Cissna Park Community Unit School District 6 Board met Nov. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Cissna Park Community Unit District #6 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Bud Petry, with the following Board members and administrators present: Mrs. Kristina Phelan; Mr. Michael Kaeb, Mr. Jason Edelman; Mr. Brent Neukomm; Mr. Mark Wilkening; and Mr. Bud Petry; Dr. Daniel S. Hylbert, superintendent; Mrs. Bethanie Marshall, Grades K-5 principal; and Mr. Mark Portwood, Grades 6-12 principal.
Mr. Neukomm made the motion, seconded by Mr. Kaeb to APPROVE THE AGENDA as presented. Discussion. Vote: Ayes, all. Motion carried.
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to approve the recommended action ON THE FOLLOWING Consent Agenda Items as presented: IV. Minutes; V.B. Payroll; IX.A. Adoption of School Report Cards; IX.B. Approval of FFA Overnight Trip—Approving if Conditions Change; and X.A. Adoption of Amended 2020-2021 School Calendar. Discussion. Vote: Mr. Edelman, aye; Mr. Neukomm, aye; Mr. Wilkening, aye; Mr. Petry, aye; Mr. Kaeb, aye; and Mrs. Phelan, aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AS PRESENTED. Discussion. Vote: Ayes, all. Motion carried.
Mrs. Phelan made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to approve the bills for the month of November as presented: Education Fund, $70,677.92; Operations and Maintenance Fund, $4,911.61; Transportation Fund, $5,825.59; and Tort Immunity, $1,420.23. Discussion. Vote: Mr. Neukomm, aye; Mr. Wilkening, aye; Mr. Petry, aye; Mrs. Phelan, aye; Mr. Kaeb, aye; and Mr. Edelman, aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to approve the payroll for the month of NOVEMBER in the amount of $148,111.36. Discussion. Vote: Mr. Neukomm, aye; Mr. Wilkening, aye; Mr. Petry, aye; Mrs. Phelan, aye; Mr. Kaeb, aye; and Mr. Edelman, aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Anthony Videka, high school math teacher, thanked the board and administration on helping him to achieve completing his master’s degree on Digital Equity.
The board received the following communication: FOIA Request from Local Labs—Guest Speaker Contracts—and response from Dr. Hylbert.
Finance Committee – Dr. Hylbert
Mr. Wilkening made the motion, seconded by Mr. Neukomm to ADOPT THE FOLLOWING TENTATIVE TAX LEVY RESOLUTION:
Tentative Tax Levy Resolution
WHEREAS, the Board of Education is authorized by 105 ILCS 5/17-2 to levy taxes for the purpose of providing education for the students of the district; and
WHEREAS, the Estimated 2017 Levy does not exceed 105% of the amount extended in 2018; and
WHEREAS, the provisions of 35 ILCS 200/18-60 through 85 of the “Truth-in-Taxation” law are inapplicable;
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the Board of Education of School District #6, County of Iroquois, State of Illinois, as follows:
SECTION 1: The Estimated Tax Levy, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is adopted as a Tentative Tax Levy.
Discussion. Vote: Mr. Wilkening, aye; Mr. Petry, aye; Mrs. Phelan, aye; Mr. Kaeb, aye; Mr. Edelman, aye; and Mr. Neukomm, aye. Motion carried.
Negotiations & Personnel
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Neukomm to APPROVE THE EMPLOYMENT OF SAMANTHA HASSELBRING AS K-5 SELF-CONTAINED TEACHER FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER OF THE 2020-2021 SCHOOL TERM PENDING RECEIPT OF HER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS LICENSE FROM THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Discussion. Vote: Mr. Wilkening, aye; Mr. Petry, aye; Mrs. Phelan, aye; Mr. Kaeb, aye; Mr. Edelman, aye; and Mr. Neukomm, aye. Motion carried.
Mrs. Bethanie Marshall, elementary principal, and Mr. Mark Portwood, junior/senior high principal addressed the board. Mrs. Marshall informed the board that all third grade students are now equipped with Chromebooks. Mrs. Marshall will be putting together another survey to be sent to parents on Remote Learning. Mr. Portwood reported that there are approximately 21 remote learners in the junior high and high school.
A discussion was held on IDPH guidance for winter sports, especially high school girls’ and boys’ basketball. Both sports are currently listed as high risk sports. Practice has begun for both teams. Coaches are following the guidelines so that students can continue to safely practice and feel some sense of normalcy with a disrupted sports season due to COVID-19. The IHSA will be meeting again 11/19/2020 and school districts will know a little more on the status of continuing play. The coaches were looking for guidance from the board and administration on continuing extra-curricular sports practices when the school possibly gets shut down or the state goes to a complete shutdown for COVID-19. After much discussion, the board left it up to the administration to make those calls on a case by case basis.
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to ADOPT THE ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR HIGH, SENIOR HIGH, AND DISTRICT REPORT CARDS AS PRESENTED. Discussion. Vote: Ayes, all. Motion carried.
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to APPROVE THE OVERNIGHT TRIP OF THE FFA TO “MADE FOR EXCELLENCE” CONFERENCE IN OAKBROOK, ILLINOIS IN FEBRUARY 2021. (IF CONDITIONS WITH COVID-19 CHANGES). Discussion. Vote: Ayes, all. Motion carried.
Mr. Edelman made the motion, seconded by Mr. Wilkening to ADOPT THE AMENDED SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR THE 2020-2021 SCHOOL TERM. Discussion. Vote: Ayes, all. Motion carried
Mr. Kaeb made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Phelan to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:33 P.M. Discussion. Vote: Ayes, all. Motion carried.