the property that is located near Ruder Park. A Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant has become available. The property is in a flood plain area. The grant could be used for land acquisition. Mr. Aggen presented a fee of $5,000 for Robinson Engineering to prepare the application. The consensus was not to pursue the grant at this time.

• Path Engineering RFP – Mr. LaRocque stated that the RFP was sent to four local engineering firms. The deadline is July 24th. Mayor Nugent has received many nice comments on the use of the north path while quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic.

• South Main Street Police Garage or other locations – Mr. Hanley stated that this was talked about at the last Finance Committee meeting. A house next to our property on South Main is currently for sale. The asking price is $139,000. The first concept was to build a 5600 square foot building, but if the house would be purchased a larger building could be built. Mr. Hanley proposed two buildings that are 50’ x 140’ built in a “L” shape. Five bay doors on each building. This would allow some relief at the South Oak Street main building. The buildings would house the plow trucks, vac trailer, stages for events and other equipment that presently sits outside. It would mainly be used as storage. Mr. Hanley estimated the cost at $1.4 million. The area would also need to be rezoned to commercial. Mr. Hanley stated that the location is convenient as it sits in the middle of the village. This project would help with storage but would not solve all problems and the South Oak Street facility still needs some maintenance work completed too.

Trustee Martin asked about leasing or purchasing railroad property that is located to the east of this property. Mr. LaRocque will investigate the area.

• Square on Second –

o Lighting project - The piers are installed, and the lights will be installed soon. Conduit is run and then wires will be pulled.

o Hydroseeding – The seeding has been completed and watering is being continued. 

o Astro-turf install – Still waiting for shipment to come in

o Fountain opening – Mr. LaRocque stated that village has not received guidance from IDPH on the opening of water features for Phase IV of the Restore Illinois plan yet. It is hoped to have more information later this week. All playground equipment can be opened under the Phase IV but requires social distancing and disinfection. The jumping pillow will remain closed.

o Park Rangers – Chief Swinford stated that all past employees have been contacted. They have heard from three that are returning when needed.

o Catenary Lights – One strand is out, and two strands have already been sent to be repaired. 

o Fountain Lights – a couple of light heads are also being repaired.

(Village lost internet connection – all ZOOM participants were disconnected)

• First Street Improvement Project –

o The underground work has been completed

o Light piers are installed

o Hydrant has been moved

o Conduit has been run

o Curb and concrete work have been completed in front of the Pub; sections of concrete will be poured in front of Main Street Pharmacy today. Some extra concrete work was added to the west side of the Pub and north near LaCabana.

o Lights are in and will be installed soon

o Stamped concrete still needs to be completed.

o Completion date is at the end of July

• Equipment Update –

o The department is working with Taylor Ford for a dump truck purchase (F650)

o Still waiting on a John Deere tractor – the John Deere factories are behind due to COVID-19. It may be August before we receive the tractor. The village was given a rental tractor for our use. 

o A budgeted item is a new skid steer – both John Deere and Case dealers have been notified for a proposal.

o Looking at a piece of equipment to replace the broom that is used on sidewalks.

• Misc.:

o Report from Parks & Recreation Commission meeting – All commission members liked the idea of a senior park area (Bocce Ball, Shuffleboard, etc.) at Legacy Park. They would also like to see the concession stand/bathrooms built at Legacy Park.

Village has received calls from neighbors of a house on West Division complaining about traffic and noise due to having a “garage sale” every weekend. Mr. LaRocque stated that it has become more of a flea market as the person always has new inventory. Mr. Marion has spoken to the resident about running a business from her home.

Motion by Mayor Nugent, seconded by Trustee Boyce to adjourn meeting at 8:08 a.m. Voice vote: all ayes, no nays.
