
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Manteno Planning Commission Met June 22

Webp hall

Village of Manteno Planning Commission Met June 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Committee Members:

Timothy Nugent, Mayor


Tim Boyce, Trustee


Todd Crockett, Trustee


Diane Dole, Trustee


Joel Gesky, Trustee


Samuel Martin, Trustee


Wendell Phillips, Trustee


Other Attendees:

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin


Jim Hanley, Super of PW


Ryan Marion, Code Official


Sarah Marion, Marketing Cord


Sheila Martin, Treasurer


Al Swinford, Chief of Police


Geoff Aggen, Village Eng.


Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk


Meeting was opened by Trustee Boyce at 7:00 a.m.

There was a quorum.

MOTION: A motion by Trustee Dole, seconded by Trustee Martin, to approve the minutes from May 25, 2021 meeting as presented. Voice vote – All ayes, No nays. Motion approved.

No public participation.

No action items.

Discussion Items:

• Main Street Sidewalk & Parking Reconfiguration – Mr. Hanley, Mr. LaRocque and the Mayor had met with Hitchcock Design Group about the idea to expand the sidewalk and reconfiguration of the parking area along Main Street. Hitchcock presented a Preliminary Design Proposal. The cost would be $15,900. This will allow to have some concept designs that could be reviewed and presented to the businesses and public to see if the project should move forward or not. The design proposal will be presented at the next Board meeting for approval.

• No Overnight Parking Request – Mr. LaRocque received a request by a local business on Second Street to have no overnight parking signs erected on Second Street. There are tenants who live in the apartments above the business and some of the tenants’ park right in front of the business. It was stated that Main Street parking is available to anyone, not just certain spots for businesses. With no major issues other than convenience for a business; there was no interest by the Committee to have the signs installed.

• Heritage Park Path Lighting Path - Mayor Nugent would like to see the current lights along the path be brighter. It was discussed about adding string lights between the poles, but it may not be feasible and could be cost prohibitive. Trustee Martin suggested solar light path lights. Mr. Hanley stated the more expensive ones work better than the less expensive ones.

• Public Works New Building and Site Plan – Mr. Hanley presented a proposal by Carlile Group for professional architectural and engineering services. The proposal will be presented for approval at the next village Board meeting. Mr. LaRocque stated that this portion of the project is part of the FY 21-22 budget.

• Alley Improvement and Parking Lot Project Update – The resurfacing project has been completed. Mr. Hanley added a couple of areas to the scope of the project. There are a few spots in the Village Hall parking lot that Mr. Hanley will have the contractor come and inspect.

• Legacy Park Concession Stand & Parking Lot Update – The contract and payment to Clarey Designs has been sent. They will prepare the specs and that will allow the project to go out for bid. The façade will not be part of the specs, this would be a different project.

The pre-construction meeting for the parking lot improvements is scheduled for today. The contract books have been received from the contractor for village execution. The NPDES permit for dirt work will be ready approximately July 2nd. Mr. Aggen hopes that work can begin after the July 4th holiday.

• West Division Lights & Flower Baskets Project Update – The lights, poles and flower baskets are installed. A bottom wire has been added to stabilize the flower baskets.

• Section Line Light Project Update – Mr. Hanley stated the poles hoped to be delivered early next week. JULIE’s have been called in by the contractor. Mr. Aggen stated that a pre-construction meeting was held on June 2nd. Foundations have been staked. The contractor is hoping to start next week with a completion date of the 2nd or 3rd week of July.

• MFT Update – Mr. Aggen stated that part of this project impacted by the Section Line Road lighting project and the Aqua water main project. The initial completion dates were July 1st, but Aqua has had some problems with their IEPA permit, which pushed their completion date to August 1st. A pre-construction meeting with the contractor will be held today. The contractor, Gallagher Asphalt, has informed Mr. Aggen that their intent is to complete all concrete work for all four areas and then do the resurfacing of the two South Creek locations. Once the Aqua water main project is complete they will complete the Section Line Road and Birch Court area.

Mr. Hanley stated that County Highway 9 from Walnut Street east to Rt. 50 will be resurfaced. The County will be closing this section of road and have asked that traffic be detoured onto Section Line Road over to Third Street. The detour will last a week. They also will be working on an area of County Highway 9 from Rt. 45 west in front of Dura Tech. They will be replacing a culvert at Prairie View Drive. Part of the cost will be the villages.

• Parks Planning & Update - Mr. Hanley stated that signage will be placed on the off ramps at I-57 announcing Partners for Pollinators. The partnership is with IDOT, Pheasants Forever and the Village. There were bees and butterflies present at the Rock Creek area, the organizations were pleased of the progress.

The Heritage Park walking paths have been seal coated. The parking lot will be completed when the baseball program is complete.

The fence posts will be installed tomorrow for the Thies Park pickleball courts. The nets and coating will start soon after. Mr. LaRocque stated that there are a number of people who are anxiously awaiting the opening of the courts.

The pavilion and tables have been painted at Eddie Reed Park.

The department is trying to keep up with the mowing and weeding throughout all the parks.

• South Path Project – Mr. Aggen stated that part of the project involved adding rip-wrap in the swale area of Heritage Park. KVCC has mostly completed this and is working on excavating the area around Jacobs Park east to the power lines then work from the east end Heritage Park west to the power lines. The north/south run under the power lines will be done as one section. After that they will move to the Wrights Park area. The completion date is 10/1/21. Easements have been approved and recorded.

• Equipment Update – The new trailer has been received. The pick-ups have been ordered. Mr. Hanley stated that the boom mower person, who the village hires, is retiring. He is wanting to sell the mowers. The mower is being fixed at this time, but the village might be interested in purchasing the mower. The Township might also be interested in purchasing the mower. Mr. Hanley will talk to Township about a possible partnership.

• Rudbeck Building – There were no updates, prints of proposed improvements have not been presented.

Motion by Mayor Nugent, seconded by Trustee Boyce to adjourn meeting at 7:52 a.m. Voice vote: all ayes, no nays.
