
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning Commission Met July 6

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Village of Manteno Planning Commission Met July 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

Roll Call

President Timothy Nugent

Trustee Timothy Boyce

Trustee Samuel Martin

Trustee Diane Dole

Trustee Wendell Phillips

Trustee Joel Gesky

Absent: Trustee Todd Crockett

Also Present:

Chris LaRocque: Village Administrator

Michael Cainkar: Village Attorney

Jim Hanley: Supt. Public Works

Ryan Marion: Building Official

The meeting was called to order by President Timothy O. Nugent. Roll call followed the Pledge of Allegiance, led by President Nugent.

Motion by Dole, seconded by Martin, to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes of June 21, 2021, as presented by the Clerk. Motion approved: 4-0 Boyce abstained, Crockett absent

Public Participation: None

Reports of Village Officials:

Village President’s Report: Timothy Nugent

• Recognition of the various Village departments and the Manteno Sportsman Club on the fireworks display on July 3rd. All involved did a great job. The Village received some emails complimenting the event.

• The Village received a card of thanks for our donation that was made to the Child Network Agency of Kankakee County who work with abused children in our county. Their funding had been cut so we made a donation as our Police department uses them a lot, as well as other nearby towns, cities in our county.

Village Administrator’s Report: Chris LaRocque

• Manteno Matters video for July shared with the Board

Committee Reports:

Public Works and Utilities- Trustee Boyce

• Resolution 21-04: A Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Carlisle Group in connection with providing Architectural and Engineering Services for the proposed Public Works Facility. As discussed at the last public works committee meeting, we are taking the next step in the process to build a new facility. Local architect Carlisle Group submitted a bid to provide the design and plans for a new facility. The staff will work with them to come up with the design of the new building.

• Resolution 21-05: A Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Hitchcock Design Group in connection with providing design concepts for improvements to Main Street in downtown Manteno. Due to the popularity of the outdoor dining initiated during the COVID pandemic, the Village is considering a more permanent revamping of Main Street. As a first step to see what might be viable, we are hiring Hitchcock Design Group, who previously helped to design our downtown area, to develop some concepts of what a renovation might entail.

• Resolution 21-06: A Resolution of the Village of Manteno approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Manteno and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, for the period of May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2025. Over the last several months, staff, Village attorney and union representatives met to negotiate a new four-year contract. This new contract benefits both our employees and the Village and will ensure that we will be able to continue the level of expectations our residents have become accustomed to. We appreciate the respectful process used by the union and look forward to a continued relationship for the next four years.

Next Public Works meeting on Tuesday July 27, 2021 at 7:00 am Village Board Room Parks and Recreation- Trustee Martin

• Pickle ball update for Thies Park – We are waiting for to do the coating on the layout of the courts.

• Work is being done on the new paths going in around town. We are looking for an October target date for completion

• Working on extending the Legacy Park parking lot to the north for more parking down by the ball field.

• Next Parks and Recreation meeting Wednesday July 21, 2021 7:00 pm Village Board Room,

Public Safety and Health- Trustee Dole

• Resolution 21-07: A Resolution of the Village of Manteno approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Manteno and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council for the period of Many 1, 2021 through April 30, 2025. This contract was also negotiated over the last several months with the Fraternal Order of Police to continue our relationship for another four years. We appreciate the union's willingness to work with the Village to approve this contract which benefits both parties.

• The cooling center at Leo Hassett Center will be open during extreme hot weather and when there is a power outage. If we have residents who have no ride and need to get to the cooling center, our police can give them a ride.

• We currently have 90 residents signed up with our police department/Village and have installed video cameras on their homes. We were able to successfully make an arrest in a case last week because of neighborhood cameras providing our police department with important information.

Next Public Safety & Health meeting Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 7:00 am at the Village Hall Conference Room

Planning and Zoning- Trustee Crockett - Absent

Nothing on the agenda tonight

The next Planning and Zoning Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 27, 2021 at 7:00 am at the Village Hall Conference Room.

The next Planning Commission meeting is cancelled for Tuesday July 7, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Village Board Room.

Finance: Trustee Gesky

• Payment of bills $99,146.15 includes TIF#1- $0 & TIF #3 $0

• Bills authorized and Paid between Board Cycle: $42,803.82

The next Finance meeting will be held Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 7:00 am at the Village Hall Conference Room.

General Government- Trustee Phillips

Nothing on the agenda tonight

Mayor Nugent read the items to be included on the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda is as follows:

Old Business: (A)


New Business: (B)

1. Resolution 21-04: A Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Carlisle Group in connection with providing Architectural and Engineering Services for the proposed Public Works Facility

2. Resolution 21-05: A Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Hitchcock Design Group in connection with providing design concepts for improvements to Main Street in downtown Manteno

3. Resolution 21-06: A Resolution of the Village of Manteno approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Manteno and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, for the period of May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2025

4. Resolution 21-07: A Resolution of the Village of Manteno approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Manteno and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council for the period of Many 1, 2021 through April 30, 2025 

Awarding of Bids/Contracts and Authorization to Purchase (C)


Financial Reports: (D)

1. Payment of bills $99,146.15 (includes TIF#1- $0)

Motion by Dole seconded by Phillips to approve a single roll call vote on the question of passage of agenda items as designated for voting purposes on the consent agenda Motion Approved 5-0 Crockett absent

Motion by Gesky seconded by Martin to approve by an omnibus vote those ordinances, resolutions, motions and orders contained on the consent agenda

Motion Approved 5-0 Crockett absent


Trustee Boyce: No comment

Trustee Martin: The 4th of July celebration was spectacular! Thanks to all involved. 

Trustee Dole: I agree, Manteno out did itself this year!

Trustee Gesky: No comment

Trustee Phillips: No comment

Motion by Boyce to adjourn at 7:26 pm. Seconded by Martin.

Motion approved 5-0 Crockett absent
