
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Grant Park Community Unit School District 6 Board met July 18

Grant Park Community Unit School District 6 Board met July 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Grant Park Community Unit School District No. 6 Board of Education, Kankakee County, State of Illinois, was held in the Middle School Library.

The meeting was called to order by President Markland at 6:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was recited.

Members present: Vicki Gawlinski

Jerry Loitz

Tim Markland

Dave Marshalek

Shari Ohm

Hollie O’Nions

Members absent: Christine Horn

Also present: Dr. John Palan, Superintendent

Ms. Tracy Planeta, ES Principal

Dr. Matt Maxwell, MS/HS Principal

Mrs. Sue Anderson, Recording Secretary

Audience of 3


Motion was made by J. Loitz, seconded by S. Ohm, to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1. Minutes of the regular board meeting of June, 2022.

2. Financial Reports for June, 2022.

3. Direction to pay the July vendor bills in the amount of $225,318.56.

4. Approval of the June payroll in the amount of $345,326.80.

5. To approve the intent for retirement letter of Kristine Hilsenhoff effective at the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year.

6. To approve Kole Stadt as MS Science instructor ($43,934), Melissa Spanier as MS Cashier (($13.00 per hour), Jennifer Thiesen as MS Assistant Softball Coach ($1,164), Lee Ellen Palan as HS Volleyball Coach ($3,864) and Becky Marshalek as ES Administrative Assistant ($15.70 per hour).

7. To accept the resignation of Max Malinowski, MS/HS Cook, effective August 2022.

8. To approve the Consolidated District Plan, as required by ISBE, for the 2022-23 school year.

9. To approve the Parent-Student Handbook(s) for the 2022-23 school year.

10. To approve the 2022-23 Kankakee Cooperative Budget as presented.

Roll Call: J. Loitz – yes; S. Ohm - yes; V. Gawlinski – yes; D. Marshalek - abstain; H. O’Nions - yes; and T. Markland – yes. Motion carried unanimously.


None noted


Administrators reports are attached. Dr. Maxwell added the AP reports came in for English and 12 out of 12 students passed the exam to receive college credit.

Superintendent: Dr. Palan’s report included:

1. The required 10 Year Life-Safety review will take place at the beginning of August. The architects and engineers survey the facilities and make recommendations for improvements.

2. The annual district facility walk through will need to be scheduled with the board members.

3. An uptick in enrollment, especially in kindergarten, may provide staffing challenges at this late date. Ms. Planeta is also keeping an eye on the 4th grade numbers. Ms. Brunzie, 2nd grade teacher, tendered her resignation today and strategies to fill her position are being considered.


President: No report

Building and Grounds: The sealing of the parking lots is almost complete; the MS office carpeting is scheduled for installation next week; and the ES abatement project is progressing faster than expected.

Technology: No report

Kankakee Area Special Education Co-op: No report

Kankakee Area Career Center: No report

IASB-Three Rivers Division: No report

Chamber of Commerce: The grand opening of the park gazebo will take place on August 5th with a band and food truck; Oktoberfest is set for September 17th and 18th. Student Representatives: Not in attendance

Board Communications: An article regarding a state tuition assistance program was enclosed for the board to review.


There were no comments or questions from the audience.


Motion was made by H. O’Nions, seconded by V. Gawlinski, at 6:11 p.m. to go into Executive Session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057. Roll Call: H. O’Nions - yes; V. Gawlinski - yes; J. Loitz - yes; D. Marshalek – yes; S. Ohm – yes; and T. Markland - yes. Motion carried unanimously.


President Markland declared the closed session was over at 6:29 p.m. and the meeting would continue in Open Session.


Motion was made by D. Marshalek, seconded by J. Loitz, at 6:30 p.m. to approve the Executive Session minutes as read. Roll Call: D. Marshalek - yes; J. Loitz - yes; V. Gawlinski – yes; S. Ohm – yes; H. O’Nions – yes; and T. Markland – yes. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by J. Loitz, seconded by D. Marshalek, at 6:30 p.m. to adjourn. Voice vote, all yes. Motion carried unanimously.
