Village of Bourbonnais Finance Committee met Oct. 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Meeting Opening
Meeting called to order at 4:00 PM by Trustee Bruce Greenlee electronically via Zoom per the Governor's directive.
Procedural: A. Roll Call
Members present: Mayor Paul Schore, Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini. Also in attendance, Treasurer Ron Riebe, Attorney Patrick Dunn, Administrator Mike Van Mill, Assistant Administrator Laurie Cyr, Finance Director Tara Latz, Chief Jim Phelps, Building Commissioner Paul Hafner, Engineer Dave Tyson, Marketing Manager Lindy Casey, and Administrative Assistant Margie Beach. Absent: Trustee Rick Fischer
2. Review and Approve Committee Minutes
Action, Minutes: A. Finance Committee Minutes from October 14, 2020
Motion by Trustee Jack Littrell, second by Trustee Jeff Keast to approve the Finance Committee Minutes from October 14, 2020, as submitted.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini
3. Bill Lists
Accounts Payable: A. General Fund
> Trustee Littrell questioned the side walk program - was there a certain amount set aside in the budget and have we stayed within that range? Ms. Latz explained yes we set funds aside in the Public Works Streets budget for sidewalks. We have exceeded that amount with the work done by R&R Construction, and are planning to take the amount from another line item. Ms. Cyr explained we repaired curbs along with additional sidewalks and funds are going to come from M&R Streets line item.
> Trustee Greenlee questioned the $340,000 charge from R&R from doing the work that M&J should have done properly? Engineer Tyson explained this is work R&R had to do to fix field tiles that M&J broke and to repair the force main that was put in by M&J. They did not tighten all the bolts underneath and were not sealed properly and when R&R did a pressure test, leaks were found. So this fee also includes fixing leaks that were in the existing lift station and for de-watering as well. This is additional work that was over and above R&R's original contract. It should have been M&J's responsibility, but they didn't do the work properly. Also, this fee includes charges for televising to find the problems that we had in the existing sewer that M&J put in. These costs will all be in the lawsuit, these are all eligible items and should be recouped by the Village from M&J, this is something Attorney Dunn will have to verify.
> Administrator Van Mill questioned Mr. Tyson when he previously stated it would cost around $225,000 to finish the project is this $340,000 part of that estimate? Mr. Tyson explained we thought it would be about $250,000, we are $100,000 over the estimate as of right now. There is still more work that needs to be repaired that was on the original punch list from M&J to fix that needs to be done. Any problems in the lift station right now we still feel it is M&J's responsibilities and not the Village's.
> Mayor Schore questioned when will this project be done? Mr. Tyson responded as far as the sewer goes, within a month, weather permitting. The lift station should be operating by then.
> Mayor Schore questioned when the restoration will be done? Mr. Tyson responded this year and in the spring of next year making sure the black dirt is put on and acceptable to the farmers.
> Trustee King requested a closed session to discuss the litigation of this project. Attorney Dunn explained we can have the meeting any time, but the project needs to be completed before we can file counter claims about the funds that are due to the Village once we come to an agreement.
> Trustee Littrell questioned the use of Board Docs and is it worth the $12,000 annual fee? Ms. Latz and Ms. Cyr explained yes it is an efficient way to have meetings. This bill is for 2021 and the cost has stayed the same for the past 3 years.
General fund bill list was reviewed and the Finance Committee agreed to proceed with payment of the bills at the next Regular Board meeting on Monday, November 2, 2020.
Accounts Payable: B. Special Fund
Special fund bill list was reviewed and the Finance Committee agreed to proceed with payment of the bills at the next Regular Board meeting on Monday, November 2, 2020.
4. Other
Information: A. Approval of Amendment to Sergeant’s Contract for VEBA Plan
> Ms. Latz explained the Sergeants requested in the spring to add to their contract the VEBA plan language. This is a funding mechanism to allow sick time to be transferred into the VEBA plan that can be used after retirement. They would be owed this sick time eventually, this way the Village is getting this expense off the books at an earlier time and at a lower rate. There is a limit of how many sick days they can put into this account each year, depending on what level of sick time they have. It is the same language that is in the patrol contract already. The Sergeants have signed off on the Memorandum of Agreement and it is up to the Trustees to move forward.
> Attorney Dunn explained their current contract does state there is supposed to be a VEBA, but the language needed to be more descriptive for the rules of participation in VEBA. It is mid-term contract, it is an amendment and have placed in the language that it is a temporary amendment to only the term of this contract. It will have to be renegotiated to get it into the next contract.
Finance Committee agrees to move forward with amending the Sergeants contract to include the VEBA plan, and to create legislation for approval at the next Regular Board meeting on Monday, November 2, 2020.
Information: B. September Operating Results
> Finance Director Latz gave a report on the September Operating results (attached on Board Docs) for fiscal 2021. General Fund for 5 months ending September 30, 2020:
Revenues: $4,661,277.87
Expenditures: $5,022,632.96
> As of September 30, 2020, the Village had an excess of Expenditures over Revenues of $361,355.09 on the accrual basis of accounting. Reminder, $717,305.98 was received in May and June for State tax revenues that pertain to last fiscal year, and do not appear on this report.
Information: C. Other
> Ms. Latz notified the Board that four entities are appealing the County's property tax assessment. If they win their appeal, in the future we could see less tax revenue from these sources.
> Trustee Keast stated Kroger seems to do this each year, have they ever won their appeal? Ms. Latz responded she will look into this and report on it at the next Finance meeting.
> Trustee Littrell questioned the last section of sewer pipe that goes into KRMA if it needs to be expanded will Aqua pay for it? Attorney Dunn responded they agreed to modifications in the contract that says if the pipe has to be upsized in the future, Aqua will pay it.
> Trustee Greenlee thanked the office workers for covering the building while we were short on staff due to COVID.
> Mayor Schore stated we are canceling the holiday party this year.
> Mayor Schore stated we are also canceling the Chocolate Tour.
5. Old Business - None
6. New Business - None
7. Public Comments
Discussion: A. Village Clerk or designee will read complying statements into record if any. - None
Discussion: B. The Village will unmute ZOOM participants so public comment can be made directly by the public. (Participants are required to take turns and be recognized by the President/Chairman prior to making statements). - None
8. Executive Session
Action, Procedural: A. Enter into a Closed Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, as allowed by 5 ILCSA 120/2(c)(1).
Motion by Trustee Jeff Keast, second by Trustee Randy King to enter into a Closed Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, as allowed by 5 ILCSA 120/2(c)(1) at 4:38 PM.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini.
Action, Procedural: B. Return to the Finance Meeting
Motion by Trustee Jeff Keast, second by Trustee Angie Serafini to return to the Finance meeting at 4:42 PM.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried
Aye: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell, and Trustee Angie Serafini.
9. Adjournment and Time
Action, Procedural: A. Adjournment and Time